Monday, April 26, 2010

Goodbye Canon Rebel

These are some of the last photos I took with my Canon Rebel. If you follow my blog, I'm sure you know that I pretty much carried this camera with me everyday of my life for the last 3+ years. I'm thinking I had at least 50,000 actuations on the trusty friend. Yes, I had grown so close to that camera that I call it friend.

I have been blessed in a special way. As you know the kids must have 4 post placement reports after their arrival home. These reports are costly, and we had to pay times two. Well, we just finished our last report - YAY! And, we were able to do so without a social worker being involved so I was due a refund for 2 of the four reports. This refund gave us enough cushion to replace my camera with a better one, albeit refurbished. It is not the top of the line by any means, but it will superbly capture, hopefully, the kids journey into their teenage years.

Sure I could use that financial cushion to pay the electric bill, cell phone, car insurance or a miniscule part of one other debt, but my kids have zero baby pictures. For Sophia, no pictures before she was 3 and for Zack 5. I plan to make up for that in a meaningful way, and my camera makes that possible.

It is blue bonnet season here in Texas so the kids and I drove into Garland to find a field that was not on the side or in the middle of a highway. We had great fun even though my camera was on the wrong setting and died before I could adjust it. :(

Saturday, April 10, 2010

In Sync Exotic Animals

Today after Sophia's soccer game and Kenny's baseball game, Zack, Sophia, Josh, and I decided to head down to Lavon to check out In Sync Exotic Animals which is a place where they rescue and house exotic cats such as lions, tigers, bobcats, cougars and cheetahs.

It was an amazing adventure. It was so much more of an experience than the zoo because the animals were only behind chain link instead of glass. They were playful and even roared! It was scary at first but so awesome once we got comfortable with the heavy breathing and big teeth!

I LOVE exposing the kids to all kinds of adventures! This was was super cool!

Don't have to tell us twice!
We met a new friend, Katie! She loved to play fetch!

And we met two horses, Quigly and Missy!

Crossed bridges...
Walked next to Siberian Tigers...

Ran with Katie...
But we were only brave enough to pet THIS cat!
Then we had some fun at the pond with Katie, the super dog!

After we left the exotic cats, we ventured over to Lake Lavon where we climbed trees...
Walked through mazes...
And waded in the water!

We had a great day today!!!! We definitely want to go back and next time, we're taking Kenny and Gina!!!!! :) They've got see this!