Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Mellow Day

Today was a mellow day. I just hung out with the kiddos. We went to their favorite place to eat - Souplantation. They always get cucumbers, tomatoes, raisins, pickels, pizza, boiled eggs, and ice cream on top of a chocolate chip muffin. Oh, and Zack gets broccoli and red onions!!!

After that we did a little window shopping and ended the day at the park where the kiddos played with kids they've met there. There were about 8 girls against Zack and another boy. The boys would run and growl loudly and the girls would scream and run away only to tip toe back a minute later. This went on for about an hour! They had fun so I and other moms just watched amused.

Yesterday, I had a short talk with Zack about his video games. He is the type of kid that will play for 12 hours straight if allowed. His eyes will look tired, and he just tunes out completely. So, I just said something to this effect, "Hey, buddy, we need to make sure you are doing other things as well as playing video games." "It is noon, and you haven't even eaten breakfast or talked to me or Sophia." "Please remember to do things like drink water, eat, and talk to people instead of just playing video games." His response, "Okay, mom." After which he went right back to playing the games. I said nothing else thinking, "Well, it's summer so it's cool."

This morning went something like this:

Zack: I need to have some water. Boy am I thirsty.
Aunt: Okay, well here's some water.
Zack: Thanks! Now, may I have some cereal?
Aunt: Sure! I'll get you some.
Zack: So, how was your night. Did you sleep? Oh, and Sophia and I... And, yesterday I watched Sponge Bob... And, I like to.... And.... (He went on and on for about 10 minutes).
Aunt: Good. Great. Awesome! Wow!
Zack: Okay, I've had water. I ate. Did I talk enough?
Aunt: What? You've talked plenty.
Zack: Okay, water, food, talked - I can play my video game now!
Aunt: You should wait and ask your mom when she gets here.
Zack: She said, water, food, talk, and then game!

I tell you the kid has a one track mind! Since he is very social perhaps I have nothing to worry about, but I think I better keep working on teaching him balance as a favor to his wife. I'm not sure any wife would be happy with a hubby tuned out on computer games or video games 24/7 unless of course, he marries a gamer. One can never know!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Future Worship Band Drummer???

A friend who needed his bass fixed took Zack to Sam Ash... Zack wants to be a drummer! Well, of course he does. It goes right along with the mohawk, the tattoo, the motorcycle, and the earring he wants! Actually, I'd be proud if he learned to be a drummer especially if he plays like the drummer in Audioslave!

All he needed were some drum sticks!

He's gotta learn to look more bad ***! LOL Sorry June!

He was intrigued with the keyboard, but I'm not sure his fingers will be long enough!

Just hanging out in the sunshine!

Wherever there's a sprinkler, there's fun!

Update on the mohawk: Zack is already tired of it! He says, "It is too much work mom"! "I don't like using the hair dryer"! "Can I have my hair spikey now"?

So, it worked! He is past his mohawk stage. Well, he gets to keep it until the rest of his hair grows out because I don't want him to have a buzz cut! Of course, I'd be fine if he wanted a mohawk long term because it's just hair. I'd still like to see him with long hair for a time. We shall see what he wants.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Water and Wall E

The kids and I went to lunch with a friend and then to see Wall E. The theater was packed. I had mixed emotions about seeing the movie as it didn't look very interesting, but being the mom that I am, I fell for the kids' begging! And, they actually liked the movie although they did say that they like Kung Fu Panda better. I'd have to agree.

IMHO - this movie is not worth $8.00 for a matinee viewing!!! Three-fourths of the movie has no dialogue! And, if that is not enough it is a politically charged kid movie. I mean I am all about keeping earth clean, but come on, an entire movie showing how people pretty much destroyed the earth and went to space to ignore what happened back home. Not to mention that the people went to space and did nothing so they were all very very fat, but they resemble people you see everyday. In the movie, they were so fat that they couldn't even walk. They float around in hover chairs and eat, eat, eat. I don't want my kids thinking that every obese person they see sits around and does nothing. I was surprised that Pixar would go that far. Anyhow, I am only one person with one opinion, but I wouldn't recommend it, and certainly think Pixar could have done better.

Now that I'm off my soap box, here are some pics of the kids as they enjoy playing in a few fountains on Birch Street. They always beg to get wet and are always surprised that they are cold when they are soaked! Life experience is the best teacher though so I let 'em have at it.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Beach Day!!

A friend and I took the kiddos to the beach today! I am glad she came along because I would rather take pictures than go in the water! And, of course, the kids had more fun with someone in the water with them!

Zack learned how to use capital and lower case letters from Mrs. Wayland!!!!

