Monday, September 17, 2007

The Structure of Our Day (exciting, I know)

7:30AM - I take Josh and Zack to school. (Sophia is still snoozing) Steph leaves for work.
7:45AM- I return home and start laundry.
7:50AM - Mike take Kenny to school and then Mike goes to work.
9:00AM - Sophia opens her tired eyes.
9:10AM - Sophia comes downstairs and eats her breakfast out of her Hello Kittly lunchbox. (Steph makes it the night before and Sophia loves using a lunchbox) I just add milk to her cereal.
10:00AM - While I clean, Sophia watches PBS - Super Readers and other educational programs.
10:30AM - Sophia helps me fold and hang laundry.
11:00AM - Sophia gets dressed, and I do her hair.
11:30AM - Sophia pulls the top desk drawer open and pulls out the gum. We each chew a piece, and she reminds me she's chewing. I do any computer related work I need to do at this time.
12:00PM - We prepare and eat lunch.
1:00PM -2:30PM - Errands and or activities at home such as puzzles, games, and basic tickle time. See pics below as we were playing school. Sophia was pretending to leave for school.

2:30PM - Sophia and I go to pick up Josh and Zack.
3:05PM - Zack and Josh get home as does Mike.
3:15PM - Zack and Josh give me their daily folders and then start on their chores. As they do chores, I check their folders and get their snack ready. Below, Zack gets his fifth Kapow ticket which is awesome! Then you see Zack doing his chores. Notice the trash bag in his hand. He wanted me to take a pic of his foochie feet. (foochie (stinky)- word created by Aunt Gina)

3:30PM - Kids enjoy their healthy afternoon snack! Here you see them having a glass of milk with those new rice crispy chocolate straws. I have found that the straws are a great way to get the kiddos to drink and enjoy their milk each day.

4:00PM - Mike and Sophia pick up Kenny while Zack and Josh stay home and do homework. I read a book to them once homework is complete.
4:30PM - Zack and Josh read for 20 minutes on their beds. (Zack looks at the pictures and makes up the story) Ken gets home at this time.
4:40PM - Ken does his chores. Gathers hangers. Cleans up his room. Delivers clean laundry to the appropriate rooms. Vacuums upstairs one day a week. Does his own laundry on Sunday afternoon start to finish including sorting, folding, and hanging!!!! He is actually quite proud of this!
4:50PM - Free time for Josh and Zack and cook time for me. Toys, cartoons, and reading are what they typically do. Video games are for Saturdays now that school has started. Ken does his homework in their bedroom while the boys have freetime in the family room. Works out great! Ken is self managed from the time he gets home until dinner.
5:30PM - Dinner time. All kids help set the table and love helping.
6:15PM- Kids clear table and Mike and Steph swap nights of kitchen duty. Tuesdays and Fridays we go to gymnastics. All other days we follow the following evening schedule.
6:45PM - 8:10PM PARK!!! They can choose free time or park, but they ALWAYS choose park. I am glad because I love seeing them doing physical activity.
8:15PM - baths for three littles (Zack and Josh are self managed all the way through to teeth brushing and hopping into bed) They are all in bed by 8:45 at the latest for prayers, kisses, and hugs.
9:15PM - Kenny hits the hay for another busy day.
9:30PM - I collapse and Stephanie makes lunches.
6:50AM - It all starts with a song - "Get out of bed you sleepy head and say good morning to the world. Then beds are made. Teeth are brushed. Clothes are put on. Breakfast is eaten. Hair is combed. Back pack is grabbed. And, a piece for fruit is eaten on the ride to school. All fo this except hair combing and the actual driving is self managed by the kids. They truly are awesome people! And, I hope that one day their wives and husband will benefit and that they will be prepared to nurture little happy families.

It is a very structured life, but the kids depend on this structure. They are happiest and secure when they know what is happening next. Of course there are times when we can't go by this schedule, and it is those times that I tell them well ahead of time the change in plans so they know what to expect.
Sundays are out days out. We go to church which is our number one priority!!!! Then we go to lunch, bowling, park, movies, book store which functions like a library pretty much, and other things of the sort. We enjoy a day of playing and NO chores. Except Ken's laundry which is done in shifts throughout the day. This chore would be a Saturday chore, but he will soon be back at his dad's on Saturdays. So we make due in order to encourage and build him into an independent young man who will be equipped to care for himself and to help his wife or care for his kids while she is at the annual ladies' retreat!!! LOL
Okay, well that is it. For being a single mom/aunt, with a family that doesn't match the mom, dad, 2.5 kids, I think we're doing darn well. God is good, and His presence in our lives is evident!


Elizabeth B said...

First, Baby! I was chekcin' all weekend. :-)

Elizabeth B said...

That was "checkin'" not "chekcin'". But, I'm still #1!!!

Sounds like a fun day! I'm very impressed that Ken does his own laundry. That's very important!

You are doing awesome, D. I read about your day and get kind of jealous. I'm just doing regular work and you're changing little lives right before your very eyes.

By the way, what did you think of that church you visited? Did you go back or try something new?

Gina Marie said...

I like this blog! It made me miss you more though!

anita said...

ok dumb question for...

6:50AM - It all starts with a song - "Get out of bed you sleepy head and say good morning to the world. Then beds are made. Teeth are brushed. Clothes are put on. Breakfast is eaten. Hair is combed. Back pack is grabbed. And, a piece for fruit is eaten on the ride to school. All fo this except hair combing and the actual driving is self managed by the kids. They truly are awesome people! And, I hope that one day their wives and husband will benefit and that they will be prepared to nurture little happy families.

is the whole thing a song??? lol cuz thats some song

anita said...

ok dumb question for...

6:50AM - It all starts with a song - "Get out of bed you sleepy head and say good morning to the world. Then beds are made. Teeth are brushed. Clothes are put on. Breakfast is eaten. Hair is combed. Back pack is grabbed. And, a piece for fruit is eaten on the ride to school. All fo this except hair combing and the actual driving is self managed by the kids. They truly are awesome people! And, I hope that one day their wives and husband will benefit and that they will be prepared to nurture little happy families.

is the whole thing a song??? lol cuz thats some song

allie said...

dang man.
thats alot. hahah
and be proud i actully read then commented not commented then read then commented again. hahah

Unknown said...

Structure is great for little ones. Sounds like everyone is used to living together and knows what they are supposed to do. That's great!!! Good job everyone!!