Saturday, May 31, 2008

Weekend Getaway

This weekend we've enjoyed a mini vacation! The kids had a blast swimming in the heated pool!
This after Sophia got her hair cut at Rainbow Kids where they are known for this rainbow braid. She looks so girly!!! She loved it, but those of you who know her, know that there is not a girly bone in her body!


Some morning fun!

And, here is what they ate for breakfast!!!! Eggs, bacon, fruit loops, pancakes, waffles and fresh fruit! I am amazed at how much they eat and love when it is an all you can eat buffet!

We went to see Narnia Prince Caspian after which we hit Toys R Us for some swords so they could play act. They love being King Peter and Prince Caspian. Sophia wasn't pleased that neither of the girls in the movie had swords! The movie was great and the kids seemed to understand the basic concept of with God, we win our battles and without, we lose. Perhaps there's some learning in there for their "old" mom!

They loved looking out the window and yelling, "Look Mom, BEST BUY"!!!! They love that store!

Fun in the room! They giggled for two hours straight as they dueled!
Gotta love a boy in Gap boxers!

We're growing the hair out for either a long do or a mohawk. He keeps going back and forth, but he knows he wants it long. I can't wait until it is long enough to be "shaped"!!!


anita said...

i loove sophia's hair braided that way sooo cuuteee.....i can't believe they can eat so much...well i i want fruit loops those sounds good as you can see i just got off of work and one to many espressos haha still havent learned no espressos after 8 as for zacks long hair i vote for mohawk that would be cute

Type (little) a aka Michele said...

Gorgeous kids!