Saturday, May 31, 2008

Weekend Getaway

This weekend we've enjoyed a mini vacation! The kids had a blast swimming in the heated pool!
This after Sophia got her hair cut at Rainbow Kids where they are known for this rainbow braid. She looks so girly!!! She loved it, but those of you who know her, know that there is not a girly bone in her body!


Some morning fun!

And, here is what they ate for breakfast!!!! Eggs, bacon, fruit loops, pancakes, waffles and fresh fruit! I am amazed at how much they eat and love when it is an all you can eat buffet!

We went to see Narnia Prince Caspian after which we hit Toys R Us for some swords so they could play act. They love being King Peter and Prince Caspian. Sophia wasn't pleased that neither of the girls in the movie had swords! The movie was great and the kids seemed to understand the basic concept of with God, we win our battles and without, we lose. Perhaps there's some learning in there for their "old" mom!

They loved looking out the window and yelling, "Look Mom, BEST BUY"!!!! They love that store!

Fun in the room! They giggled for two hours straight as they dueled!
Gotta love a boy in Gap boxers!

We're growing the hair out for either a long do or a mohawk. He keeps going back and forth, but he knows he wants it long. I can't wait until it is long enough to be "shaped"!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Eating Me Out of House and Home

Just a short post about the kidlets!!! I think they are in a growth spurt! Last night they ate a 6 piece chicken nugget meal from McDonalds after which they equally share a medium pepperoni pizza followed by a bowl of cereal, and a bowl of strawberries. They chased it all down with a glass of milk and gobbled up the Fruit Loops straw!!!

I do not know where they put it all, but they must be growing! Neither even had a belly ache! Good thing it is summer because all of their long pants are too short now. We'll see what is on the menu tonight... I can't imagine they can keep up at this pace for long!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Whisper

Well, yesterday, I did not teach because I would have had to do so with no voice! Whatever this illness is, it has been crazy and too long for my taste! Today, I'm back to the raspy Phyllis Diller voice, you know?

Anyhow, the kids today are glad I'm back and spent a good part of the morning debating whether or not David Cook should have won on American Idol. It is funny to listen to them as they share their opinions. One admitted that he was sent to bed but sneaked in and watched from behind the couch. Hmmmm.... Sounds so much like a kid thing to do, doesn't it?

Anyhow, the weather is refreshing today - a nice beeze and a touch of sun. Other than my leaving my purse at home, the day has started off well. The vitamins are in the system, but I am starving for some odd reason. Oh, perhaps that is because I've been eating very little lately. Right now my mind would like a trip to Denny's but just as soon as my food would arrive, my appetite would depart. This happens over and over. Hopefully, I'll see myself go down a couple of sizes in this process - not bra, I hope!!!!

Only three more weeks of school and then it is summer time! I have a few fun things planned to do just me and the kiddos, and according to Zack, I need to add to the list. We shall see. This all depends on what I decide to do next fall as in teach or go back to the business world. I'm not exactly sure what I want to do yet. I know what I feel peace about today, but I have committed all decsions to a process of thought and weighing pros and cons. And, I am making sure that I choose to do what I want to do rather than what I think others want me to do based on their good intentions. To make any hasty decisions now, would be silly for me as I'm not functioning at the top of my game quite yet. I'm getting there though. Seeing things more clearly day by day and garnering strength knowing that I have more life ahead of me than I do behind me! I was reminded of that yesterday, and the truth of that felt great!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

American Phrases

Time is flying by and school will be out soon! Zack will be finishing his first school year with a smash! He has done so well since he's been at his current school. I am just amazed at what a good teacher will do for a kid.

Sophia has not gotten into any trouble for a couple of weeks now. She has even learned how to play with more than one friend at one time.

Zack is in the new phase of his language acquisition. While he sounds super fluent, he still has a tiny accent, and he still has a few words he doesn't quite understand. So, he'll ask often, "What does that mean"? I tell him, "Let's hit the hay." He looks at me strangely so I translate. Then he repeats it with a smile of confidence, "I'm going to hit the hay." Crazy kid!

My class was a bit calmer today for some odd reason. Oh, yes, that was it! One of my toughest students was home sick! It is amazing what a difference one little person can make. And, I'm happy to report that there was NO nose picking today! These kids pick and eat like no one is in the room with them. I am amazed.

Monday, May 19, 2008


The definition of synergy is, the interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects.

