Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween, Fall, or Whatever You Prefer to Call It!!!

Here we have Captain Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swan (Orlando Bloom's woman in Pirates), and Obi WanKanobi (sp?). Rona eat your heart out!!!

The kids enjoyed acting out some scenes. Pirates met Star Wars, and they decided that Pirates should win because The Force was not with Obi tonight.

Gotta love the facial hair!!!!

No ship needed for Captain Jack to swing!

He also LOVES to slide!
Gina, this eyeball is for you!!!! Love, Josh Here is one of the few pics of Kenny! He thinks he's too old for pics, but I catch him now and again!

Zack got a ton of compliments tonight. Lots of people were saying he looked just like Johnny Depp. Oh my, lock him up! Sophia talked, talked, talked and never slowed down! She would say, "Twick er Treat" and "Sank you" right after which she say, "Look mom." "Look what I got."
I am not exaggerating. She did this at every door! So sweet....

And, here is Sophia's stash of candy! Oh my goodness this girl got a ton of candy! She was so excited as she's never experienced something like this. She said, "Mom, can we go to the movies"? LOL She really does think candy is only for when you go to the movies!

And, later we had a visit from our scary cousins! They brought us goody bags that included teeth!!!! This is Kaylie our cousin from McKinney, TX. We LOVE playing with her!

Watch out Sophia! Let me tell you she was not always smiles. Poor little thing was so scared when she first saw her cousins, Terrie and Ruby!

Here is the entire group except Kenny and me. Ken hit the hay early, and well you know, I am the photographer! Steph claims she dressed as Pamela Lee! LOL

And, a group shot of the cousins! And, here are Terrie, Drew, and Ruby. I love Drew's costume - The Geek Squad. Look at his socks! LOL

Sophia decides to be the scary one!

This was Zack and Sophia's first Halloween! Quotes:
Sophia: "This is cool"!!!!! "My bucket is heavy."
Josh: "Is my bucket full"? "I don't want to walk anymore"!
Ken: "Who am I"? "My face is sweaty." "Feel it"!
Zack: "I love Halloween, Mom." "It is tasty"!
Steph: Blood curdling scream as Mike sneaks up on her!!!!
Mike: "Your bucket's too heavy"? "Let me carry that for you"! "Ba Ha Ha"!!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Littles

These are the three I refer to as "The Littles". Here is Sophia is her Elizabeth Swan costume. For those of you who don't know, she is Captain Jack Sparrow's object of affection in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean. She LOVES this costume so she'll be wearing it tomorrow night for some trick or treating.

Oh my, I am one of those evil moms who lets my kids trick or treat in the neighborhood! One of my readers may find some way to use the word mutilate to describe that "behavior"!!!! LOL So far circumcision and tattoos are considered mutilation in her book. Funny stuff! I haven't looked up the word mutilate, but I don't think it fits for either!!!! Perhaps eating candy might be considered to be some type of mutilation???? Or, could it be that my kids will follow Satan if they knock on the neighbors doors???? Hmmmm... I think lots of us who are strong Christians grew up trick or treating. Right?

The candy gathering is fun, and then the candy vanishing is even more fun. You see after a day or two of eating a couple of pieces, I put the rest in a secret drawer. This becomes the "candy drawer" that only the grown ups know about. Then when we go to the movies, we grab a bunch for the kids. Or when they deserve a reward we grab some! My kids think candy is specifically for the movies!

Here is a pic of Josh and Zack! They are buds! This afternoon they watched Spiderman 3 together and enjoyed every minute of it. They are both HUGE Spiderman fans, and I am cool with that! I'm glad that Zack is past his Diego stage! I still get 24/7 of Dora though!!!!

We had a super fun weekend with Aunty Gina!!!!! We went bowling, to the park and much much more!!!! The kids adore her!!!! Sophia was very upset to see her go. We dropped her off at the airport and ran a few errands. When we were on our way home, Sophia yelled out, "Mom, what about Auntie Gina"? "We need to pick her up." She was so sad that she went back to CA.

