Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cool Find

I have been meaning to post my top 10 finds of 2010 since January! So here it goes:

1. Nissan Versa - 60 miles round trip daily at $40 a week! :) Best find of the year hands down!
2. EXTRA LARGE hand soap from Costco - $3 for 6 months of hand washing!!!
3. - Who knew that buying coupons in bulk would save me hundreds!!!
4. K Hovnanian Homes - Not a single issue with this home builder - smooth process!!
5. BBB online - if you truly get bad service, complain and be specific about a solution - it works!
6. PhotoBooks - well this goes back to 2009, but best bday gift ever no matter what age
7. Low (not no) carb eating - amazing how much better I feel!
8. Vanilla Roobius Tea from Starbucks - no caffeine, cheaper than coffee, and YUMMY!
9. Savella - who would have thought a med could make so much of a difference in my life?!!!
10. Juice Plus dietary supplements for the grown ups and kids in our house. We are too busy to eat all of the fresh veggies and fruit that we should. I worried about the lasting effect until I found this supplement. Zack and Sophia take them in the "gummy bear" form and I have noticed changes in their skin, hair and growth. Even better since my life is all about saving money lately, I appreciated only having to pay for one grown up to get one kid's supplements free!

And, not on my list but my most important find of 2010 is that prayer works!!!

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