Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Winter at the Beach in Sunny CA!

On Tuesday, we decided to put the bikes on the back of the Envoy and head out for Corona del Mar! We got out there around three and were there at Zack's favorite time - Sunset! He actually asked if we could sit on the bench and watch the sun go down. Gotta love that!

And we couldn't go to Corona del Mar without climbing on the rocks. It was a long walk down and a tougher walk back up with three bikes and two kids!! It was well worth it though!

We are just taking advantage of living in California... Good times!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Two Years Ago Today

The Road to You...

To My Precious Children,

I love you with all of my heart and soul! I will never ever forget the most wonderful Christmas of my life. It was not so long ago when I and your auntie climbed on a plane and flew across the world to meet the two most wonderful kids in the world. Of course, I didn't know you would be so wonderful.

I wondered what you looked big your feet you sounded when you laughed...who hugged you when you cried... I wondered what you were afraid of and what brought you peace. I wondered how I could love you enough to make life happy for you once again. I wondered if I'd see a sparkle in your eye and a bounce in your step. I wondered if the pain you had experienced in your young lives had pierced you too deeply for love to mend. I wondered if my love would be enough for you, and I wondered if Jesus would change your lives.

As we approached the baby home, I saw a big black rod iron gate behind which was a snow covered playground. Into the back door we walked and up some rickety narrow stairs where we were told to take our shoes off. After this, we entered a big pink room filled with a piano some toys and a Christmas tree.

As I sat on the chair waiting for my daughter to appear, my palms were sweaty, and my heart was beating rapidly. Then life changed forever, Sophia walked through that door, and I saw the most precious little lost face. You weren't sure how to respond. You were so quiet and unsure. You stared and wondered who these women were - you were surrounded by me, Auntie Gina, and the two Olgas who helped me adopt you. I so enjoyed playing with you bopping balloons around and blowing bubbles, but really you and I were both rather subdued. I saw so much worry in your eyes.

After this visit, we drove on an unpaved road for about 10 minutes and then arrived at The Pelican, Zack's orphanage. We walked through those doors and were ushered into a very mall office where we were asked to wait. The lady helping us looked just like your grandma! Then tired little Zack was brought into the room. You looked straight at the floor but when you'd peek up at us, I could see your gorgeous blue eyes and the most tender smile. I didn't expect to see such a smile on your little face. I thought you would be sad and angry at how your first 5 years of life had been, but you weren't angry. You had such an air about you and even a sense of humor.

You kept asking one of your caretakers what my name was and she would tell you mama. You would smile from ear to ear when you heard that. In the next couple of visits, you showed us the sword you got for "Christmas," and you were pretending to scare Auntie Gina with it. You rambled on in Russian and we giggled. At one point, I lost my footing and fell down! You cracked up!

The toughest day I've lived through was the day I had to leave you two in Russia and come back home empty handed. My heart was yours already and now I had to wait over 3 months to see you again. On March 26th (grandma's birthday), I went back to Russia to go to court to stand before a judge and ask her to let me legally be your forever mama.

Here is where I tell you that I love you with all of my heart and soul. You have been such blessings to me and to SO MANY people whose lives you have touched. You are such sweet spirited kids with such giving hearts. When I watch you sleep at night, I pray for you. I hold your feet and rub them as I wonder where you'll go in life. I scratch your backs hoping you'll treasure that physical touch from your mom for years to come.

Truth is that no matter how much love, time, and energy I give to you, you give back 100 times the joy. I see God's love in your little eyes. I experience His miracle each time you laugh. My faith has grown so much stronger as I've watched you morph into these physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy little people. You have taught me that God does great things, and He always gives us just what we need in order for Him to accomplish His will through our lives.

You weren't born in Vyska by mistake. The pain of your first few years wasn't a mistake. You were loved since you took your very first breath - first by God who knew you in the womb, and then by the mom who gave you life. While she couldn't be with you for the entire journey, she made a selfless decision to carry you for all nine months and to give you the gift of a life. And, I am sure beyond sure that she wonders about you every single day.

Please don't ever allow yourselves to become victims of circumstance. You see bad circumstances often are what mold great people if you let them. You are two very precious examples of just that. I'm not sure where life will take us between now and when you two are grown up, but I can tell you one thing - your hearts will be my compass.

I love you. I love you. I love you.

