Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Yesterday on the way home from school, Sophia says, "I don't want to go to the park." "I have a headache." I turn back and her face is red and her eyes are half open. I reach back and feel her hand which was HOT. So, I stopped at the next Walgreens I saw and bought some Tylenol Flu which I gave her in the parking lot. We climbed in, and I drove off two mintues after which she "blows chunks" all over the back seat!!!! Not a pretty picture.

So being the amazing mom I am, I began to cry!!!! Can you believe that? OMW - pull yourself together - they are just chunks of partially digested fresh fruit! I kept telling her it was okay as I pulled over to figure out how to clean her up. She HATES to be messy so she was sobbing too and begging for a towel. And, where is a towel when you need one? Nowhere to be found - ding, ding, ding.

I got her cleaned up with Zack's sweatshirt which he was not thrilled about, but it did the trick and sometimes big brothers need to come to the rescue of their sister in distress. Soon after that, she was sound asleep. Poor thing.

We were home shortly thereafter, and she said she was hungry! I was a bit trepidacious, but I gave her some soup. She didn't like that but gobbled up the chicken, green beans and mashed potatoes! And, then she chased it down with two pieces of bread with jelly. She actually kept it all down!

She still has a pretty bad cough, but the worst of the illness lasted for a few hours. Thanks be to God for His mercies on single moms!

Today was a busy day but rather uneventful. Taught the class about Belshazzar and his pride. You know, teaching Bible has a way of humbling a person. I try to be rough and tumble, but something about reading Scripture cuts me to the quick when I least expect it. Go figure, the class thinks I'm teaching them, but it's really me who needs to learn some basic life lessons.

If you're inclined to pray for our little family, please send up some prayers for clarity as I seek God's will for my life and that of the kiddos - career, location, schooling, etc... I would love to have them in private schools as long as possible, but God will need to make provisions for that. We shall see.

Zack said today, "God's not dead mom"! "He is alive"! I was like woe there, are you going all preacher on me? I am blessed that he learns this stuff at school, and he is amazed that church knows the same stories! I miss old devo times, but I see how God has filled that gap for the little ones.


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear that Sophia was sick. Hope she's feeling a whole lot better.

Kevin and Krista said...

Poor little thing! I hope she is already better and that everyone else manages to stay healthy. Throw up bugs are the worst! :(

Melissa said...

I like your new header. hope sophia is on the mend. what a good big brother to lend his shirt.