Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Giant Frisbee and the Optometrist

Today we found a gigantic frisbee at TJ Maxx for $5.00! Since the price was right, and our boomerang got stuck in the tree yesterday, we splurged and headed for the park.

Sophia can throw this frisbee very well...

These next photos were taken by Zack and Sophia as I have begun "training" them to take pics with the Canon Rebel!!! A little blurry, but Zack got me all in the pic. Keep in mind, it's a camera where you have to look through a view finder not simply look at the screen. The one benny for the kids is that the shutter speed is very fast.

Also taken by Zack - it was windy out so the hair is pretty bad, but he sure did capture a moment.

Same photographer...

Crazy girls do crazy things!

Now, check out the pics Sophia took!!!!

Crystal clear... She's got skills!

Mom took this one... I'm not so bad!

Ahoy Matey!

Here is the gigantic frisbee!

A visit to the eye doctor...

Horrible pic, but this is one way they tested Sophia's sight. It was funny because if you notice the last pic on the second line it is a phone, but it is a phone that she's never seen in her life so she was like, "Uhhhh, I don't know what that is"!!!! They need to update to show a cell phone!

A new eye perhaps will help!

Dr. Downs checks out the eyeballs. Zack took this picture!

And, here is where I tell you the outcome of the eye appointment! I have noticed that Sophia's right eye appears lazy when she is tired. So, I took her to my optometrist where we found out that her eye is not only lazy, but it may need to be aligned!!!! She also can barely see out of it. Her left eye, however, is very strong. So, we are off to a pediatric optomologist to see what needs to happen. Chances are good that she will need a surgical procedure. SIGH!!!! And, glasses will be in her future. I began wearing glasses when I was five so I do feel for her although it's not a terribly bad thing!!!
I have a great optometrist! He decided to check Zack who did not have an appointment just to make sure he did not have a similar issue. And, wouldn't you know, Zack has 20/20 vision!!!! Thank the good Lord that only one will need treatment.
That was our day in short. Sophia said, "Mom, I was so good, and Dr. Bob did not even have lollipops"!!!! And, before we left she picked out her future glasses - Juicy Couture...she is a mini Juicy.

1 comment:

kim said...

I remember how I felt when my four year old sat in the eye exam... he really has poor vision and I couldn't believe that I did not pick up on it sooner. Sophia will be adorable in glasses. Did he mention if she will have to patch her stronger eye for a while?

I am impressed with the pics they took!