Josh, Ken, and Zack had fun with Gina too. They played tag at the park. Showed off on their bikes. They played football too! It was great fun! Auntie Gina will return with Auntie Rona on November 9th. YIPPEE!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Little Bit of Afternoon Fun

This afternoon we decided to go out front and run a little bit of energy out! These pics capture the fun!

First, the kids wanted to act scary! Then they wanted to pretend they were dying and coming back to life!

Sophia is very good at following the lead!

Down for the count...1, 2, oh, no, they're alive! Scary stuff people!!! They had a ball, and I certainly got into the fun with them by playing the scared mother role!

And, just in case they didn't look dead enough the first time, Josh and Sophia wanted to show me again. They were still for quite a while!

Nothing like a little bit of afternoon tag! We have a HUGE yard! This is our side yard which give us lots of space to play. This is awesome since in CA the neighbor wouldn't even let us stand on his lawn to catch a football! (Look how long Sophia's hair is!)

Anything Zack can find to hang on, he will!
Tonight we had family devotions which was such a breath of fresh air. I haven't been as great about having them nightly as I was in CA. While cleaning out some unpacked boxes last night, I found the new childrens Bible I had bought. Tonight we read about the days of creation and also the creation of Eve. To that Sophia said, "Smoochy, Smoochy." We had a little bit of drama tied in because we turned out all of the lights to represent the beginning of time. And, you can imagine the rest! The teacher in me had them rehearse the seven days a few times, and they loved it.
Zack's question was HOW is God SOOOOO powerful to do all that? Any brilliant answers out there! I said, He just is. He is the most powerful one of all. And, then Ken said, and it is cool cause God love us! All fours kids just love reading Bible stories together. I always have to close the book much too soon for them.
God is good! I am so grateful that he gives us moments. I think it is in the tiny moments of time that He allows us to get tiny glimpses of Him and His great love for us. For it is in these tiny moments, that we are still and spellbound all at once in a matter of seconds. And, then a minute later, someone is tugging on your sleeve.
Tomorrow is a HAPPY day - Auntie Gina is coming to visit! We are all very excited. We're ready to tire her out!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Family is a funny thing. As the holiday season approaches, I have had many thoughts about what our first Thanksgiving and Christmas will be like here in Texas. I have had many emotions. I am EXCITED beyond belief that I get to share in Zack and Sophia's FIRST Christmas ever! But, I have been sad that I might not get to share it will all of my family. And, I don't just mean my blood relatives. I am talking even about those who I have chosen to have as part of my family. I think God models that for us in the Bible. Afterall, He is my Father!

I know Gina Marie will be here with us FOR SURE praise Jesus! But, Wanda and Don, Allie, Heather, Rona, Amy, Jessica, Liz and the many others we know and love won't get to be here with us, and we won't get to be there with them. (tear)

There is a chance, however, that my mom, Victoria (sis), Anthony (BIL), and Torie (3 month old niece) will be here in time for the holidays! Mom's house has been on the market for a few months now, and she is starting to get some action. She has a couple pre approved buyers coming through for second looks this week. Please pray that the Lord's will be done. Mom is a big part of the reason we moved out here. We want her to have a nice home in which to retire without the stress of a high CA payment. She deserves to enjoy her life after raising all eight of us, and now putting some finishing touches on her "adopted" daughter, Gina! LOL

Mom wants nothing more than to spend time with her grandkids and to serve at a local church where she can use the talents God has given her. I'm hoping this will happen soon! Sophia is more than ready to hang with her Babushka during the day. Babushka taught kindergarten for 20 years and would surely enjoy teaching Sophia to read.

Texas weather right now is amazingly great! It has been in the low 70s crisp and clear with the sun lighting everything up so bright. At night, it gets down to around 50 so it's chilly out for us transplanted Californians.