Warming up on the sand...

Can you tell that she doesn't like sand on her hands?!!!

My sandy boy!

You all who know Sophia know she hated having sand all over her face!

Zack's first skim board!

He was proud of himself because he kept trying to catch some air.

"Mom, I did it"! "Did you see dat"?

Not much more fear of the waves...
After showers, Zack shows Sophia how to skim board!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sex and the City

I wouldn't recommend it to someone who has not watched a single season, but if you've watched it hit or miss, you'd get it. However, if you have no clue who the four women are or their personalities, I'm not sure you'd fully connect.

Hope that helps!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Summer Days, Quotable Quotes, and Random Thoughts

Splashing around giggling all the while...

A modern day picnic in the park... It's not so healthy, but hey, this mom gets tired of slicing up veggies and fruit! I can't keep these two full for the life of me!

Feeding the ducks...They both LOVE it!

And, they strike these poses on their own. I am glad that they'll have so many pics of themselves together!

Taking a stroll around the lake...

Praying in the park... We've been praying a lot together lately, and the kids are really into it which is very cool.

The kind of mom I aim to be... Hmmmmm, can you guess who that duck is off on her own???!!!

Zack was saying, "Ahhhhh" in the sweetest voice. There was a certain tenderness that touched my heart. Oh no, am I becoming one of those sappy moms???? NOOOOOOOOOOOO

Zack: I'll have a hamburger.
Mom: What? I thought you didn't like hamburgers.
Zack: Chicken is for girls.
Mom: WHAT?
Zack: Yes, on the movie he called the girl a chicken.
Mom: Chicken is for girls or boys. They were meaning scaredy cat.
Zack: I'll have a hamburger.
A new friend and I went to see Sex and the City tonight. I loved it. Other than it being tied up a little too nicely, I enjoyed how it brought closure to the series. And, Sarah Jessica Parker is gorgeous, but I've thought that since she starred in Square Pegs!!!! The movie is not for the faint at heart as there is a lot of nudity and sex; however, I humbly recommend it to women who are not too tightly wound. And, perhaps it's a good date movie... hmmmm... Oh yes, I am a mother!!! Back to reality....oops there goes gravity...
Reba is at San Manuel! I love Reba cause she's a survivor! I went to her concert with a friend a few years ago and we had a nice time. She's one of my faves.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Thoughts and Pics

First, I must say that I don't agree with all of Elisabeth Elliot's thinking especially on submission, but I read this on another friend's blog and thought the thoughts were excellent. The only thing I'd add to it is that wounds caused by people we love are not always intentional; however, the outcome is the same as those intended to cause pain. So for whatever that is worth, I think the thoughts below are valuable.

Wounds Can Change Your Heart

Living in a world broken by sin, we suffer wounds of many kinds. Perhaps the most painful are not the physical ones but those of the heart. No one has power to hurt us more deeply than somebody we love, somebody we counted on to understand and support us. But there are two ways to receive wounds. One leads to larger life.

The other leads straight to death, that is to destruction--of those we influence as well as of ourselves.By grace we can receive the wounds of our friends as our Master received them--in the strength and for the glory of our heavenly Father. Being sinners ourselves, however, we need to be brought low at the cross. Nothing will do this better than some piercing heart-wound, provided we seek Christ because of it and pray Him to purify us.

There is another way--the world's way. It is anger, resentment, retaliation, retreat into pride and self-justification. These are quite natural, and quite lethal. The choice is ours.

"The wound which is borne in God's way brings a change of heart too salutary to regret, but the hurt which is borne in the world's way brings death" (2 Cor 7:10 NEB).

These words hit me right between the eyes as I've gone through many of these emotions and am learning much - for sure!

Things to do on a hot day:

Water Wars

Have a messy Batman Ice Cream treat!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Last Days in Coeur d Alene

Here is the neighborhood up on a hill overlooking the gorgeous lake.
Zack pushes cute little Dani!

June flings Zack high up into the sky on the tree swing! I think she is "super granny"!!!!

The kids loved feeding the baby goats!

Downtown Coeur d Alene
Lake view...

Tree climbing is FUN...Lauren hiding out!

Tree house...

Hanging out on the deck!


Rock climbing at one of the many parks of Coeur d Alene.

Push ups on the bars...


Dani hangs on to mom for dear life!

Surprise, surprise - Zack pushing Dani!

Let's play ball!

We want a pitcher not a belly itcher... :)

Hanging in the Sablan garage right before we departed for the Spokane airport.

Just arrived at LAX! Kids were not happy to be back in CA - go figure!

If you know Sophia, you know this look! Mostly she gives it to her auntie.