Thursday, June 25, 2009

Our Day

We started the day with an hour and a half drive to the OC for Zack's dental appointment.  He was supposed to be fitted for a bilateral spacer for the bottom of his mouth and a spacer for the top.  The dentist did the first mold and then a light went on in her head.  She walked over to the computer and reviewed his "file".  

She then proceeded to tell me why she couldn't do the molds because the planned course of action would not work.  She referred me to an orthodontist!!!  Never mind that all of the dental work had been decided by the dentist and paid in full.  Why she didn't have this revelation prior to today, I don't know!  I know it is not about money because I refused her fist referral and will take him to USC for a consultation from their top dental students.  His current dentist says he needs something to be put in his mouth to extend the roof of it and eliminate a cross bite.  

All of this work is a result of a lack of dental care while he was in Russia.  I feel so badly for him.  He's a trooper though.  So, we drove a long way for him to have his teeth cleaned, and the cleaning only happened because I insisted on it!  

I'm too tired to switch these photos around!  After the dental appointment, we decided to go to our favorite outdoor skateparks in the OC.  After that, we came home and nearly immediately jumped into the pool.

There is a video of today in my next post as well.  

Skateboarding Video from Today

Zack is very into my video taping him lately.  In this video, you can see how determined he is to learn new skills on his skateboard.  His is still a little to light to maneuver this bowl without lifting his front wheels, but the fact that he can do it at all is amazing to me.  I'm glad he enjoys it, and for the most part, it is a harmless sport.  I do notice a bit of foul language at the skateparks, but I figure it is  good place for him to learn that just because others use certain words doesn't mean he needs to do so to get his point across.

At this point, Zack is the smallest guy out there, and the only one yelling, "Mom, did you see that"?  I realize I need to treasure these years when he enjoys my being right by his side for things like this.

This afternoon I heard him and Sophia chatting:

Zack: Sophia you know your friend?
Sophia:  Who Melissa?
Zack:  Yes.
Sophia:  Yes, she's my friend.
Zack:  Well, she has a really bad attitude, and you need to be careful not to act like that.
Sophia:  ZACK, I WON'T, she said with attitude!!! LOL!!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pool Days

These kids are fish!  I am so so so so so thankful that we have pool!!!
Sophia and her goggles are inseparable (thanks Maria)!!

This is what the dinner plate of a lactose intolerant looks like!  He has the corn dog in his hand!  Notice the pill wrapper in the center of his plate.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Zack's Favorite Pastime

This was my first attempt at creating video from my Mac!  I forgot to get rid of the background noise when the music is playing... 

Friday, June 19, 2009

California Science Center

We enjoyed every minute of our time at the science center today.  It really was a fun place!

Below is the motion simulator in which the kids enjoyed a 5 minute ride!
Check out Sophia's hair in the tornado tube!
Sophia checking out bacteria!
Learning about the brain.
Learning about babies...!
They both got to carry an African Hissing Cockroach!
Then we watched Wild Ocean at the Imax.  The kids were enthralled!

There were so many hands on things that the kids could enjoy.  They were on stimulation overload!  It was cool!
Learning to build arches.  They built the arches and then removed the wooden pieces in order to learn the importance of a keystone.
Where there is a rope, Zack will climb it.

I highly recommend a trip to the science center.  It is free!  All you pay for are extras such as the Imax movie and the motion simulator.  The rest of the stuff is totally free!