Friday, March 27, 2009

Another Day in the Life

The kids love hanging out in their room after school. Of course, they do homework and chores before they chill out, but they love the structure. Both like homework and chores so I'm fortunate.

We have a strict "no video games" during the week rule, and we only broke that once for about 30 minutes so we're doing well. Zack does look forward to the weekend so he can play, but even then I keep it at an hour or two. All things in moderation is my goal. I also purposely have him stop playing in the middle of a level so he learns not to let the game control him. I hope his wife thanks me someday when she wants him to turn it off!!! He doesn't grumble at all so it's working well!

Sophia is excited that we put her baby "furniture" together so she can take care of her five babies. She is perplexed because she only has tw0 bottles. She doesn't want her babies to get germs!

A tired mom's presentation of dinner... Sophia doesn't much care for bread (w/o jelly) so her sloppy joe is in a bowl. Zack's sloppy joes are old school! Yummy!
Hello weekend!!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy Faces

The kids are so happy that they live so close to their school now! It is less than a mile away so we are home in two minutes. We are not used to these simple pleasures, and I hope we never take them for granted again. Here are a list of things that are not necessities, but we took for granted in the past:
  • Water and Ice coming from the fridge (kids can get it themselves and no money for water bottles!)
  • A Single Cup Keurig Coffee maker (I LOVE THIS!) I can drink some joe any time of the day!
  • Cable (definitely NOT a need, but cartoon network and HGTV are so enjoyable!)
  • A Pool (not a need but boy is it fun!)
  • Two showers (we only need one, but it is cool to have the kids in the bath when I'm in the shower)
  • Clothes (it is wonderful to have more than three outfits!)
  • Toys (we don't need all we have, but it is great to have them all out of storage)
  • Pine Sol (Oh, how I missed Pine Sol!)

Then there are the things we need for which we will always have and will always be thankful:

  • Salvation (gotta have it)
  • Family (love 'em all even those that bug! LOL!)
  • Friends (I think friends are the family we choose rather than are born into)

God has truly been good to us as we travel this road called life. It has been a bit windy, and it is still full of ups and downs, but He never ceases to care for His own. I pray my kids will know him in a real way. I pray they'll know him on a deeper level than even I do. I hope they have the type of relationship with him, that they see him as their constant companion. That "person" that they can always go to with their excitement or sadness.

I figure that the most important thing I can do in this life is to pass Jesus on to my kiddos. I LOVE hearing their little voices as they pray... My prayer is that they grow into healthy happy adults who never become victims of people or circumstances. People that always look for the positive and comment on it. People that see the good in people. Any moron can point out the negative or downsides.

So in a nutshell, we're thankful for the things we realize are luxuries, for God, our family and friends; and we hope not to be morons!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Settling in...

Moving is a huge chore, but once it's finished, it feels so good. I'm not done yet, so I'll let you know!!!

At our new place, we live right across from the clubhouse/pool area which is very convenient. It has been very hot here lately! The kids have been in the pool every day after school! The beauty of it is, I no longer have to worry about the water and electric bill to run the pool/jacuzzi. We just get to have fun and leave the worries to the HOA.

My little swimmer...

I believe I can fly...

An attempt to walk on water???


Life has been settling in quite nicely. The kids are thrilled with their new school which happens to be a blue ribbon school - that makes me happy. Sophia's teacher seems a bit more determined to assist her in catching up so that is also a blessing. Zack has hit the ground running and is excited about his spelling test tomorrow. He is such a nerd! I tease him, but he loves it!
The kids are doing super well! Thanks for stopping by. I hope to post more often once I completely unpack!
Sophia: Mom, both Zack and I are hungry.
Mom: You are.
Sophia: Yes, aren't we both two peas in a pot?
She thinks I'm saying two pees in a pot! LOL!!! he he he

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A Sad Day

First off, we found a Russian store! It was awesome! We went there last night, and we enjoyed so much hearing everyone speaking Russian and the smells of the food brought back so many memories! We have been looking for this candy with the Russian baby on it for quite some time. This particular package that the kids are holding is a huge chocolate wafer. In Russia, this is kids' chocolate or "not fancy". At least this is what we were told by the translator while we were there.

The sad part is that today Zack and Sophia had to say goodbye to their friends at Laurel Elementary. I have to admit that all three of us were in tears. Laurel has been such a wonderful school. I wish that circumstances were different and that the kids could stay there all the way through sixth grade or at least through the end of this school year.

