Saturday, April 28, 2007

We're Back

These are some pics of our Friday at home (well, except we had to grocery shop - blah)! We love to blow bubbles and dangle our feet in the pool!
Can someone tell me where my bikini is???? Well, I found my one piece and all is good! I love this water gun even though I have no idea how to use it! Stephanie and Zack bond as they lounge in the pool! Mom is still sick so she watches from afar and smiles between coughs!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Short Update

I failed to update you all on Zack's surgery! Well, it hasn't happened yet but should take place next Thursday afternoon. Unbeknownst to me, I stayed awake most of the night on Sunday for nothing. The first doctor's appointment was just so the doctor could tell me how vain I was for wanting Zack to be circumcised. It was actually VERY annoying. He said half of all of the boys Zack comes into contact with at school will not be circumcised so he will not feel abnormal. Ummmmm, I would love to read the report that statistically proves this. I don't think in this area at least, that is is 50/50. I do, however, know what I want for my son in the future, and I HAVE taken into account the pain, etc...

Today, I am off to the doctor as I am very ill again. I fear I picked something up while in Russia. Stephanie as kind as she is will drive me to the doctor. Yesterday I had a few hours of feeling okay. I hope that happens today too!

Zack and Sophia are doing very well! Both are learning English very rapidly and love when we praise them for getting sentences right! If Zack had his way, he'd be in the pool 24/7. If Sophia had her way, she'd be allowed to eat popcorn all day. I don't know where she puts it all. She is such a skinny minnie, but she can eat more popcorn than I can!!!! She and Auntie Gina should definitely order the refillable popcorn at the movie theater!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Time is Flying

Well, I thought Zack would be layed up in bed getting pampered last night and today, but instead, the doctor tried to talk me out of the procedure and said he'd schedule it for the Thursday following next. Here is what Zack did last night instead! He and Josh enjoyed dinner in the tepid jacuzzi! Here is my little angel's face when she is told no for any reason! Can you believe that is sweet Sophia Joy???? She looked at this pic and said, "BABU YAGGA" (boogie man)!!! I have to agree!
Zack finally got to take his bike to the park! He has been asking for days! It was nice because we could just watch him as there were no cars in the park! He was very proud of his bike (see pee et)! It is just a conincidence that his outfit matched his bike! Trust me - I promise!

Here Auntie Stephanie has fun wrestling with Sophia, and we get a real SMILE! :)

Tomorrow will likely be a day at home! I am feeling under the weather AGAIN!!!! Can you believe it? I have a fever, aches, and pains! I think I caught something in Russia (other than two kiddos)!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Just Clownin'

Tonight, we went to the circus! Another first for the kiddos! They enjoyed it VERY much! I especially enjoyed the Russian flare. The music took me back to Moscow! This was the Circus Vargas Big Top Circus which was taking place at Chino Fairgrounds. It was fun to watch much of the program take place with NO nets! The clowns were even funny! The kids had an awesome time, and so did Stephanie and I. In this first pic, you see the face Sophia makes when I ask her to smile! I usually try not to ask but occasionally someone else says smile and then boom this is the scrunchy little face I get! :) Here are my little clowns! Josh enjoyed the circus with his cousins tonight and got a kick out of holding a huge python!!!! YUCK! I need to scan the picture so I can post it! Zack cried, but Sophia did touch it with just a tiny scowl.
Sophia devoured this entire box of popcorn by herself!!! It was overflowing when she began!

Josh and Zack got sugared up with COTTON CANDY! Zack does not spare a moment when presented with sugar! It doesn't happen often!

Finally, a blog...

Life has been just as busy as usual! Friday, we had our appointment at the doctors and Sophia weighed in 2.5 pounds heavier than in the orphanage and Zack lost a pound! He is VERY active, and I think since it was winter there, he wasn't getting much activity. Both kids are very healthy, and the doc said no signs of them being mistreated. The doc just stared at them in awe and fell in love with them. It was cute because neither wanted to wear the paper robe, they prefer nudity!

