Thursday, July 31, 2008

Eye Surgery - YUCK!

Not positive yet, but this appears to be what Sophia is facing. Just the thought of eyeball surgery gives me the creeps. This is going to be even more "gastly" than Zack's surgery was!!!!
The main purpose of eye muscle surgery is thus to restore straight eye alignment. The surgery is performed to align both eyes so that they gaze in the same direction

To repair a convergent gaze, the ophthalmogist cuts the muscles that move the eye from side to side (A). On one side, the muscles are attached further back on the eyeball (B). On the other, the muscle is shortened (C) and stitched (D). (Illustration by GGS Inc.)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Giant Frisbee and the Optometrist

Today we found a gigantic frisbee at TJ Maxx for $5.00! Since the price was right, and our boomerang got stuck in the tree yesterday, we splurged and headed for the park.

Sophia can throw this frisbee very well...

These next photos were taken by Zack and Sophia as I have begun "training" them to take pics with the Canon Rebel!!! A little blurry, but Zack got me all in the pic. Keep in mind, it's a camera where you have to look through a view finder not simply look at the screen. The one benny for the kids is that the shutter speed is very fast.

Also taken by Zack - it was windy out so the hair is pretty bad, but he sure did capture a moment.

Same photographer...

Crazy girls do crazy things!

Now, check out the pics Sophia took!!!!

Crystal clear... She's got skills!

Mom took this one... I'm not so bad!

Ahoy Matey!

Here is the gigantic frisbee!

A visit to the eye doctor...

Horrible pic, but this is one way they tested Sophia's sight. It was funny because if you notice the last pic on the second line it is a phone, but it is a phone that she's never seen in her life so she was like, "Uhhhh, I don't know what that is"!!!! They need to update to show a cell phone!

A new eye perhaps will help!

Dr. Downs checks out the eyeballs. Zack took this picture!

And, here is where I tell you the outcome of the eye appointment! I have noticed that Sophia's right eye appears lazy when she is tired. So, I took her to my optometrist where we found out that her eye is not only lazy, but it may need to be aligned!!!! She also can barely see out of it. Her left eye, however, is very strong. So, we are off to a pediatric optomologist to see what needs to happen. Chances are good that she will need a surgical procedure. SIGH!!!! And, glasses will be in her future. I began wearing glasses when I was five so I do feel for her although it's not a terribly bad thing!!!
I have a great optometrist! He decided to check Zack who did not have an appointment just to make sure he did not have a similar issue. And, wouldn't you know, Zack has 20/20 vision!!!! Thank the good Lord that only one will need treatment.
That was our day in short. Sophia said, "Mom, I was so good, and Dr. Bob did not even have lollipops"!!!! And, before we left she picked out her future glasses - Juicy Couture...she is a mini Juicy.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Boomerang Fun

Today we played with a boomerang! You might think that would be dangerous, but it is only dangerous if you actually know how to use one! We don't so we were more playing frisbee than anything!

Several times, Zack had to retrieve it from a tree!
And, this was its final resting place FAR too high for Zack to climb...sigh. Sophia was not very happy.
The kids LOVE to feed the ducks and beg to do so every day. I am surprised how much they like it, but they are both animal lovers so perhaps it is just a chip in them.

Here are a few mug shots in an attempt to stop the hands of time. These two are just growing up WAY too fast. I am treasuring every moment we have together, and I find great joy in their smiles.

These next pics depict Zack's true personality.

Nothin' like walking through a creek with barefeet!

Sophia chose the biggest ice cream available, and Zack was just happy with something chocolate!
Precious moments with my boy laying across my lap... I have never been more aware of how much physical touch means to a kid.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Summer Days Wear Us Out

Sophia and Chloe after a long summer day! She's growing up way too fast!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Another Sunday

Today we went to the mall to stroll around and then to the park where the kids played for a couple of hours. We followed that up with dinner and baths for these two stinky little puppies!

What to do with a kid who loves to boss...

Don't ask!

DS = silence

Learning from big brother...

Zack tearing it up on his scooter - well, trying to tear it up. He is still trying to learn what he calls "moves".

Refreshment first in a civilized manner...

Then his thirst takes over...

Ah, thirsty no more!

The dog Zack wants! Her name is Princess.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Breakfast and Fun

Sophia: Hey mom, I have a donut!
Mom: You do???
Sophia: Yes, you can eat the sprinklers off of the top if you want to!!!

Mom: Tickling Sophia as we twist and turn...
Sophia: Mom you are making me laugh and gaggle!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ice Cream Truck

Sophia: MOM, MOM, MOM, the ice creen truck!!!
Mom: I am not buying you any ice cream sweetie.
Sophia: Ah man, I thought you had changed up your mind!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Today would have been my parents 50th anniversary. Mom is sad and says she misses him. If you pray, keep her in your prayers. Dad wasn't the greatest guy - had lots of issues - but you know if there's anything I've learned in my lifetime, it is that even the people that make our lives miserable have great parts to them. And, conversely, those who make our lives exciting, have some down sides that expose themselves once the laughter dies down. So much in life is about finding balance - in my humble opinion. My parents weren't successful at finding that balance, but even without it, love still existed. And, for that, I am glad.

I guess love doesn't depend on the object of affection, it is simply a matter of the heart.

Blue Snow Pants

Zack: Mom, did you ask my Pelican (orphanage) to give you my blue snow pants.
Mom: They told us that we couldn't take any of your clothes not even your underwear.
Zack: Did you say "Pearly Please"???

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Dark Knight

Yesterday we went to see The Dark Knight, and it was a great movie. Well, I should add that there are likely many parents who would not take their six year old son to see it, BUT, I pretty much know what is scary to Zack and what is not. I did my research and decided that since he knows the Joker is just a pretend character that he'd be fine, and he was just fine. He loved the movie, and I don't want to ruin the end of the movie for you who have not seen it, but suffice it to say that the movie caused Zack to ask some great questions. I had no sitter so I took Sophia too and we cuddled throughout the movie. She was unscathed as well because of all of the super hero play she's done with the boys for the last year! Judge me if you must but from afar, please. :)

Anyhow, the movie does have violence, but there is no blood and guts. I don't recommend it for kids who struggle with nightmares or fear in general. Honestly, I think most of the movie goes over the kids' heads. They just like to see Batman and The Joker go at it.

Food for thought: There was a line in the movie that hit home for me. It went something like this... Sometimes people don't need the truth. Rather, they need to be able to have faith in something or someone.

I have been stewing over this concept. I know it's an ethical question, but what do you think? Does the truth always need to be spoken or is it okay for someone to spare others the truth so they can have the benefits that faith brings????? The best example I can give is allowing my kids to believe in Santa. I know he's not real, but the joy they get from believing is so sweet. Thoughts?

Monday, July 21, 2008



A rare photo...

I can't remember what June was saying, but Zack is enthralled!

The Thinker...
There is NOTHING funny about being cold...