Monday, April 15, 2013

Home Six Years

 Zack got a new Green Machine for his 11th birthday.  It has been a smash hit in the neighborhood.
 We were gifted a trampoline by a neighborhood family who was moving to South Africa!  Yay!
 Zack loves drifting on this thing!
 Zack still plays for the Mustangs and loves soccer.  He has earned a position as a forward and has scored a goal in all but one game this season.

 No more fear of the ball...  He has gotten pretty aggressive on the field.  he is also very fast.

 Our annual celebratory dinner at Red Robin.  It is so hard to believe that it has been only six years.  Forever seems more appropriate.  Love these little people.
 Zack loves his crazy jacket.  He especially likes scaring people.
 As far as brothers and sisters go at ages 9 and 11, these two love each other!
Sophia is 9 years old going on 17.  She is the third tallest in the whole third grade and wears a size 12. Not an inch of chub on her, but she is clearly becoming a little woman.  It took me a bit to embrace the changes, but it had to happen at some point, right?!  She loves school for the social aspects and is a friend to all.  She is extremely compassionate and outgoing.  She's my cuddler.  I'll never get tired of her falling into my arms after a long day and asking me if I "wanna cuddle for a bit".  She is a leader for sure.  Gina refers to her as mini me as in the little version of Gina - always on a project; always telling people how things ought to be done and in what timeframe. :)  This will suit her well in the workplace and as a mom.  Her husband may wish she were a bit more tame, but no taming will take place in this house.  Strong women are a good thing!
 This season Sophia chose to play flag football.  Her team is all girls, and they play all boy teams.  They are 3 and 2.  They even beat the one undefeated boys team in the league.  I have to admit I wasn't very much into my girl playing a "boys' sport," but I am learning to embrace my kids' individuality.
 The annual Red Robin pic with Maddy!

Zack is now 11.  He still does very well in school and is self regulated.  I rarely have to help him with any school work.  Lucky him!  He is also super responsible around the house.  This kid is going to be a good employee and spouse one day.  So proud of all of his hard work.  If one kid in our house makes my life easier, it is definitely Zack.
Red Robin Gotcha Day April 2013

Red Robin Gotcha Day Celebration April 2012