Pray for Zack as he goes for his painful procedure Monday at 2:40PM. YIKES!

I just thought I'd post some of the first pics I have of the kids and some from just a week or two after they got home. It is amazing already:

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Happy Middle of the Week

Here is my little shy boy coloring which is another activity he loves!Sophia and I get some alone time when Zack and Stephanie go to pick up Kenny and Josh from school. She colors and works very hard at putting together 24 piece puzzles. We are working on her small motor skills and eye hand coordination. We also work on pictures and English words. This picture looks posed, but it so is NOT!
When Stephanie gets home with the big boys, it is homework time! Sometimes Zack will sit still and color and other times, he has quiet time watching cartoons upstairs in his room so Stephanie can give Josh and Kenny the attention they need for their schooling. Today, Stephanie does not look so excited about homework time!!! This is only because she spend 2.5 hours on the road going to pick up our brother Mike and then the boys. Mike wanted to come over to spend the rest of the week with us which will be quite nice.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Doctor's Appointments Second Post of the Day

Zack and Sophia have their first Doctor's Appts on Thursday morning! Pray for us that all goes well. I will be discussing Zack's impending painful procedure - ummmm - pruning of the twig... I am NOT looking forward to that, but feel it is important for him to be like other American boys. As uncomfortable as it has been, I have poled the guys closest to me of varying ages to get feedback on what Zack might want when he is older.

On that note, Gina's boys went for their physicals today with Nanny McStephanie and both are healthy, and Kenny is underweight. We laughed about this because Gina used to be a toothpick, and has recovered. I am so jealous as I was never part of that toothpick group!

Josh's (6) words, "MOM, it was in my pants and boom the doctor just popped it out"!!!! Kenny (nearly 12) said, "I did not feel comfortable with him playing with them like that"! OMW - BOYS!!!!! I was an innocent bystander when this conversation was going on!!! So, between me setting Zack's pre circumcision appt. and Josh and Kenny having their first intimate physical, it has been what my brother called a "Twig and Berry Day"!

Duely Reprimanded

Only one pic today just to show you how TINY Sophia is!! In many of the blog pics she looks like such a big girl! If you have met her, you know she is still so baby just has long legs. Her pants literally fall off of her. She knows exactly what pull your pants up means! Even the adjustable waste bands are too big! Finally, a tiny Rivera girl! Sorry, sisters, but you know we got the junk or is it the Milkshake! :)
I have been reprimanded for not posting today! How dare I? LOL

Today was a mellow day. Zack, Sophia and I met Wanda and Rosie for lunch. Zack started out very shy, but he warmed up very quickly, and had fun with Wanda while Sophia ate up the attention that Rosie lavished on her! Rosie has her own little Princess of Everything so she understands what a girl wants! LOL

This afternoon we swam to our hearts content after the neighbor complained once again about our dog barking in the middle of the day! Imagine that! We put the dog away, turned on the radio and took advantage of the pool and noise that comes along with 5 adults and 4 children doing canon balls and nailing each other with water guns! They're gonna wish for the dog to bark tomorrow! Strange how people move into a neighborhood and expect NOT to have neighbors! I was ready to say bad words, but instead I just made some noise and with the little ones, that was very easy.

We'll see how KIIS FM sounds tomorrow when I play in the backyard with the kids most of the day tomorrow! I could go into the details of the silence these neighbors expect, but why bother. Just trust me, it is UNREASONABLE! When this house is sold, I hope LOUD people move in to take our place because we are darn quiet as far as neighbors go. Well, until now - IT'S ON!!!!

Oh my, I don't sound like a mom home to bond with her kids, do I? Well, maybe not June Cleaver, but perhaps Lucy Ricardo!

Josh and Zack have become buddies very quickly. They are about a year and a half apart which is perfect for them to be able to have fun together and compete fairly. They are like little fishes in the pool diving and racing.

