Sunday, July 20, 2008

Vacationing in Coeur D'Alene (again)

We've been gone for 7 days in Idaho visiting friends. This time we took a CA friend and were able to enjoy adventures on the lake because the water was MUCH warmer. We had a great time and were so busy that I had little to no time to update the blog. I have many pictures and will post some for family and friends who enjoy seeing pics of the kids as they grow day by day.

We went to church last Sunday, and the pastor said something that stuck with me. It wasn't that enlightening, but I guess it hit me at a perfect moment. He said to be careful what seeds you plant. Interestingly enough, it made me think about how we plant seeds now and enjoy planting, but we don't often think about what we'll reap 2,3,5, 10 years down the road when it's time for harvest. He suggested planting watermelons! So now when I see watermelon, I am reminded to be very careful about the choices I make knowing that fun often doesn't last but for a moment.

Okay, that is just something I wanted to write down more for myself than for my readers. Sin takes you farther than you want to go; Keeps you longer than you want to stay; and costs you a whole lot more than you want to pay. I am not one to list sins because I think there is just a whole lot of grey areas in life, but when it comes to the stuff in black and white in the Bible, I think I'd be better off heeding it. Easier said than done sometimes...

Please forgive me as the pics are all jumbled up! This is the last time I wait a week to blog!

Only grandmas give cupcakes for breakfast!!!

Zack tells "Unlce Dreamy" about his ouchie!

Super Granny takes a dip!

Super Granny entertains the kiddos while their moms lounge on the boat.

Learning to drive the pontoon.

Break time...

The kids love to be out on the water.

This pic was taken in Figpickels which is a toystore that looks like Mr. Magoriums Wonder Emporium! It even has a carousel.
Super Granny makes YUMMY spaghetti, coconut cake, and mom LOVES her coffee maker!
Out on the Mariah - FAST boat!

Two cold little kiddies!

After a long day, check out the dark circles around her eyes!

We took a short hike on Tubs Hill!

This is my good friend. She keeps me on the straight an narrow way more often than I'd like to admit!

At the end of our hike up Tubs Hill, Zack helped each of us down! I thought for sure I was going to roll over him!!!

Love that feeling of cold sand on hot sweaty feet? Sophia likes it a lot!
There's their, "I'm cold" look...
Nate put the kids to work helping him wash the Denali... Did I say helping or hindering????

Gotta love my skater shoes...

Nate and Dani take a ride on a "bicycle built for two". I love that song - Tonja used to sing it daily...

I was teaching Zack how to skip rocks. We had fun together. He skipped one rock twice and was jazzed!

This is the face of, "Darn, I should have made a better choice and skipped this time out crap"!

Woe - blurry but cute...

Bitters - nice ice cold drink after a hot day! YUM!
Super Granny loves on the kiddos. BTW - the kids nicknamed her that somehow, and it stuck. She doesn't skowl when she hears it now as it has become a term of endearment. However, I'm not sure why she got super granny and Jim got Uncle Dreamy!!! Seems unfair, huh?

Zack says as he tugs - "ear fettish"!

A beautiful garden in Spokane...

Super Granny helps Zack and Sophia play with a long juicy worm!\

The kids in the English Garden. I love England - London holds fond memories for me. If you ever go there, check out Soho and eat at Waggamamas!

This is the first flower shot I've taken in months. Like it?

June and Stephanie pose for the camera. A peaceful moment surrounded by beautiful flowers and a flowing fountain brings a smile to their faces. I am surprised, however, that June wasn't lying on the grass taking in the sunshine!

Sweet conversations abound wherever Super Granny is found.

The Japanese garden...

Hello little grasshopper...

Zack poses with Spokane in the background.

Hey, those hats don't look Russian!

Little gangsta...

One evening the adults went out to a fabulous Italian restaurant owned by a lovely Italian couple. I had the rib eye which was one of the best I've had, and yes, it was RARE! YUM! Anyhow, this is the son of the sitters that watched the kiddos. His name is "yawn" of course not spelled like it sounds! He had great fun with the kiddos.

Dani and Zack play very well together. Well, except when Dani kicks the ball out from under Zack's foot. He hates to lose, and he showed that on the soccer "field" while at the sitters. Any ideas from moms out there on how to keep your kid driven to succeed while teaching him/her to lose gracefully. I hate to be that mom who says, "Oh, that's just his personality." Seems like a cop out for dealing with the tough stuff to me. IMHO

Lavender fields forever...

Dani and Lauren doing puzzles and drawing at the cherry farm.

Bing Cherries

My sweet little picker...
Pie cherries - ewwww - SOUR!

Only a couple short months and both of these little ones will be FIVE!!! WOE, slow down, girls!

I love the time the kiddos get to spend with June. She is great with them, and they love her so much!
Zack made his own seat and started eating up... after which he and I had a pit fight! We were nailing each other with pits. The other moms just looked at me. Hey, you only live once and there is nothing like a kid spitting a seed at his mom and nailing her in the arm leaving cherry juice behind. Well, at least Zack and I had a blast!

Check out the swoosh that "Uncle Dreamy" sports... NO Idaho shoes for him - YET! LOL

Super Granny gets 100 kisses!

Oops, Zack got a splinter, and mom got it out! He was a tough guy - no tears just winces!
Kyndell enjoys her ice cream cone! YUM!
The kids really loved hanging out with Lauren. She is such a sweet girl and a great big sister. When I met June, Lauren was around 2 years old! Time flies...

Instead of sand, this place had peas!!!! And, boy did we have a blast!!!!

I hade peas falling out of every crevice!

Nice bike! Zack wanted to ride, but there were no kids sized helmets.
AH, look at them!

People pay for those curls... Pretty girl!

Pretty girls who likes her dessert!

Idahoan shoes...???? Can't be - only for Super Granny!

Airport craziness and exhaustion after a fun week with good friends!

Wiping off his sister's kiss...
We had a great time in CDA! It is a beautiful place to visit! I'd like to go back at Christmas. I hear that it is gorgeous!
This is probably a good place to say thanks to June and Steph for hosting us again! We had a wonderful time, and the kids love you and love Idaho too! The Lord has blessed our little fam through you and your families. Some friends are lifers no matter how many miles away they move!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks like you guys had another great vacation with June. That's great that Wanda got to go too.