Thursday, May 08, 2008

Mr. Safety

So last night, Zack comes into my room with a little note pad. He says, in Harriet the Spy fashion with pen in hand, "Mom, what is your phone number"? I told him my number and he wrote it down quickly and then disappeared back into the toy room. This is what I overheard, "Sophia, if we ever get separated from mom, I have her number so we can call her so don't worry." "I'll keep it in my pocket."

Later he asked who else he could call if I didn't answer!!!! He happily now has three other numbers in his notebook. I began to worry a little about him feeling safe, but then this morning as I was leaving, I turned back to close my door and noticed the notebook at the foot of my bed! Seems as though he feels fine, but was having a safety moment.

And, he has already requested a cell phone in order to call in case of an "mergency". Nice try buddy! I'm with Joe Graham on this one - NO cell phones until ummmmm let's say 12.

Update: If you know Zack, you know that responsibility wise is well beyond his years. He makes sure I keep up with all of the things I'd usually forget or bypass on a crazy day. Not sure, but cell phone may be at 12, but it is safe to say that MySpace or an iPod won't come his way until high school unless the monitor for the computer is a large screen plasma hanging where Sophia can see it! I'm certain she'll be a little whistle blower! LOL If you know Zack, you know his taste in music, and, how shall we say, his affinity for girls is a little too progressive for this mom!

Who knows what technology I'll be fighting by the time he's in jr. high and high school. Sheesh!!!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'm thinking no phone until high school