For dinner, we had spaghetti, caesar salad, garlic bread and homemade peanut butter kiss cookies! Zack and Sophia gobbled it all up, and Josh and Kenny enjoyed their spaghetti sandwhiches which they think are the best. I add a can of diced tomatoes with jalepenos for a punch and ALL of the kids love it.

LANGUAGE UPDATE: The kids are understanding much and even speaking some English. Each time we come home, either I, Josh, or Kenny tell Zack and Sophia, "Take off your shoes". Today, we walked in the door and Zack said loudly, "Take off your shoes"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then he said, BRAVO, MOMMA! He wanted to be complimented. I was seriously dancing around and saying bravo. He giggled and said it a few more times! He also counts to 4 as Josh taught him while counting before jumping into the pool. He says a few other words, but this was his first random sentence unprodded. Sophia repeates EVERYTHING I say. Although, I think she was still getting comfortable with her Russian. She cannot roll her Rs like Zack does so I think she is still talking "baby talk". This will make it easier for her to learn English.

Let's see, ummmmmm all kids were freshly bathed and happily in bed by 8:00PM snug as bugs in rugs. Kenny had long devotions with great to hear them talking about the Bible together. Josh and Zack went to bed to a Scripture cd which both LOVE! Sophia sleeps in my room and needs dark and total silence to go to sleep. It still takes her a good hour to go to sleep, but momma is persistent.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Manic Monday

Well, it wasn't really manic, but it was fun! This morning both kids woke around 8:30AM with WET beds! Yikes! I had some extra work to do before the day even began! Zack had a late night out watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and had his last cup of water at 10:00PM. He was doomed! LOL Mom was in bed snoozing while Auntie and Uncle took Josh, Kenny and Zack to the movie. So, it wasn't a normal occurence (the first time). Sophia typically wets, but wears a pull up. This time she leaked though! Stephanie said, "NOW, do you feel like a mom"? "Um, YES"!

After baths, and their yummy breakfast, both played in their room for 2 hours and got along smashingly well. I check on them every 5 or 10 minutes and of course can hear everything going on in the room. They are very safe. I have been trying to train them to play in there for an hour in the morning and an hour in the afternoon, and it seems to be working out very well.

After they played so well, we went to the park where we had lunch and played some more. I took the silly string, but they were having so much fun that I forgot about it! Tomorrow... I am happy to say that when the ice cream truck music played, they both jumped up and down and begged for money for Skittles! HA HA HA! And, this time Momma said, "No, not this time." They happily went back to playing.

Here are some pics! Sophia really is trying to climb as high as Zack can, and she spent a good 30 minutes trying the same climb again and again and again so that she could get as high as Zack. She never did, but she has drive (and a stubborn streak). I let her fall a SHORT distance a couple of times to try to teach her that she has limits to what she can do, but she just kept climbing. My fear is that when I am not around she will try something not considering the consequences of falling and end up in the emergency room. I will continue to use short falls to help her learn her limits.

Peek a Boo!

Peek a Two!

Peek a Choo????

He's got a thing with the ears! Perhaps a role in an up and coming Lord of the Rings episode?

Zack was proud that he could hang with one arm for a very long time! He asked me to take his pic...It sounded like this, lkjoihioho ohoihihoih kjojoijhoh smateneetzia! This is our life right now! Deep conversations!

Sophia poses like a girlie girl!

And, she tries to climb up to her brother giving momma cardiac arrest! This here would NOT be considered a short fall!

Here they were swinging for a long time giggling with every push of the bottom!

Everyday Pics

Over the weekend, Gina likes to eat breakfast with Zack and Sophia. She even partakes in a sippy cup of water which makes the kids giggle! In this pic, Josh and Ken are still at their dad's house and shortly after the pic Zack put his hands up and said, "Josh"? I think they thought Steph left them at school for two nights! Zack enjoys puzzles like no kid I've seen. Here he is doing a 300 piece puzzle my mom bought him at the zoo. He is very focused and has done at least 6 puzzles since he has been home!
Nanny McStephanie also loves to do puzzles so they bond regularly! Notice Drew and Zack in the background! Drew has a new energy!