I guess at its base level, this interaction should be between a person and their maker. However, it seems at some point in life it could be equal to a balance of controls between two people or in a family.

Synergy is not always easy to come by even when it is the goal. Whether it is with God or with friends or family, it is an effort to find balance and all parties have to be dedicated to reaching this level of interaction in order for it to work.

I am working on this with my kids in small ways. We have little pow wows on what we should do for the day or where we should go and why. We talk through things like why Iron Man would not be a great movie for Sophia even though Zack is dying to see it. I'm hoping that in small ways, I can give them little tools to take into their future relationships as they grow older and their center moves away from their dear old mom.

Other people are likely to expect much more of them than I do - even their teachers and later their spouses! I realize that as a mom, I tend ot give the benefit of the doubt to my kids 100% of the time if I question their guilt even a little. Then I come to school and teach and realize, that so does every other mom out there, and it is a good thing about 50% of the time - IMHO.

Today I had one kid using his pencil as a body part trying to poke people - YES, third grade. Another told me straight out that I was wrong about where to use a comma - after I showed him in the book what the rule was. I then had another kid tell the class all about the cockroaches in her kitchen! And, top this all off with my two kids who rarely take a shower and the stench is killing me! I guess foxes don't smell their own holes! And, the mom who thinks her son is angelic should finance the donation of a surveillance camera 'cause she'd be shocked!

Is it just me or are kids crazier now than ever?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Speed Racer

Today I decided to take the kiddos to see Speed Racer. They loved it! I, well, I was quite BORED! OMW - and dizzy!!!! However, that's not what taking kids to the movies is all about, right? It's about doing something they want to do and having them experience your spending time with them on their level. So, that's what I did. It was weird though because it is the first time I went without another adult along. So when I buttered and salted the popcorn perfectly, it was done for Sophia solely who ate nearly the entire bag! I have no idea where she puts it!

I would say that the movie would appeal most to 5 - 8 year olds. With the exception of a few cuss words - ass, hell, and damn (oh shit, did I type that?)- and something that was not a huge deal to most but to my son was huge - the little kid flips off the "bad guy"!!!! Zack looked at me like, "Are you going to let him get away with that"? Then he said, "Mom, he probably doesn't know that is bad." So the moral of the story: It is good that my son knows what is wrong enough to point it out in a movie. And, this mom, believes he is no worse for the wear. He loved the movie, and I'll likely buy it! And, now his list of must sees: Batman, The Hulk, Iron Man, Star Wars Clone Wars and Indiana Jones. I will read the reviews of each, but will likely let him see them all. I'm finding more of a balance lately. As long as there is no sex and no excessive profanity, IMHO it'll pass. And, to each parent his/her own, you know?

We had a nice dinner and the kids gobbled up carrots, pizza and corn dogs with a nice cold glass of milk. Both still choose carrots over fries which will always seem strange to me. I had a nice cup of tortilla soup which was just about all I could stomach today. I have a sinus infection that has robbed me of tasting anything right now!

As I explore growth through various methods, I think I'll share in my blog now and again. I'll add it to the end as a "New Learning Tidbit".

New Learning Tidbit:

In my quest for learning and growth, I have been following and attending a 12 step program. At first, I was embarrassed by it, but now I see how incredibly helpful it is and will be going into the future. I'm only up to step 5 and already I have a new awareness of myself. In the past, I never saw a need to explore why I do the things I do, but now, it has been most helpful to begin getting to the root of me. Some of my aha moments have been quite enlightening.

For instance, I realized that I can be guiltly of telling others what they should think or feel. I had never thought about this in these terms before now. In the past, I felt like I was clarifying or that I was laying things out line up line, precept upon precept in a manner that seemed logical. Now I realize that when I state things in my terms or according to my "logic," I am truly trying to sway someone to think as I think. When I do this, I am not allowing for synergy because I squelch the feelings and thoughts of others from being expressed as equally as logical.

Funny thing is that shortly after learning this about myself, I did it to someone in a conversation and was called on it. The bells went off loud and clear - ding, ding, ding... It was an aha moment that will foster change in me. There is no teacher as great as our mistakes. As they say, acknowledgement is the first step.

Stay tuned for more tidbits as I have a lot to learn and am dedicated to doing so!!! :)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Zack's First Performance in a Play

Jesus, The Greatest Show on Earth

Zack's class only has 13 students which is why he has been able to progress so far since being in Mrs. Wayland's class! Here is a picture of him and his classmates who each had starring roles in the program.