Random Christmas Pics

Well, I who have been called the "paparazzi" by family and friends, did not take any pictures on Christmas morning! I shocked myself! Oh well! So here are the few random pictures that I did take! The kids got a ton of presents and loved them. There favorites are a skateboard, skate ramp, laptop, big wheel, and remote control cars. Although, I have to admit that these gifts are closely followed by books, games, and puzzles!

Auntie Julia gives the cool gifts! Zack got a remote control that drifts! And, Sophia got Tinkerbell and a Bratz remote control car!

Michelle gave the kids marshmallow shooters!!!!! Then Kaylee, Michelle's 16 year-old got in on the fun and was pelting everyone with ewwwwy gooey marshmallows!

This is the gift that keeps on giving!

My favorite Christmas day photo!

Did I mention that Michelle is a candyholic! The kids are in HEAVEN!

After a long eventful day...

Ironman was the hero of the year! Grandma got him the pjs and Santa brought him the action figures! He was so excited!

So when it comes to Christmas pics, I missed the mark this year, but there is always next year and all of the other holidays!!!!
I hope you all had a Merry Christmas too!!!!

A Day at the Skatepark with the Marcheses (Dec. 23)

The boys had a blast at the skatepark! It was only $5 for the entire day! My sister said, "You let him do that"? I was like, WHAT? Of course I do. He's an energetic coordinated boy... He needs the challenge! He, Matt and Josh LOVE it!

A sweet move if he doesn't say so himself!

Zack lost his skateboard and helmet so he had to rent one! His tooth fairy money...

Sophia and Josh are simpatico! I love watching them together! He is such a sweetheart!

And here is my BFF, the elf!!!! LOL! I felt so underdressed!

Auntie Gina bought Zack a new skateboard for Christmas, and it is a SWEET board!!!!! Beyond sweet....
He couldn't wait to try it out - here he is on a rainy morning in his pjs!!!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Day with Friends

Saturday we spent the day at Jen's house. We went to breakfast and then pretty much just chilled at her place. The kids had a much of a blast that we didn't leave to go home until about 1:15AM. We brought in winter break right - late nights and late mornings!

That's my girl!
Zack injured his nose acting like he was a dog trying to push the ball around with his nose! Rug burn turned scab...Merry Christmas, mom!

Wrestling fun...There's nothing like being a kid and getting the chance to GO WILD! Matt, Zack and Sophia were crazy animals!

Then there's Josh, the sweetheart of the bunch. He is so good with Sophia. She adores him!

Time for mom to get down on the floor and have some fun!

He's trying to pin me - HELLLLLP!

Air, I need air...choking...

Now there we are showing some sense of decorum!

The four buddies. It is kind of surreal having our kids together as friends. I mean when Jen and I met, we were 13 years old. We were kids ourselves. There is just something special about watching the kids have fun together as we wonder how in the heck we got so old!

We may be getting old, but we are certainly not grown up!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Walkin' Through Another Day

There was finally a break in the rain today! I threw on my favorite tennis shoes and jeans which are shredded from dragging on the pavement for so long, and we headed out the door for yet another day in the life of the Rambunctious Riveras. In this next pic, I capture for my kiddos how I roll! I almost always have my foot kicked up on the dash! It's just a bad habit I guess, and the kids ask why I do it! My answer, "I have no earthly idea"!

It was pajama day today! Sophia was so excited to wear her pjs to school! And, I the biased mom, think she looks adorable! Her hair is growing out nicely with the exception of some stray bangs that still need to grow out. My baby is growing up way too fast!

Here Zack is holding his teeth! He took them to school today to share with his class. He wanted to show the class what sugar bugs can do to teeth! The funny part is that he let all of the kids smell them! And, let me tell you, they smell HORRIBLE! Boys will be boys!

No surprise that Zack is scaling another tree.

Check out the huge open space in that mouth! His molars won't grow in for 4 or 5 more years. He's a trooper. I'm not sure I'll ever forget that dental visit! But we are very thankful that God sent a miracle our way!

Sophia had a little too much sugar today! Here they are after a nice warm bath.