Here Drew helps his sweetie with her shoes. She can put them on by herself, but she really lays it on thick for her Uncle Drew who she knows LOVES her dearly! He is so in love with her that he calls to talk to her each day while he is at work. What an awesome uncle he is to both kids! I have been so blessed watching him interact with them! (Thanks Liz for the cute shirt!)
Many people ask about the changes in my life. Here is one! Look at my mantle! If you know me well, you know that it would normally be completely clean and free of clutter, but not now because there is a basket of toys for Sophia and one for Zack. Both are actually great about cleaning up their toys without being asked which is a bonus.

Here is a real time pic. When I get up in the morning, I start the laundry, pick up small messes that little "mice" make while I am sleeping, and get the table ready for Zack and Sophia's breakfast! Both LOVE any kind of fruit and cereal and wash it down with a nice tall sippy cup of water. Today I hope to get a set schedule going with the kids so that Auntie Stephanie doesn't go crazy when I go back to work! I'll post the schedule, and you can feel free to give your feedback!
I also hope to take them to the park so they can use their first cans of silly string! I'll post pics of that for sure. Right now, I am going to enjoy a cup of coffee and the one hour in the day that I get to sit in peace and quiet before the natives begin awakening...
Much love to all.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Okay, so I have no pics today either! Stephanie absconded with Josh, Kenny and Zack and ran off to lunch and the mall while I was out grocery shopping with Sophia!

I guess I could have lugged my camera to the grocery store and gotten some strange stares! I have shopped with Sophia two days in a row, and we have bonded hugely. When we got home from the grocery store, Gina began wrestling with Sophia immediately!!! :)

Much love to all! More pics tomorrow! I promise!

The best Sunday ever is a Sunday at home watching the kids in their own environment where they're comfortable and happiest!

Peace out, friends!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Slow Saturday

Today was a pretty good day. Both Zack and Sophia slept until 9:30AM after which they got up for their Honey Nut Cheerios! They were laughing so hard when I served Gina some cereal and gave her a sippy cup just like theirs! They have so much fun with their Aunties and Uncles.

Gina's sister came to visit from Colorado today so she had a good time with Zack and Sophia and got a kick out of hearing them speak Russian. She has a nice bubbly personality so the kids gravitated towards her right away! Sophia especially followed her everywhere she went.

I was getting a little crazy staying in the house so I took Sophia with me for some girl time out returning some items to TJ Maxx. We had a nice time bonding. We went to Target after TJ Maxx for a few necessary items such as Q Tips and tissues! I bought Sophia a bag of popcorn and some apple juice and found that she LOVES popcorn. She ate the entire bag. She chattered away the entire time we shopped. She even picked out a couple of puzzles for her brother while we were there. He already finished the 300 piece puzzle that Babushka bought at the zoo. He honestly did about 30% of hit by himself. This is only because Uncle Drew, Momma and Auntie Stephanie enjoy puzzles too. Zack can sit for an hour doing a puzzle happily.

After shopping, momma made a yummy fried chicken dinner with mashed potatoes and corn. Mom also gave us raw tomatoes and mozzarella which we LOVE to eat like it is candy!

Once our food was settled, we went in the jacuzzi and had a great time jumping in and splashing mom and Stephanie! By the time we were finished we were more than ready for baths and bed!

As I was coming and going, I noticed that Gina didn't seem like herself this afternoon. I kept trying to figure out what might be bothering her, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I was sad for her because I could tell that she had great angst. Finally, once the kiddos were in bed I was able to sit down and get to the bottom of the situation.