The pic above is the family at Hume Lake Christian Camp where we spend our annual family vacation. This year, we may need to find something new, but hopefully it will include all of the family!!! Yep, sing it with me, "We are family...."

So how about you send me a card????? I love to get mail. Hint, Hint. Amy, Rona, and Wanda sent me a card a few weeks ago. Feel guilty????? LOL If you would like to receive a picture and a Fall card from Zack and Sophia, please email me ( your address.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Autumn Rainy Day; A Grand Ball; and The Pumpkin Patch

Sophia had 5 minutes of play in the rain today, but it was too cold! She quickly wanted to come back inside! Thanks Auntie Wanda, Uncle Don, Heather and Allie for the umbrella!

Zack had a grand ball at school, and I was so fortunate to be able to attend. Sophia had a blast, and Zack actually took good care of her! It was really his first school dance! I'm not sure what I thought about that part of it though. The Baptist in me comes out now and again. Thank the good Lord, I learned about His grace later in life!

The kids had some pumpkin patch fun at the local Methodist church, and unlike everything in CA, it was free! Even the bounce house was free. The kids had a royal BLAST. I can't get over how great these three play together.
This morning's funny conversation on the way to school:
Josh: "Zack you are crazy."
Zack: "Oh, yes, well you are a funny bunny."
Josh: "Where did you learn that"????
Zack: "I have no idea"! (we all laugh at his new phrases)
Josh: "When I get married and have a kid, his name will be Zack."
Zack: "Cool." "Mine will be Zack too." (giggle)
Josh: "You need to have two Josh's."
Zack: "I am having one Josh and Peter Parker." (smirk)
Josh: "Well, we are cousins so our kids will be good friends." "There will be another Zack and another Josh like David and Jonathan in the Bible."
Me: "Woe, you two are good buddies"!
Josh: "Cousins, Deana" "Cousins"
Me: "Well, I'm glad you two are cousins and friends." "Buddies are cool."

Today it was what I call and Amy day. It was very cold and rainy! We were freezing, but it wasn't actually freezing. It was in the high 40s on this corner of the world.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

A Yellow Star and So Easy to Forget

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Today was a yellow star day at our house. You see the chart goes something like this:

Pink Star - Excellent Day!
Green Star - Good Day
Yellow Star - A Day in Need of Improvement
Black Star - A Very Bad Day

This is the Kindergarten chart not our house chart. Fortunately, we don't have a chart such as this at home! When I picked up Zack and Josh, Zack immediately said, "Mom, I got a yellow star." His eyes watered up.

Me: "What happened"?
Zack: "I was swinging my lunch box, and I breaked the wall."
Me: "You did"? (as I looked at him in the rear view mirror)
Zack: "Yes."
Zack: "Ms Brown said, 'I love you Zack.'"
Zack: "I cried, and tell Ms Brown I love you."
Me: "It's okay to cry Zack."
Me: "I'll check your folder at home, and we'll talk about it, okay"?
Zack: "Okay, mom"
Zack: "Can we watch a movie in the car"?

Meanwhile, I am thinking "How the heck does a kid break a wall with his lunchpail"?????? Well, when I got home I figured out from Ms Brown's note that he swung his lunch box and ripped the paper on the bulletin board on the wall. Of course, my next thought was that is was an accident so what is the big flipping deal? However, I talked with Zack as a responsible parent should.

I asked him how he is supposed to carry his lunch box. He said behind his back or at his side. So I told him that it wouldn't have happened if he obeyed. I also told him it was okay and that the bulletin board can be fixed. I told him that Ms Brown is helping him to learn to follow the rules.