Zack actually had to speak several lines into the microphone! I was sure he was way too shy to actually do it, but when the time came, he did great! I was so proud of him, and when he spotted me and Wanda in the crowd, he grinned from ear to ear. He had a very long list of all of you who he wanted to come, but unfortunately, some of his other favorite fans weren't able to make it. So here are pics to enjoy.

This is the AMAZING Mrs. Wayland! Zack LOVES her, and he now LOVES school! She's an awesome lady!

And, here's the little man. He said, "Mom, I had to put lipstick on"!!!! I told him he looked awesome, and some real boys wear lipstick too! His eyes kind of look like a chola!

Have a great weekend! We've got a busy one ahead, but busy is good when lifes at a stand still, you know?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Yesterday on the way home from school, Sophia says, "I don't want to go to the park." "I have a headache." I turn back and her face is red and her eyes are half open. I reach back and feel her hand which was HOT. So, I stopped at the next Walgreens I saw and bought some Tylenol Flu which I gave her in the parking lot. We climbed in, and I drove off two mintues after which she "blows chunks" all over the back seat!!!! Not a pretty picture.

So being the amazing mom I am, I began to cry!!!! Can you believe that? OMW - pull yourself together - they are just chunks of partially digested fresh fruit! I kept telling her it was okay as I pulled over to figure out how to clean her up. She HATES to be messy so she was sobbing too and begging for a towel. And, where is a towel when you need one? Nowhere to be found - ding, ding, ding.

I got her cleaned up with Zack's sweatshirt which he was not thrilled about, but it did the trick and sometimes big brothers need to come to the rescue of their sister in distress. Soon after that, she was sound asleep. Poor thing.

We were home shortly thereafter, and she said she was hungry! I was a bit trepidacious, but I gave her some soup. She didn't like that but gobbled up the chicken, green beans and mashed potatoes! And, then she chased it down with two pieces of bread with jelly. She actually kept it all down!

She still has a pretty bad cough, but the worst of the illness lasted for a few hours. Thanks be to God for His mercies on single moms!

Today was a busy day but rather uneventful. Taught the class about Belshazzar and his pride. You know, teaching Bible has a way of humbling a person. I try to be rough and tumble, but something about reading Scripture cuts me to the quick when I least expect it. Go figure, the class thinks I'm teaching them, but it's really me who needs to learn some basic life lessons.

If you're inclined to pray for our little family, please send up some prayers for clarity as I seek God's will for my life and that of the kiddos - career, location, schooling, etc... I would love to have them in private schools as long as possible, but God will need to make provisions for that. We shall see.

Zack said today, "God's not dead mom"! "He is alive"! I was like woe there, are you going all preacher on me? I am blessed that he learns this stuff at school, and he is amazed that church knows the same stories! I miss old devo times, but I see how God has filled that gap for the little ones.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Conversation and Pics

Update: Russians went to space first - Yes, ummmm, what the heck was I thinking? Must be the drugs!!!! This moves me to go online and show and explain to him space tonight!!!!

Tonight at dinner:
Mom: Zack, do you know the Russians went to the moon first?
Zack: They did? How?
Mom: Yes, they did in a rocket. They beat us.
Zack: Who did they beat?
Mom: The Americans.

Later as he was getting into the tub:
Zack: Did the American's rocket go slower?
Mom: No, it left later.
Zack: But, the Russians won, right? I am Russian.
Mom: Yes, the Russians won, but the Americans won the war.
Zack: HUH? We both won?
Mom: Yes, do you feel conflicted?
Zack: (said sincerely with a smile) Sure, I can flick you!

Zack's hair is growing out! I'm curious to see how he'll look with longer styled hair.
She was not told to pose! This girl scares me!

You can see who has no fear...

Mr. Laid Back and Mean Girl

Rainy Days and Mondays...

You know the rest, and for me it is true! I don't like the rain! And, I am not fond of Mondays! perhaps, if payday were Mondays or if we had Tuesday and Wednesday off, I'd like Mondays, but for now, blah...I don't like em! Sophia does though! She is always wanting to go back to school! I think she's gonna be sad when school is over because she won't have school anymore. We'll see how that shock is handled.

Funny thing is prior to now, the days of the week didn't much affect me. I think that may be because my cup ran over at that time. If you've seen Hope Floats, you understand.

I can't say my cup is completely empty, but it is half full and I'm working daily at filling it some more. At some point, I know it will flow over once more. I just don't know what that will look like. But, believe you me, the next time it is flowing over, I'm gonna appreciate every drop!

