Friday, May 07, 2010

Brief Update

The things kids say:

Sophia: Mom can I say the S word.
Mom: (Thinking stupid or sucks) Yes, this one time.
Sophia: I'm gonna kick his ass!

Silence followed by laughter!!!! She had a sad look on her face when she realized that ass is a VERY bad word and is actually the a word!

Zack: Mom can I take my money to Kenny's game?
Mom: Sure knowing he had $5.
Zack: Pulls change out of his wallet amounting to about 47 cents.
Mom: Where is your $5.
Zack: (deer in highlights look) I gave it to Elias so that he would chase the girls with me.

Silence followed by the what the heck lecture. He was told not to take money to school. He has since talked with his friend and teacher to regain the $5. But, he has lost the privilege of being given money for at least 2 weeks. This thanks to Gina. I was ready to eliminate his allowance all together.

A lesson learned at a young age saves valuable time. It is so much easier and less time consuming to instill than to conquer bad habits as adults.

As to the camera, I got another Canon Rebel only faster and with more focus points and higher pixels. I love it!!! Plus I am used to the controls and all. :)

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