I am a firm believer in teaching kids to RESPECT adults. I do not want my kids having authority issues when they are grown, nor do I want them acting as though they are equal with adults. For this reason, I keep my opinions to myself often. It just would not be good for Zack to hear what I will tell you next:

Zack's teacher is a nice lady, but she is not my mom. Let me explain. My mom is the most engaging loving teacher that has ever walked the face of this earth - okay maybe in all of Long Beach, CA. She LOVES the kids with all of her heart, and she can read their emotions very well. Kids ADORE her and even keep in touch with her though adulthood in many cases. Well, Zack's teacher is not a bad teacher nor would I say she is "out to lunch," but I will say that she does not understand Zack nor does she have any experience working with ESL or kids who have come from an orphanage.

The situation with Zack today was crushing for him. It was not like it would have been for an average American born little boy. His action was innocent and the consequence was harsh for him. It would have been better if she had him help her fix it. You may think I am giving Zack too much credit but listen to the rest of his afternoon conversation with me which took place much later than our first conversation:

Zack: "Mom, I am too little to fix the wall."
Zack: "When I am big, I will fix it." (He began to cry again.)
Mom: "Zack, it is okay to cry, but you don't need to fix it."
Mom: "Ms Brown will fix it."
Zack: "I am sorry mom."
Zack: "I will fix it when I am big." (Still with tears.)
Mom: "Oh, Zack, we can make our own wall at home to practice."
Mom: "Oh, honey, it's okay to be sad."
Zack: "I don't want to cry." (He puts his hands over his eyes.)
Zack: "I am not crying."
Mom: "Oh you are silly."
Mom: You are crying, and it is okay."
Mom: "Mom cries too."
Zack: "YOU DO"?????
Mom: "Yep, when I am sad or hurt."
Zack: "Seriously"? (This is his new word!)

With this he wiped his eyes and went back to the movie in the car. My heart was so sad for him. He sincerely wants to fix what he "ruined".

About 20 minutes later:

Zack: "Mom, when I get big I am going to make you a big house."
Mom: "Really"?
Zack: "Yes, I will build it with my hands."
Zack: "I will make you a princess room; Josh a Star Wars room; Mike a Wolverine room; Sophia a Dora room; Kenny a Hulk room; Stepha a strawberry room; and me a Spiderman room."
Zack: "I will do it when I am big." "I take care of you."
Mom: "You will be a good builder so strong and kind."
Zack: "When I am big, I will do it."
Zack: "I love you, mom."
Mom: "I love you all the way to the moon."

With that he went back to his movie. I wish you could have seen his face! He said all of this with such sincerity. What an incredible little person he is.

This email is likely to beg questions from some of you so ask away. Zack's teacher does know he is adopted from Russia and here six months. I have met with her in person regarding his academic progress and spoke to her briefly about his arrival home. I knew when she acted surprised at my statement that he had a very tough first few years, that she does not fully understand how Russian orphanages are or where he has come from. He is just so darn cute and looks like any other American kid. And, he even speaks 100% English. (Of course, I am doing what I can at home to keep the Russian alive.)

I am not one of those moms who thinks my kids can do no wrong, but it is obvious to me from what I have shared with you that in this case, Zack needed to be corrected in a more productive manner.

He did ask me, "Mom you're not mean"? I didn't understand at first, but soon realized that he meant, "Mom, you're not mad"? I said, "No, Zack because everyone makes mistakes, but you do need to hold your lunch pail by your side tomorrow, okay"? He said, "Yes, mom."

I have shared a little piece of some of the differences in parenting kids who have been institutionalized for long periods of time. I think most kids would come home and say, "It was an accident, and she got mad, but I didn't mean it." It is not that Zack is an over sensitive kid. He is not. His makeup is easy going yet tough, but definitely not oversensitive by nature.

It is so easy to forget who this little guy was six months ago. So, I must realize that when people look at him now not knowing him on that cold December day when I first met him, they are not going to understand what is happening inside of his little heart and mind.

I thank God for sending both Zack and Sophia to me. I praise him for the endless supply of wisdom He promises to His children who are faithful to ask for it. And, I praise him for giving each and every one of us a hope that passes all understanding.