Sunday, August 31, 2008

Random Thoughts

In just two days school starts for the kiddos! I am going to miss them, but I am excited to see how much they will learn this year. Both are so eager to get back to school. I am certainly happy that they like school because that makes my life a little easier.

Yesterday was a slow day. We had dinner at Marie Calendars and then went to the park where we stayed until after dark. The weather was just so nice out. I found myself lounging on Sophia's Dora blanket pondering life.

I am so blessed. Really for all of the pain that this year has held, I have become a better person for it. I struggled for a time with bitterness and with the idea that some offenses cannot be forgiven, but with a lot of good reading and a good therapist by my side, I have embraced joy once more and am able to move on with no malice or bitterness in my heart. That, to me, is amazing because there was a time when I was under a very black cloud that seemed neverending.

I have had good friends by my side who have supported me each step of the way, and I've learned that friends are friends - period. I don't have a single friend who holds anything over my head as a friendship ender. This has freed me to be honest and open about so much in my life. It has allowed me to struggle through with feedback based on honesty. It has been a cool revelation. So, to those friends, thanks a bunch.

I'm sitting here typing listening to some preacher on the television. He's speaking from the book of Revelation. The point he is trying to make is that God hates cowards. So he went to the old testament to convince his congregation that God loved David because he was brave. OMG - where does this crud come from????? I will NEVER have my kids under this kind of crap. I turned it off. God loves His children because He loves them NOT because of how they perform. I mean why do you love your kids? Do you love the brave one more than the one who cowars at anything "scary" or new? This whole fear tactic kind of preaching is what I grew up under, and I'm done with it. I pray my kids will know God in a meaningful and personal way. I'm not aiming to raise bigots or fearmongers. I'm raising kids who will know how to love people just like Jesus did.

This mom has enjoyed her summer with her kids surrounded by forever friends! So cheers to the friends - one in Mexico as I type - hey, Michelle! And, one in Lake Havasu sunning - hey, Jen! A few in Coeur d' Alene - kids say hey!!! And, the others likely at church today, shout out to you all as well.

And to the readers out there who look at the same moon, let me know who you are! I see readers in Africa, Australia, Alaska, India and all over Europe and the United States. Drop me a line, I'm curious to know who you are!!!! As a side note, Africa is one of my dream destinations!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Sea World Get Away

Before we left for Sea World, we went down to Seal Beach for some morning Boogie Boarding! We have become beach bums which is so much fun. The kids absolutely love the beach, and at Seal Beach, the waves are just right for them. They can go out pretty far.

I love California! This picture was taken on Front Street in San Diego. This is just a great place to live! There is so much to do during the summer, and equally as much in the winter. The kids are already looking forward to going up to Wrightwood this winter to take ski lessons.

We had dinner at Hard Rock Cafe before hitting the pool and jacuzzi at the hotel. The kids love rock and roll!

They also love to eat!!!! The beer, however, did not belong to them!

Here Sophia excitedly waits for Shamu! She has no idea at this point what "soak zone" means!

Pre our first Soak Zone experience!

Zack is an excellent rock climber! I wish they had rock climbing teams at universities! I am sure he'd get a scholarship. This kid climbed the medium and hard sections of this rock wall and made it look easy.

The kids were amazed at all of the animals we saw. They had never seen or heard of many of them!

Of course, they were fascinated with the sharks!

Just a random pic I took - reminded me of June!

Zack checking out the starfish.

Sophia took this pic unbeknownst to me! I asked her to hold the camera!
Zack was the map man. He wanted to make sure we saw everything!

We did most everything but saved some things for next time. It was $4 more for a pass that lasts through December 31st so it just made sense to go for it. This way we can go back for Sea World Spooktacular. The kids LOVE Halloween!
There are a few rides at Sea World one of which is "Journey to Atlantis". That ride rocks!!!! IT was so much fun! Well, I was a little frightened, but it was cool. The kids LOVED it! They also loved Shipwreck Rapids where we all got soaked. I had a plastic poncho on, but still got pretty wet!
All in all, it was a great couple of days away. Tuesday school starts for the kiddos and then fun will be pushed out to the weekend, but we will be sure to find time to play together.
Tomorrow, we're off to the beach for more boogie boarding! Life is good! The planets are aligning...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Rollercoaster Ride

You know life can be a rollercoaster ride!!!! My kids often remind me that they MUST get bigger because if they don't, they won't be able to ride rollercoasters! That thought made me ponder why we stand in line sometimes for more than an hour for a thrill ride that lasts a minute or two. Not sure of the answer, but it may have to do with the adrenaline rush.

