Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Another Summer is Almost Here

I can't believe that another summer is upon us! The kids are all out of school on Thursday and don't go back until August 26th. To say that they are thrilled is an understatement. Sophia and Kenny are looking forward to sleeping in and no school work. Zack is looking forward to staying up late, but if he had his way school would be year round.

We went to Jamaica Beach for Memorial Day Weekend and while out in the waves with Zack who was surfing he said to me, "Did you know Ronnie Foster (not sure if I got the name right) was the first one to study sharks up close"? I was like, HUH? He said he had read it in a book for leisure reading. Good grief! This kid is still very much a thinker. He intends to be a surgeon one day, and we won't be surprised in the least if he reaches that goal.

Sophia is still a little fire cracker. As far as type As go, she is the leader of the pack. She is by far our most driven kid with the most streeet smarts. She is also the best communicator. This could likely be because she has no fear of saying what is on her mind! Lately, she'll say, no offense but... She seems to get people. School - not so much. She still looks at school as a social gathering although she does want to learn and do well. She is also well liked by her teachers because at this point in life, she is a rule follower. (yay) She is playing indoor soccer over the summer with her club team and for the most part enjoys it. There are occasions, however, when she'd rather fish.

Kenny is finishing up his freshman year with all As and Bs. This is a huge accomplishment for a kid who would rather be out on the water and never see a book again. The Texas school system has been good for him/us because we can see his progress daily. This has helped us to create accountabilty for him and has kept him on track. He loves fishing at the lakes in our neighborhood and has caught several very large catfish. I don't think he is happier anywhere other than by the water. His goal is still to join the Coast Guard. Although, he has added to that goal going to college with the tuition assistance he'll earn while in the CG. We are glad he is thinking and being specific in his goals. We don't want him to flounder, but to jump in with both feet with direction upon graduation from high school. So far, he's on track. We pray a hedge around him each day.

Josh still lives with his dad so I don't know many details about him other than what we experience with him on the weekends he spends with us. He is finishing up 5th grade and going on to intermediate school next year. He was able to go to Jamaica Beach with us and loved being out in the water. Our hope is that we can provide him a solid family structure while he is with us so that he has great memories when he is older. We try not to be the Disneyland parents and to be responsible when we have him by tackling the fun stuff like how to cut your steak with a knife; how to set a table; table manners, and social graces. And while we do that, we incorporate lots of laughter.

Gina and I are doing well. We are still loving out church and the many friends we have met there. We have been so blessed to grow and minister there. We just started hosting a Bible study at our house and look forward to opening up our house more for things of that nature. It is crazy to think of all that has transpired since this blog began in 2006, but I am thankful that the journey has brought me to where I am today. I can honestly say that I am content and happy - fulfilled in knowing that I am right where God wants me to be.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cool Find

I have been meaning to post my top 10 finds of 2010 since January! So here it goes:

1. Nissan Versa - 60 miles round trip daily at $40 a week! :) Best find of the year hands down!
2. EXTRA LARGE hand soap from Costco - $3 for 6 months of hand washing!!!
3. Wholecouponinserts.com - Who knew that buying coupons in bulk would save me hundreds!!!
4. K Hovnanian Homes - Not a single issue with this home builder - smooth process!!
5. BBB online - if you truly get bad service, complain and be specific about a solution - it works!
6. PhotoBooks - well this goes back to 2009, but best bday gift ever no matter what age
7. Low (not no) carb eating - amazing how much better I feel!
8. Vanilla Roobius Tea from Starbucks - no caffeine, cheaper than coffee, and YUMMY!
9. Savella - who would have thought a med could make so much of a difference in my life?!!!
10. Juice Plus dietary supplements for the grown ups and kids in our house. We are too busy to eat all of the fresh veggies and fruit that we should. I worried about the lasting effect until I found this supplement. Zack and Sophia take them in the "gummy bear" form and I have noticed changes in their skin, hair and growth. https://www.juiceplus.com/nsa/content/Home.soa?site=gm65890 Even better since my life is all about saving money lately, I appreciated only having to pay for one grown up to get one kid's supplements free!

And, not on my list but my most important find of 2010 is that prayer works!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Our New Neighborhood

In our new neighborhood there are 5 "fishing holes". The kids can ride their bikes to them and carry their fishing poles as they ride. They catch and release lots of fish. Kenny has caught a few very large cat fish too!!! These aren't man-made lakes so there are lots of cool fish inside each time they go.

All of the kids LOVE fishing and will hang out by the lake for hours!