They're off until January 5th! We plan to spend time with friends and family and to do some fun things as a family. Zack is eagerly awaiting his snowboarding lesson which should take place during this break! Sophia and I will be drinking hot coco! The kiddos will get to bake lots of goodies with Michelle and will no doubt spend lots of hours in front of the Wii! That's what vacation is all about. Oh, and let's not forget about Christmas Eve when we'll get to see Uncle Manuel and Aunt Julia.
Thanks to the the Texas Fam who sent presents to the kids. They are eagerly awaiting Christmas day! This Christmas will be much different than Christmases past. I haven't even taken out any Christmas decorations or purchased a tree, but I have surprisingly enjoyed this season without all of my favorite things. It'll make next year even that more special.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sophia's First Holiday (Christmas Program) and Teeth Trouble

Today was a crazy day in Southern California. It rained ALL day long. We aren't used to this weather! I told a friend that we pay for sunshine, and she reminded me that many Californians must be behind on their payments!

Anyhow, I took Zack to the dentist yesterday, and we learned that he needed to have 3 molars pulled, a root canal, a filling, and a spacer!!!! He was nervous to say the least. I knew he still needed a good deal of work on his teeth, but I wasn't expecting that so many would need to be pulled.

When Zack came home, the dentist fixed all of his upper teeth, but it didn't take long for the insurance money to run out! So now he's back in the dental chair for his bottom teeth, and they are even messier than the top.

Today we went for his first appointment, and they pulled two of his molars. The first didn't seem to hurt him at all, but the second was excrutiating. He cried SO LOUD. I was sick to my stomach and hurt for him. I had the motherly instinct that caused me to want to rip him out of that chair, but I sat on my hands demanded more number and cringed as he continued to cry. Finally, the last tooth came out. Poor Zack looked like he had been beaten up. His face was sad and worried to say the least.

Zack: Mom, this is my worst tooth day EVER!

His next appointment is not until January 21st! At that point, he'll need one more tooth pulled followed by the root canal. I am going to ask for a thorough numbing this time!!! If you pray, keep him in your prayers. He is still sore, and is sure to be nervous to go back.

His dental issues are due to 5 years with absolutely no dental hygiene. His teeth were never brushed and when you combine that with a mouth full of hereditarily weak teeth, you have a mess! Sophia's teeth are great due to her getting to the dentist at 3 years old.

A few hours after the dental appointment was the kids holiday program. Yes, it is called a holiday program. I giggled a little when I heard the kids sing the Hannukah song. I didn't mind it at all, but as a Baptist, I never learned a single Jewish song. The kids had many questions about Hannukah - most of them I could not answer! I have some research to do. All Zack knows of Jews is that Jesus was one, and that the Germans killed them in WWII. I need to expand his knowledge.

Anyhow, the kids did a great job. Zack is not all that interested in performing. He is super shy and gets bored easily. This was the first program for Sophia though, and I wasn't surprised to see her give it her all! She kept looking over at me to see if I was watching her. I'd smile and she would smile hugely. My heart melted. Yes, I've become one of those moms!!!

Zack tells Mrs. Ulrich about his teeth... I'm not sure she was thrilled to see the actual teeth!

Mrs. Ulrich helps Zack put his elf hat on...

This is Mrs. Ulrich. She is an AWESOME teacher! She is a little easy on him, but that is a great complaint to have!!! He is thriving under her care. We are very blessed!

Check out those ears! He said, "Mom, I don't need these because I have my own elf ears"! I laughed. He does have pointy ears.

This is Sophia's closest friend Yvette. They are both a ton of fun and a handful and a half!

I am so proud of my son who can make toots with the palms of his hands! He can even do it on stage!

Sophia was all about me taking pictures of her with her friends tonight!

Sophia and Macy...they keep begging for a play date. I am not sure I am ready for that yet.

This is Zack's buddy Chris. I am so thankful for mainstreaming both for the kids who need extra help and for kids like Zack who benefit greatly from having friends like Chris. I LOVE seeing these two play together. They are real buddies, and they both learn so much from each other.
Lastly, it is COOOOOOLD!!!! I want our sunshine back! Only in CA do freeways close down for 2 feet of snow! I guess the one snowplow is busy!
A heart melter: Tonight on the way home as the rain fell, we heard sirens. Soon we saw an ambulance passing by. Zack said, "Mom, we need to pray for whoever is hurt". I said, "Okay, but I can't close my eyes." He said that he'd pray. This is what I heard:
Dear God, Please help whoever is hurt. Please help the workers to know how to fix them. Please help everyone to drive safe in the rain and help them to get home safe to their families.
At this moment, I felt my eyes well up with tears. This kid is making a connection that matters in life. He already has an anchor. He knows who is in control and he believes in Him and has faith. The beginning signs of a trust relationship with His Creator. That is too cool!