Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Happy May

Other than the weather being a bit gloomy, life has been pretty good. Zack continues to read better and better. His sense of humor is also developing quite well. He keeps me on my toes with the one liners. He said something yesterday that I wanted to blog, but I forgot what it was by the time I got home!

Sophia has had great days at school this week - two down and three to go! She is my little one who loves to bathe. She will relax and sing in the tub for over an hour if she is allowed the pleasure! I try to indulge her now and again if our schedule allows.

Life is just as structured as always. I just do a lot less cooking! Last night Zack gobbled up what was probably an entire head of broccoli and when he took a bite of his lasagna, he said I want this everyday!!! This was after he was served some different meals over the weekend:

Angel Hair, chicken, and snow peas in a peanut sauce
Peppered stew and potatoes
Chorizo, eggs, beans and cheese layered on tostada shells

Neither kid was fond of the meals, but both were gracious in eating and expressing politely that the meals weren't their favorite. Of course, after they ate all of that I topped it off with a trip to Carls Jr which included a chocolate shake.

They are no worse for the wear. I never learned to eat or try anything I didn't like so I try to get the kiddos to try new things. Of course, when we are company, we know to eat and not grumble. Part of being a mom is watching your kiddos eat something they don't care for and wanting to give them what they like and choosing not to in order to teach them a life long lesson in manners. And, in communication, knowing when and how to share that you don't like something is a must. And, of course, there's an age that this training is appropriate and for mine, now is the time.

I loved all of the meals prepared! There is nothing like home cookin'!!!

I can't believe that tomorrow is Wednesday again! My word, time passes quickly! In some ways, I am so thankful for that. In other ways, I want to capture the fullness of each moment, and it moves too fast to do that sometimes!

The latest poem the kids and I say:

I love you when you're bad
I love you when you're good
I love you when you do the things you're not supposed to
And, I love you when you do what you should

They have their own rhythm! Basically, I have a little people pleaser in Zack who will go places in life because he is determined to succeed at everything he puts his hand to, and I have a little stubborn one who thinks she knows everything and can run the "world". For both personalities, it is imperative that I instill in them that they are acceptable to me just as they are. They need to know that being real and vulnerable is safe with those that love them; most importantly God. They will need to acknowledge their weaknesses in order to fully experience God's strength.

I am fortunate to have friends who have already raised their kids. Some have turned out great. Others have gone a windy road. And, some haven't turned out well at all. And, I get great advice from all three groups! I try to look five years out when it comes to parenting. While enjoying their current ages, I'm thinking about the day when they're 9 and 11! That definitely affects the decisions I make today. And, let me tell you when I see some of Sophia's looks, I can see her at 12!!!

And, I'm getting better at giving them more choices - you can wear this to school or your pajamas. It's up to you! LOL Just kidding! You can read or go to bed! LOL Seriously, it is more like we can go to the park or we can go to McDonalds Playland. We can do a puzzle or do sidewalk chalk. Do you want chicken or soft tacos? Tiny little choices will lead to the bigger choices, and I want them to learn to express what they want in healthy ways.

Okay, that's all for now. I'm off to pick Zack up from the playground! Then we're off to grab some Gatorade and to the park where we'll kick the socker ball around for a while! I hope I don't break an ankle in these shoes!

1 comment:

allie said...

I love you when you're bad
I love you when you're good
I love you when you do the things you're not supposed to
And, I love you when you do what you should

awww i like that =]