Bottom line is someone has a horrible attitude about Zack and Sophia and has gone as far as telling Gina that they don't even want to meet them. Can you imagine????? She was so taken back by the cruel spirit that she just went into this dark place. I guess this person was on a pedestal, and she wasn't ready to see the humanity in him/her. I told her that it is his/her loss and that it doesn't bother me. She insists that it isn't just about him/her not wanting to meet them but more about what would fuel someone she loves to not embrace two little helpless ones that have stolen her heart.

For me, I just don't think all people have the depth necessary to love unconditionally regardless of a person's genetic make up or shall we say from whence they come. I am just reminded of how God fills in gaps like this for us! He will care for Zack and Sophia, and He will protect them from those who don't have the depth to them to accept and love them as fellow human beings. I praise God that my family is able to love these kids like they have come from my womb! I have heard of many who adopt against the wishes of their family, but I have been blessed not to have to deal with that type of selfishness.

Tomorrow Josh and Kenny come back from their dad's house! Zack and Sophia are very confused as to why Auntie Stephanie left them at school for days! They are going to be so jazzed when the door bell rings tomorrow! The cousins will return! All four kids are getting along so WELL!!!! Even after 6428 is history, Gina's boys will long remember how they helped bring their cousins home. What a blessing it has been for Gina's boys to watch this miracle unfold.

I will try to capture some pictures of her boys interacting with Zack and Sophia. It truly is precious. Although, if the boys have their way, after church we will be watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the big screen tomorrow! :)

There is so much good in the world and so many kind hearts that it is okay to say that MEAN PEOPLE JUST SUCK and know that we are talking about a minority!

Friday, April 13, 2007

A Day at the Zoo

We had the perfect end to my mom's spring break! We went to the Santa Ana Zoo which my mom says is perfect for grandmas! Just enough animals to excite the kids and not a lot of walking for the grandmas.
Silly sentimental me has been so overwhelmed with the love that my family has given these kiddos!!! My youngest bro, Mike even drove the 45 miles out to our house last night to come and spend time with the kids. Before the kids came home, it was tough to get Mike out here. He has really bonded with both kids and they chase him yelling, "Michael, Michael..." They love to be on his shoulders which puts them up VERY high!
When Jerry comes home, the kids begin chasing him. They can't say his name as well as they say Michael, but they do make great attempts! Sophia especially love to chase him and growl as Jerry pretends to be scared. I have been pleased with how well the kids have bonded with the guys in my family. One of the warnings that the Russian contacts gave me was that the kids would be afraid of men and would need time to warm up to them. That hasn't been the case at all, but I think it is because the guys in my family know how to have fun and show the love.
I will share one funny although entirely inappropriate story:
At Easter brunch, a dose of outgoing overtook Zack, and he spontaneously yelled out TEEETZKEES and grabbed babushka's boobs (one in each hand). My mom screeched and said nyet but giggled. I got him to stop doing it but was in shock. Then last night out of the blue Zack says, "Babushka Teetskees MUAWWWW". He had outstretched hands showing large and then the muaw was a big kiss. I was like, "ZACK"! I am not sure what exposure this kid has had to tskas, but my first job with him is to redirect him to something a little more age appropriate!!!! Now, if there were no language barrier, it would be very easy to get him to understand why it is inappropriate, but until he can understand my words, he will have to understand my tone and sign language!!! You can imagine how I have to sign for him what he is NOT to do.
He's a sweet kid, and although this behavior is entirely inappropriate, I can't really say that his taste in women is bad!
So back to the zoo with Zack's mighty hot grandmother...
Just as we thought, Zack's favorite animals were the monkeys! Do you see the resemblence?
That's my little MONKEY!!!
After a good belly tickling, momma got some real smiles!Group pic for Heather who likes when I am in the picture! Some stranger offered to take a picture for us! I hesitantly agreed!
More monkeying around with Auntie McStephanie!

More Monkeys...
The monkeys went wild!
Peek a boo...Is that a monkey or a hamster?
Sophia and Babushka had great fun once again! Sophia LOVES her babushka and even asks for her!