Life can be like that too - you stand in line (tick tock), and you wait for that ride, that high, that will get you through the next hurdle in life. The adrenaline rush is so worth it while you're feeling it, but often you are left with a sick feeling in your stomach as you walk away.

I am not sure if I'm making one bit of sense. Tonight I am feeling blue, and yes, it hinges around an adrenaline rush that ended with a sick feeling in my stomach. Don't read into that too much. This is no sinful drama just an innocent rush that came crashing down around me like a wave when you forget to jump over or dive under it, and it came crashing down far too soon.

Tomorrow, the kids and I are off to Sea World. They've never been there so I thought it was a great idea for the last hurray of summer fun!

And, I have decided to put Sophia in kindergarten this year!!!! She has been BEGGING to go to school, and according to CA standards, she is ready. We shall see how it all unfolds, but I am happy for her, but crying inside!!!

Stay tuned for pics from San Diego!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Skate Park

Zack, Josh, and Matt enjoyed the skate park today. Josh has mad skills on the ramps! Matt is pretty darn awesome too! Zack was brave and learned a lot. I can tell he wants to thrash it up out there!

This bike is so Jen! It is the bike version of her first car - a bright pink bug! WE had so much fun in that car! It was way cooler than my orange Datsun Pickup!
Jen enjoys helping out the only little girl in the bunch! We had a great time having dinner with Jen and the kids, and Zack enjoyed helping clean up. He is a lady's man for sure.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bolsa Chica Beach

We spent the entire day at Bolsa Chica Beach today! We didn't leave the beach until 10:00PM!!!! We all were FILTHY and smelled like a bonfire! Check out these DIRTY WIND BLOWN kids!!!! It was nice to hang out in the Toy Hauler on and off!
Jen and I are so happy that the kids get along so well! We are amazed at how seemlessly they have clicked!!!! And, we are also amazed as we sit there with four children around us listening to Bon Jovi, Def Leopard, and The Pet Shop Boys!!!! Our parenting styles are so much alike too. Although, I have to admit that I gave both of my kids an entire chocolate bar at 9:00PM. She cringed and gave hers chocolate squares. So, there is someone out there stricter than I am!!! LOL

Some fun shots...

The beach at sunset...


Zack: Mom, how did that building burn down?

Mom: I'm not sure, son.

Zack: It was probably those Germans!

I about fell off my car seat!!!!! I have explained to him some concepts of war lately because he has been asking after seeing bits and pieces of movies. Evidently, he listens! Of course, I told him the Germans are not burning down buildings anymore and never burned down building in California!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Tudes and Outties

Today was Zack's last day of soccer camp. He learned many new skills. His assessment read as I figured it would! He scored highest in aggressiveness, and lowest in self control, patience, and teamwork. You see Zack gets VERY angry when he is not the best at something. This is one of the reasons I put him in soccer. Surprisingly, I have noticed that his anger is much more than I thought it would be! He gets very very angry any time the ball is stolen from him. His face turns VERY sour. My son needs to learn to be a good sport and how to congratulate others who do well. We shall see how much character he learns this season! Check out his angry face. This was taken about 40- minutes after he lost a game!

And, to be completely candid, this mom needs to learn to ease up a bit and let him mess up enough to learn. I was surprised to notice that his language acquisition is still an issue. For instance, when the coach said to turn the ball from the outside of your foot, Zack had no idea what he meant. For Zack, outside means outside the house as in in the open air! So, I am not going to tell the coach that he is adopted, but I am going to tell him English is his second language. I find that when I have told coaches/teachers about his adoption, he is treated differently, and Zack HATES for people outside of our family to mention Russia.

I hate seeing his coach instruct him to do something and then Zack flounder. It appears as though Zack is out to lunch, but he is just confused by the terminology.

He wanted Sonic hair!