Peace Out

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I've heard it said that the mother is the Holy Spirit of the home; that her mood controls the mood of the entire clan. That never meant much to me prior to going through some tough times while being a mom! My kiddos are so in tune with where I am emotionally that it isn't funny. They pick up on tiny things and quickly run to my "rescue". Kind of made me feel that today I owed them a card and some candy! But alas, no lectures on how it is very bad for kids to have to feel they need to emotionally care for their parents, okay? I get that.

Today was a good day. Zack and Sophia gifted me with some pretty awesome sentimental stuff! Each had hand chosen a card for me, and each was so unique to that child! Zack's was in Spanish and on front was the "Virgin" Mary. He insisted I would find the woman to be very beautiful! She looked much like posters I'd seen in Russia so this card is very precious to me. He was so proud. Sophia got me the cutest Care Bears card that sings, "You're the best mommy in the world," and she sang along with it as you who know her can imagine!

Zack also gave me a potted Marigold which brought back fond memories of when I planted flowers each season! He also gave me a framed painting of his hand with a heart on it which stands for us being best friends forever. He must have told me 100 times today that he loved me! That was cool, and I know it was because of the special day and not because he was feeling insecure or like he needed to make me happy (newly learned info). So, it was special.

Sophia gave me the cutest handmade card with her hand on it as well. All of the gifts are super special to me as they are the first handmade Mother's Day gifts I've received from the kiddos.

On the way home tonight, my conversation went something like this:

Sophia: Mom we can't eat apples from the trees.
Mom: (thinking what the heck) Oh really?
Sophia: Yes, because they will make you sick.
Mom: Who told you that?
Sophia: My church and my school.
Mom: Oh, like Adam and Eve.
Sophia: YES!
Zack: Great Sophia, now you told the end of the story, and mom hasn't even read it yet!

I was cracking up! What knuckle heads they are! These two kids bless my heart so much. I love them to the core. I am happy to report, however, that a friend reminded me today that this whole childhood thing is temporal, and one day they'll fly on their own. Makes me sad, but it keeps me grounded. And, really it wouldn't be fair to my kids if I made them the center of my universe - they are just a little off center leaving room to share with my true love who is out there somewhere wishing upon a star or ummmm, sitting in a car...or maybe a bar...or perhaps thinking of me from afar??? Who knows?!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Time Flies So FAST...

This pic was taken May 7, 2007. Look at those little faces all lined up by the pool with their feet dangling in the cool water! Look how short Sophia's hair is and how little all four kids are compared to today!

Tomorrow is Kenny's 13th birthday!!! That is hard to believe! He is Sophia's hero, and he is the owner of her favorite set of ear lobes! Ken rescued her from Cruella Deville on his birthday Disneyland trip last year! She has told that story for an entire year long! This was just one sign of his compassionate heart!

No matter how many times I tell the kidlets to stay little, they refuse and keep on growing. Zack taunts me each time he eats vegetables telling me he's growing right then and there at the table! I fear it is true!!!!

In the blink of an eye, these kids will be grown! Years just pass too quickly that is FOR SURE!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (tomorrow) KEN!!!!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Future's So Bright...

We gotta wear shades...

Okay, maybe not always...

Mr. Safety

So last night, Zack comes into my room with a little note pad. He says, in Harriet the Spy fashion with pen in hand, "Mom, what is your phone number"? I told him my number and he wrote it down quickly and then disappeared back into the toy room. This is what I overheard, "Sophia, if we ever get separated from mom, I have her number so we can call her so don't worry." "I'll keep it in my pocket."

Later he asked who else he could call if I didn't answer!!!! He happily now has three other numbers in his notebook. I began to worry a little about him feeling safe, but then this morning as I was leaving, I turned back to close my door and noticed the notebook at the foot of my bed! Seems as though he feels fine, but was having a safety moment.

And, he has already requested a cell phone in order to call in case of an "mergency". Nice try buddy! I'm with Joe Graham on this one - NO cell phones until ummmmm let's say 12.

Update: If you know Zack, you know that responsibility wise is well beyond his years. He makes sure I keep up with all of the things I'd usually forget or bypass on a crazy day. Not sure, but cell phone may be at 12, but it is safe to say that MySpace or an iPod won't come his way until high school unless the monitor for the computer is a large screen plasma hanging where Sophia can see it! I'm certain she'll be a little whistle blower! LOL If you know Zack, you know his taste in music, and, how shall we say, his affinity for girls is a little too progressive for this mom!

