Saturday, May 17, 2008

Speed Racer

Today I decided to take the kiddos to see Speed Racer. They loved it! I, well, I was quite BORED! OMW - and dizzy!!!! However, that's not what taking kids to the movies is all about, right? It's about doing something they want to do and having them experience your spending time with them on their level. So, that's what I did. It was weird though because it is the first time I went without another adult along. So when I buttered and salted the popcorn perfectly, it was done for Sophia solely who ate nearly the entire bag! I have no idea where she puts it!

I would say that the movie would appeal most to 5 - 8 year olds. With the exception of a few cuss words - ass, hell, and damn (oh shit, did I type that?)- and something that was not a huge deal to most but to my son was huge - the little kid flips off the "bad guy"!!!! Zack looked at me like, "Are you going to let him get away with that"? Then he said, "Mom, he probably doesn't know that is bad." So the moral of the story: It is good that my son knows what is wrong enough to point it out in a movie. And, this mom, believes he is no worse for the wear. He loved the movie, and I'll likely buy it! And, now his list of must sees: Batman, The Hulk, Iron Man, Star Wars Clone Wars and Indiana Jones. I will read the reviews of each, but will likely let him see them all. I'm finding more of a balance lately. As long as there is no sex and no excessive profanity, IMHO it'll pass. And, to each parent his/her own, you know?

We had a nice dinner and the kids gobbled up carrots, pizza and corn dogs with a nice cold glass of milk. Both still choose carrots over fries which will always seem strange to me. I had a nice cup of tortilla soup which was just about all I could stomach today. I have a sinus infection that has robbed me of tasting anything right now!

As I explore growth through various methods, I think I'll share in my blog now and again. I'll add it to the end as a "New Learning Tidbit".

New Learning Tidbit:

In my quest for learning and growth, I have been following and attending a 12 step program. At first, I was embarrassed by it, but now I see how incredibly helpful it is and will be going into the future. I'm only up to step 5 and already I have a new awareness of myself. In the past, I never saw a need to explore why I do the things I do, but now, it has been most helpful to begin getting to the root of me. Some of my aha moments have been quite enlightening.

For instance, I realized that I can be guiltly of telling others what they should think or feel. I had never thought about this in these terms before now. In the past, I felt like I was clarifying or that I was laying things out line up line, precept upon precept in a manner that seemed logical. Now I realize that when I state things in my terms or according to my "logic," I am truly trying to sway someone to think as I think. When I do this, I am not allowing for synergy because I squelch the feelings and thoughts of others from being expressed as equally as logical.

Funny thing is that shortly after learning this about myself, I did it to someone in a conversation and was called on it. The bells went off loud and clear - ding, ding, ding... It was an aha moment that will foster change in me. There is no teacher as great as our mistakes. As they say, acknowledgement is the first step.

Stay tuned for more tidbits as I have a lot to learn and am dedicated to doing so!!! :)

1 comment:

kim said...

Just sitting through a trailer of Speed Racer was enough to convince me I did not want to go... it seemed like it would be a headache inducing, hyperactive event. Fortunately, my crew was not interested either (but they are older.) Last week they saw Iron Man and yesterday saw the new Narnia movie. They really liked both of them.