Monday, May 19, 2008


The definition of synergy is, the interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.

I guess at its base level, this interaction should be between a person and their maker. However, it seems at some point in life it could be equal to a balance of controls between two people or in a family.

Synergy is not always easy to come by even when it is the goal. Whether it is with God or with friends or family, it is an effort to find balance and all parties have to be dedicated to reaching this level of interaction in order for it to work.

I am working on this with my kids in small ways. We have little pow wows on what we should do for the day or where we should go and why. We talk through things like why Iron Man would not be a great movie for Sophia even though Zack is dying to see it. I'm hoping that in small ways, I can give them little tools to take into their future relationships as they grow older and their center moves away from their dear old mom.

Other people are likely to expect much more of them than I do - even their teachers and later their spouses! I realize that as a mom, I tend ot give the benefit of the doubt to my kids 100% of the time if I question their guilt even a little. Then I come to school and teach and realize, that so does every other mom out there, and it is a good thing about 50% of the time - IMHO.

Today I had one kid using his pencil as a body part trying to poke people - YES, third grade. Another told me straight out that I was wrong about where to use a comma - after I showed him in the book what the rule was. I then had another kid tell the class all about the cockroaches in her kitchen! And, top this all off with my two kids who rarely take a shower and the stench is killing me! I guess foxes don't smell their own holes! And, the mom who thinks her son is angelic should finance the donation of a surveillance camera 'cause she'd be shocked!

Is it just me or are kids crazier now than ever?


Melissa said...

sad, but true, I have seen kids do things like the pencil incident in grades that are younger. It all comes down to parenting and environment.

anita said...


wats that

Kevin and Krista said...

Either that or I was really naive when I was a kid and I didn't notice it. Probably a little of both.

A kindergarten boy in the K/1 class I am the long term sub has some major disrespect issues. The previous teacher asked him to please quiet down (his is often shouting out for no particular reason) and he replied with, "No, you be quiet little girl!" This is just one of many examples.

Angie said...

I wanted to write and let you know that your blog is so inspirational!

I adopted 4 yrs ago and have been thinking of adopting a brother. I wish I could email you but can't find a link.