Saturday, July 05, 2008

Zack's New Board

I took Zack to get his very own legitimate skateboard today. He was so excited. Well, by excited I mean he was walking like a testosterone filled male! For some reason, I have noticed that when he plays video games or does some type of outdoor "manly" sport, he holds himself differently - in a tough way. It is cute. Of course, I keep him humble by doing things like hopping on his board and doing a 180! He was like, "Mom, where did you learn that"? I said, "Mom's know everything, remember"? Sophia walked outside just then and he said, "Sophia, check out what mom can do." "She is sweeeeet"!

I hope he doesn't forget that! His old chunky mom can ride a board! And, he learned all of his skills from a woman! Not me, but another coordinated woman - there are many out there, you know!

I forced myself to sit on my hands today as I let him pick everything for his board. He chose the deck, the color of the grip, the wheels, the trucks, and the bearings. He let me pick the stickers! The funny thing is that he color coordinated the entire board in black and white. I even said a few times, "You can pick anything in any color"!

I know parents shouldn't aim to be their kid's friends or to keep them happy 24/7, but I am a sucker for their praise. In the words of Zack, "Mom, God made you the best mom ever"! And, this was just because I took him to the bookstore! Truth is I don't feel like the "best mom ever". I feel like I am already behind in having Zack in sports. I feel like he should be in Kumon, and Sophia should be in a progressive pre-k program and in ballet. I feel like they should have every opportunity at success.
But, I remind myself often that what makes a good mom is the unconditonal love and acceptance we give our kids while we're training them to be responsible adults. I couple that with reminding myself that God defines success much differently than do I. And, then I get that pang that says, "But, they need to be college graduates." "And, I want them to earn scholarships to prestigious schools." "And, I want Zack to be the best on his team."
But, the overwhelming thought is that I want them to know God in a real and meaningful way. If I can give them Him as a compass for life, that will be enough - ummm, and a skateboard! LOL


Melissa said...

I hear ya. We always want all opportunities for our kids. It is hard to hold back

Gigi said...

I love your blog! My daughter is video game addicted so this summer I have her doing Jumpstart Second grade on the computer-she loves it! Zack might like it. She is also doing FastForward to help with recall and processing issues.