After lunch, we went to the Plunge where Zack went off the diving board for 2 hours straight while Sophia swam and made a ton of friends. I love seeing the kids do physical activities instead of sitting around at home or stuck in the car all day long. Today as I watched them play, I could not help but melt inside. I am so thankful that God chose me to bless through their little lives.

I was shocked at how many kids commented on Zack and Sophia's outties today! Kids are amazed that their belly buttons stick out. The doctor in Russia suggested I have them fixed just in case the kids model one day. I laughted that one off and figured that an outtie is a non-issue. And, I still think it is a non-issue, but I never expected kids to point them out so much or even to notice. Zack said, "I try to push it in, but it just pops back out"!

Preface: I bought Zack and Sophia identification bracelets - well I just had phone numbers put on them in case of emergency.
Sophia: (looking down at bracelet) Mom, why haven't we used this yet.
Mom: Used what?
Sophia: My bracelet. We need to use it.
Mom: In an emergency, you may need to use it.
Sophia: "Mom, we need to get lost"!!!!
Two Days Later:
Wanda: Sophia, you better go to your mom or she is going to leave without you.
Sophia: It's okay, you can just use this! (she points to her bracelet)

Zack: Mom, where does Michael Jordan live?
Mom: I'm not sure. He probably has a lot of houses.
Zack: Can you check on the computer and take me there.
A day later:
Zack: Mom, did you find Michael Jordan's house. I need to learn some skills. Did he play soccer too?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Haircut and Seal Beach

Here's Zack's hair growing out...soon to look like Troy on High School Musical! LOL Notice the gash in his nose - Sophia threw a frisbee to him from about a yard away. That gash was the outcome!

And, here is Sophia's new haircut. This is after going back to have it fixed twice. And, this is a good picture of her. THREE people today called her a boy!!!! She is a trooper though. She says, "Mom, it is like at my baby home." So sad to me...but we talk about the orphanages so much that the memories are not horrible ones for the kids. As a matter of fact, they have each asked if we will take them back to visit when they are bigger. I hope that can happen.

Here are some pics of our beach fun - the kids are so DARK!!!

Zack looks like he has a beer belly!
These kids are growing up entirely too fast, but I am enjoying every minute of it!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

End of Summer Fun

This week Zack is in soccer camp each day from 9-12. He is loving it and learning new skills as well as how to be a team player. He is on the Silver Bullets soccer team, and has practice Monday and Wednesday evenings so I guess that makes me something I never aimed to be - a "soccer mom"! Oh Lord, help me not to succumb to ending up wearing the same hairstyle as the other moms!!! LOL

Zack has quite a temper when he is not the best at something. I'm hoping being on a team will help balance that out in him. Yesterday some kid pushed him down face first. I sat in the car and watched as Zack got up, brushed himself off and walked away. I had to sit on my hands. He needs to stand up for himself in these situations so I decided just to watch and talk to him about it afterwards.

When I asked him about it, he said the kid was angry because Zack kicked his ball. Nevermind that all of the balls were everyone's not labeled in any way. So I asked Zack, what he did when the kid pushed him on his face. Zack said, I just told him he is a meaner and meaners stink. I was like okay well he did say something so that is good. However, I want him to stick up for himself. I told him that next time it would be okay to push the kid back to let the kid know that he can't mess with him just because he looks little.

So today, I see Zack mildly punch a kid who had intentionally kicked his, now labeled, ball entirely off the field. It was more of a tap with the fist. I was like - "OH NO, he's gonna clock that kid" from afar. I asked him about it later, and he said he tapped him with his fist and said, "Don't mess with my ball dude." So, I think he showed restraint while getting his point across - "I may be little, but I am NOT a victim"! The kid ran over and retrieved his ball lickety split.

Anyhow, there's more being learned on that field than just soccer. I hope my boy is learning life skills and character.

Here Zack is enjoying a spar with Coach Kat.

This pic shows you that Zack is a bit shorter than the others his age. This puts him at a disadvantage, but he is unaware of it which is great!

He's working on more powerful kicks.

After practice, we joined Jen, Josh, and Matt at the beach!

Jen is a much better sport than I am...out in the water with the kids as I watch from the shore!
Sophia tries out the surf board and does pretty well.

Zack perferred the boogie board.

Josh is an aweseome friend to Sophia. They hit if off so well, and he's a great influence on her!
I'll post a pic of Sophia's new hair tomorrow.