Saturday, May 22, 2010

Celebration Park

Today we I let Gina stay home and rest. I figured it was only fair after last weekend's stay in the hospital that she get to rest at home this weekend. For those who might wonder, she was admitted due to internal bleeding and immediately hooked up to IVs to bring her levels back to normal which took 3 days. The culprit ended up being a bleeding ulcer. After she finishes up $300 worth of meds (cost after med ins covered it's portion), she'll be as good as new. :) We are praising God for that!!!!

So back to the fun stuff! We went to the splash park today for Sophia's soccer team's end of season party. The kids had a blast, and her coach asked if she would join her fall soccer team too. We shall see. "Sophia is the best ball handler on the team, and she totally understands the game." "We were so lucky to get her this season." Sophia scored a total of 17 goals this season and assisted in many more!!! She seems to have a natural ability, and she certainly has the drive.

Josh and Sophia were happy to conquer the monkey bars!! Way to go you two!

Zack's growing his hair out again. This is one thing I'm gonna let him do as long as it doesn't look messy!!!

This next pic is an example of messy! LOL
This is a pic of Sophia's soccer team.
Kaylie joined us for some fun today too!
After Sophia's party, it was time to go and get Zack's soccer trophy. For Zack, he was the best one on his team. His team sucked, but he was good. :) NO joke. His coach who played college soccer said he definitely shows promise. All I am hoping for is that he can earn a scholarship in something!!! I am his mom, but I'll just say it, "HE IS GOOD"!!! I wish I had video taped his last game!

We ended our day at the pool, and yes, I am worn out!!!!!!

The Texas sky is gorgeous!

Spring Days in TX


Sophia still LOVES to play Memory! She kicks our butts every time we play, and I do not go easy on her! Zack beats me too!

I love playing games with the kids, and often Sophia says, "Mom, if you play a game with me and you win, you can relax." "If I win, we play again." :) I typically can't pass up a deal like this, and surprisingly she always chooses Memory first because she knows she will win!

Connect Four is another favorite, and the kids are both starting to enjoy Battleship as well. I do love that they enjoy playing games. The other night we played Wii Fit Plus for hours, and Zack exclaimed, "I just love playing games with family." That kid is so sentimental.

I think games are SUPER important in building so many skill sets for kids. There is nothing like a kid who learns how to win and lose gracefully! And, when I see kids strategizing, it makes me SMILE! I so hope that they use these skills as adults.

No poor sports being raised in this here house. :)