Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Few Adoption Notes

I haven't written much lately about things that are unique to the kiddos due to their time in the orphanage.

First, the kids had to be taught that it is okay to cry when they get hurt. This has taken a long time to instill in them. It has only been a few months during which they've cried right when they get hurt. For Zack, this happened in steps. He learned to cry in front of me. Then he learned to cry in front of women/girls. And, finally he learned that even if he gets hurt while with a man/boy, it is okay and perfectly manly to cry when he is hurt.

Whenever the kids would get hurt (truly hurt), I'd scoop them up and tell them, "It is good to cry if you are hurt". They would begin to wimper quietly as I'd cuddle them. I'd tell them again that if it still hurt they could cry because even grown ups cry when something hurts. Eventually, they would come to me already crying, and I'd say, "I am so glad you cry when you hurt."

I should also tell you that I tell them often to "shake it off". This is when I can clearly see that they are not hurt. For instance, when they decide to limp to prove that they need a bandaid for a speck of a mark on their leg!!! :) They usually say, "You know I'm faking"??? Then they giggle, and I tell them to remember to be as honest as they can so that people will believe their words. That is a lesson that is a little bit above them right now, but I figure it's never to soon to lay groundwork.

More later.


Kevin and Krista said...

Still in Ukraine getting our 4! :) Just checked in for the first time in a while and I am glad that things are going well this summer. I laughed when I saw "zit" on the word practice list. You crack me up.

Zach looks so cute on his skateboard. We already ordered the kids their first vans on Zappos. They will be waiting at home for them. The girls are light and dark pink... too cute!

Enjoy your CA summer!
Love from Lugansk,

Gigi said...

One of my wonderful friends who has 3 older adopted children put it in perspective for me when she said that other people teach their kids to be independent but we have to teach our kids how to be dependent.