Who knows what technology I'll be fighting by the time he's in jr. high and high school. Sheesh!!!!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Happy May

Other than the weather being a bit gloomy, life has been pretty good. Zack continues to read better and better. His sense of humor is also developing quite well. He keeps me on my toes with the one liners. He said something yesterday that I wanted to blog, but I forgot what it was by the time I got home!

Sophia has had great days at school this week - two down and three to go! She is my little one who loves to bathe. She will relax and sing in the tub for over an hour if she is allowed the pleasure! I try to indulge her now and again if our schedule allows.

Life is just as structured as always. I just do a lot less cooking! Last night Zack gobbled up what was probably an entire head of broccoli and when he took a bite of his lasagna, he said I want this everyday!!! This was after he was served some different meals over the weekend:

Angel Hair, chicken, and snow peas in a peanut sauce
Peppered stew and potatoes
Chorizo, eggs, beans and cheese layered on tostada shells

Neither kid was fond of the meals, but both were gracious in eating and expressing politely that the meals weren't their favorite. Of course, after they ate all of that I topped it off with a trip to Carls Jr which included a chocolate shake.

They are no worse for the wear. I never learned to eat or try anything I didn't like so I try to get the kiddos to try new things. Of course, when we are company, we know to eat and not grumble. Part of being a mom is watching your kiddos eat something they don't care for and wanting to give them what they like and choosing not to in order to teach them a life long lesson in manners. And, in communication, knowing when and how to share that you don't like something is a must. And, of course, there's an age that this training is appropriate and for mine, now is the time.

I loved all of the meals prepared! There is nothing like home cookin'!!!

I can't believe that tomorrow is Wednesday again! My word, time passes quickly! In some ways, I am so thankful for that. In other ways, I want to capture the fullness of each moment, and it moves too fast to do that sometimes!

The latest poem the kids and I say:

I love you when you're bad
I love you when you're good
I love you when you do the things you're not supposed to
And, I love you when you do what you should

They have their own rhythm! Basically, I have a little people pleaser in Zack who will go places in life because he is determined to succeed at everything he puts his hand to, and I have a little stubborn one who thinks she knows everything and can run the "world". For both personalities, it is imperative that I instill in them that they are acceptable to me just as they are. They need to know that being real and vulnerable is safe with those that love them; most importantly God. They will need to acknowledge their weaknesses in order to fully experience God's strength.

I am fortunate to have friends who have already raised their kids. Some have turned out great. Others have gone a windy road. And, some haven't turned out well at all. And, I get great advice from all three groups! I try to look five years out when it comes to parenting. While enjoying their current ages, I'm thinking about the day when they're 9 and 11! That definitely affects the decisions I make today. And, let me tell you when I see some of Sophia's looks, I can see her at 12!!!

And, I'm getting better at giving them more choices - you can wear this to school or your pajamas. It's up to you! LOL Just kidding! You can read or go to bed! LOL Seriously, it is more like we can go to the park or we can go to McDonalds Playland. We can do a puzzle or do sidewalk chalk. Do you want chicken or soft tacos? Tiny little choices will lead to the bigger choices, and I want them to learn to express what they want in healthy ways.

Okay, that's all for now. I'm off to pick Zack up from the playground! Then we're off to grab some Gatorade and to the park where we'll kick the socker ball around for a while! I hope I don't break an ankle in these shoes!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

A Few Pics of Sunday Loves

Yes, well, Zack is not as fond of Sophia kissing him as she is of delving out the love!!!!

Zack is beginning to love reading, and he's getting better and better! Thanks, Mrs. Wayland!

Friday, May 02, 2008

Friday at Last!

Zack always counts down to Friday, and today he woke up with a smile. He enjoys the weekends of sleeping in and having fun! I can't say I blame him one bit!

Sophia would rather go to school seven days a week! This week has been a little bumpy for her. She had two tough days, but her teachers say that the discipline at home is effective. That is nice to hear, and it is fun to congratulate Sophia when she has awesome days. I already checked in on her today, and she is doing very well. These behavior traits gone unchecked, would likely land her a starring role in Mean Girls 3 by the age of 12! I am dedicated to training a kind heart and gentle spirit into my little spit fire!

It is VERY nice being where the kids are all day long and taking them home directly from school. Perhaps if I win the lottery, I can live this life a little longer! LOL We shall see! I have my ticket!