Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Summer Academics have begun...

After reading the responses of many of the readers out there, I decided that having some structured academics during the summer is the "norm". So, I've joined in, and believe or not, the kids enjoyed it. Go figure - I was "worried" about being the "mean" mom who makes her kids work too much. I second guess myself a lot lately so any feedback from moms out there is very helpful to me. I just want to empower the kids to reach high so that they can achieve all that their God given strengths will allow. I don't want them to look back and think, "If my mom had only..."

Here is what we started on today which covered small motor skills, reading, and letter recognition (for Sophia):

After "homework" as they call it, Sophia decided to play dress up while Zack worked on a puzzle. She begged me to take pics, and here are the results:

Ahoy, matey!

And, for the first time, I didn't request a "group shot," but Zack grabbed his sister and told me to take a picture. I guess I should take advantage of it while they are young.

Here is what Zack refers to as his "rug"! He wants to get his hair cut so we'll be doing that very soon.

And, lastly, here are their new water bottles. I put them in the freezer overnight and take them out each morning. They have the water they need for the day - 64 ounces. I may be a bit crazy with making sure the kids eat healthy and drink enough water, but it will benefit them as adults so I am okay with how we roll. The kids are creating habits for life...
Zack ended the night learning to make brownies from one of his favorite babysitters. This will keep him well balanced. Wouldn't it be nice to have a man who can skateboard and then come home to make dinner and dessert! :)
Notice the wet hair - he had been out skateboarding for 2 hours. He can ride from the top of one driveway, turn to the sidewalk, and go all the way up the drive way next door manuvering the board on his own. Well, he can do that in these two driveways... not sure about all driveways. What he needs work on is learning to lose or fail. Any moms out there have any advice on teaching a very driven kid to lose gracefully or to throw in the towel and continue practicing tomorrow????
Anyone out there have any summer fun ideas?
Kim, I think your kiddos will like Sea World - even the older ones. I think they might even enjoy it more than the younger kids do. For a great family pic, go to the world famous Hotel Del Coronado. It is worth a visit and a meal. And, there are plenty of rocks that kids young and old love to climb.

1 comment:

ko said...

Looks like fun! Are you in the SD area? We lived there for 6 years and I miss it so much. How great Zach loves to cook. So does Klaire. email me sometime.