Zack's teacher is an amazing woman. She just exudes love and compassion to the kids, and I could see very clearly that she loves Zack very much. I pray that Zack's new teacher is a blessing as well.

Mrs. Ulrich made Zack a scrapbook and here she reads it to the class while Zack looks on. She had to fight back the tears.

I am so thankful that God blessed Zack with Mrs. Ulrich. It never ceases to amaze me how God sends the right people into our lives at just the right time. Mrs. Ulrich was just one of the God sends this year.

Sophia said goodbye to Yvette. Poor Sophie cried her eyes out. She is as sentimental as she is outgoing. She is sad, but she is also very eager to meet her new teacher, Mrs. Tobin.

Sophia gives Miss Diaz a goodbye hug!

The good news is that Zack and Sophia are both still in softball and baseball with many friends from Laurel so we'll see familar faces at least through the end of May and at that point, we'll all three have many new friends.
God has been very very good to us. And for those who are cringing at the thought of the two angels having to switch schools, trust me, it was not a decision that was made hastily. Their new school is an award winning school and in a great community less than a mile from our new home.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Two Excited Kids

Zack and Sophia cannot wait to move into our new home! Here they are in front of our new place... They haven't even been inside yet, but they speak of grandeur. Grandeur equals a school that they can ride their bikes to (with their mom), a bedroom of their own - half Hello Kitty and half Extreme Sports (you should hear them planning), and a mom who makes them spaghetti and meatballs twice a week AT LEAST! I'm hoping at some point, they tire of it. LOL!

It is funny to listen to them plan. The pool is right across from our condo and the big park is less than a block away. There is also a lake within a mile and paseos all around us for bike rides and skateboarding.

I forgot to capture this conversation I had with Zack early this week:

He was watching Spiderman when he said:

Zack: I wish I could spin webs like Spiderman.
Mom: That will never happen.
Zack: Because we have no senses...
Mom: Looking at him bewildered ready to tell him about our five senses...
Zack: I know God forgave all of our senses which means he took them all away!

I had to explain the difference between the word sins and the word sences!!! His thought of God as the ultimate super hero is amazing to me on many levels. And to think that he thought that God took away our abilities to spin webs! If only...

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Fevers and Baseball

First off, I thought I'd post a pic of how caring Zack can be with his sister. He was ever so gently brushing her hair for her. I love this side of him, and I encourage it. How better to learn how to care for the future women in his life than from those in his life now!

I have heard some parents say that it is not their children's job to take care of each other, and I agree with that. But, I do think it is a parent's job to teach their kids how to care for others and what better way than to let them help in small ways whether it be brushing hair, microwaving popcorn or helping a sibling to wash their face. To me, it just makes sense!

Zack wanted to wear a fauxhawk today. He didn't realize he'd be wearing a hat for his baseball pictures! Here he is trying to put his hat on without messing up his hair - LOL!
Chit chatting with Elisha. I love standing back and listening to little boys talk. It seems to always be about some type of competition which is fine by me.

Sophia had a game today as well. She got a couple of great hits and not off a tee either. She also hustled on the field. Today she was learning to throw the ball to first after she fields it. It is fun to watch her. Every player gets to bat and run around the bases. There are no outs!!!

This is Zack's baseball team this season. His first game is next week. It is kid pitched so it should be interesting!

My dad would have LOVED seeing this next pic! I can't help but think how much Zack's grandpa would have loved to watch him play. At least, his name lives on in my brothers and his two grandsons!

After game relaxation! Zack and Sophia have both had the flu this week. We're talking three days of high fevers! Every time Zack would get up he would say that his brain hurt!!! Now I'm feeling very achey myself!

Sophia relaxes after her game watching some boring educational program her mom chose!!! I HATE cartoons! To me, most of them are brain rot...

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Silence Equals a Busy Life

We're moving! We are excited to get all of our stuff out of storage and to begin nesting in our new place!

I am most excited that I'll get to cook for my kiddos in this kitchen! Very soon our fridge will be in that empty spot! We are mildy excited... I took the kids for a drive through our new community today so I could show them the different places that will become very familar to them in the very near future. This included a trip by their new elementary school. They are super excited which makes me happy because I thought they'd be bummed to leave their current school.

I just thought I'd share our excitement with you all. I won't be posting any more details just 'cause privacy is a good thing even in blogger world.