Tuesday, July 01, 2008

DMV and Good Babysitters

I had to go to the DMV yesterday. YUCK! Why is it that when at the DMV, it feels like you're at the welfare office? Everyone in there looked so depressed and grumpy! I guess, to be fair, that included me! I needed to renew my registration and when I got there they were on number 292, and I was given number 360! Before you suggest an appt., the person next to me had one and waited just as long! When all was said and done, I was just happy to be finished.
The following are pics of what the kids did while I was sitting in boringville:

Cool airplanes like the ones from the 70s with the rubber bands and wind up propellers. Fun stuff!

Zack creates his own monkey bars, and Sophia attempts to climb the tree!

Pool time!

Sun tan time!

Warming up... And, that there is a Baptist looking mohawk! LOL!
Then the diving boards opened, and Zack jumped right up with the teenage guys.

Here he is doing a front flip off of the short board. I guess the lifeguards were amazed and the teenagers would stop and watch him each time. Usually, he gets shy but the girls said that he was game to go again and again.

A running start...
Off the high dive - he got comfortable enough with the high dive that he did a few good dives (I am told).
Ummmmmm, belly flop?!!!

These two are simpatico. They get along so very well because they are oppostites - quiet girl meets jabber mouth!

And, Zack has been in love with Allie since last year at Hume Lake! He still gravitates towards her whenever he sees her.

Trust me, this last pic is not what it looks like although if you know Zack, you'd think he was slapping someone's rear end. Gotta love the underwater cameras!

1 comment:

allie said...

hahahahahha. the last picture!