Thursday, July 19, 2007

Web Changes

Hello Fair People!

Gina here, aka web site specialist for Deana. Not that she needs it much, but I have changed a few things on her blog due to some very judgemental and COWARDLY people who have decided to take this blog over with crap comments.

Let me say, everyone has a right to think what they want - and Deana would encourage that. But anyone who can judge someone else without knowing all the details and then not have the GUTS to leave their name should not have the right to post comments on that blog.

Therefore, I have changed the settings on this blog - you now must be a registered user to post comments. Registering is free and I promise you won't have junk mail if you sign up. If you know me personally, I can walk you through the steps. If you don't, just click on the links on the comment page to do so - it's really easy.

Circumcision is a very tough issue and not everyone will agree on the matter. However, it doesn't do anyone any good to pass judgement or send hate comments. Judging a person's entire life on one area - whether you agree with it or not - makes no sense at all. And I would encourage you - if you couldn't knock on Deana's door and tell her what you think face to face (or at least with your name attached), you have no right to rip her apart anonymously.



1 comment:

Unknown said...

You go girl!! I'm proud of the way Deana is raising her kids.