Monday, September 10, 2007

Another Good Day

Today was a great day in a couple of ways! Stephanie and Michael started their new jobs! Both had great days and have already started making friends! This morning, however, it was pouring rain! So, it was a long drive to work for both even though Mike's job is only 5 miles away and Steph's is 18 miles away typically with no traffic. This morning the streets were flooded!

Here is Steph so proud in her work clothes and then so happy to be relaxed in her PJs!!! :)

With the exception of Stephanie doing the splits in the lobby of her new office building due to wet shoes and floors, things went pretty well! She made 148 phone calls!!!

And, Mike loves his job at Dick's Sporting Goods, but after one day, he is beggin for some New Balance Tennis shoes!!!! He used to call them old people shoes, and now he is begging for some relief for his feeties!
Zack and Sophia had a great day although Zack seems to be very bored with school. I know this isn't because he knows it all. I think he just thinks he's missing out on fun at home. So, from now on when he asks what we did while he was gone, I'll give him my list of chores. Maybe that'll do it!!!
Funny story for today (other than Steph's splits):
First of all, today I felt like the mother of six. I had to get Zack, Josh and Kenny off to school and care for Sophia. Then the Mike forgot his wallet and needed it to be brought to his job. And, then I got a text from Steph. "I forgot food and have no money." "Please come." So, I was a regular old soccer mom today.
So as Sophia and I finished getting ready to go and take care of Mike and Steph, I grabbed the umbrellas. Sophia began jumping up and down.
Sophia: "I want one." "I want one." "I want one."
Mama: "Simmer down"! "I'm gonna let you hold one."
Sophia: "Yay"!!!
Mama: "You are one crazy girl"!
Sophia as she grabbed the umbrella: "I can fly." "I can fly." "I can fly."
Mama: "What"?
Sophia: "It's okay mommy." "When I go up, you call me, and I listen to you." "I come back down."
Mama: "What"?
Sophia: "I can fly." "Can I open it"?
Mama: "When we get outside."
Sophia: "I can fly outside." "It's okay mama." "You too big, but when you're little, you can fly too."
A light bulb comes on: "Like Mary Poppins"??????
Sophia: "Da, Mama"!!!!! "Let's go"!
My darling daughter seriously thought she could fly just like Mary Poppins!!! And, she was very good about telling me she'd obey even when she was high up in the sky. Oh my, these are the conversations I want to hold on to for life!!!
She was mildly disppointed when each time she jumped, the wind did not catch her. We were never outside long enough for her to give up though. I love her so much!!!


Gina Marie said...

I THINK I am number one but my jacked internet is slow so we shall see!

Stepha and Mike look so cute! and I didn't know Stepha could do splits! LOL

Sophia, oh I miss her

anita said...

haha you are number one

look at steph the working woman

sophia is too cute thinking she can fly

Elizabeth B said...

That is the sweetest story! I miss Sophia!

I understand how Zack feels - I always thought home was way better than school.

Congrats to Stepha and Mike - maybe Stepha needs some good New Balance shoes, too, with nice rubber bottoms. Be careful!

Good job, D! Mom of the day award to you. :-)

Well, I guess I'm third.

allie said...

aww stepha working!
and i love how sophia thought she could fly like mary poppins!

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest story every!! Well besides Allie's story about her tunnel. You should ask her sometime.