Saturday, July 07, 2007


Another pic from Hume Lake! I need to get the camera out again. The kids are out back in the pool right now with their Uncle Jerry. I can hear what a fantastic time they are having. I can't imagine their surprise when we move to a house with a community pool instead of a private pool! They will surely want to come back to Bluebell!

We are moving sometime soon to a location some of you are aware of but some don't know quite yet. The reason for that is because there are so many moving pieces to the relocation. The single most important factor is the desire to live in a place where the kids can go to blue ribbon schools and not be raised in daycare which is a pet peeve of mine. Don't like daycare a bit. I like moms and dads raising kids. In my case, it'll be a mom raising kids not the public school system. Now, don't get me wrong. I know daycare is a GREAT thing for those who need it. I just am willing to go to drastic measures not to need it. I LOVE living in CA and never thought I'd want to live anywhere else. What moves me is my wanting to be able to spend as much time as possible with the kids. When I move, it will be to a place where mortgages are less expensive and jobs are plenty. My goal is to teach again so I can have summers, vacation times, and evenings off with the kiddos. I simply cannot give my kids the schooling, housing, and time I want to here in Southern CA so I must suck up the sentimentality and move.

I will miss my friends and the weather SO MUCH!!!! Surprisingly, however, my mom and 6 of my 8 siblings are moving as well. That makes it a bit easier.

I am not sure of timing yet, but am just beginning to get the courage to step out in faith! I told a friend yesterday that I don't think I'm brave enough to find a new job after 8 years where I have been. She said, Not brave??? You just adopted two children!!! That comment helped me realize that I adopted Zack and Sohpia by faith because I knew for CERTAIN that God had called me to do so. Now I must move in the same manner - resting in the Lord's promise to care for me and the kiddos as I follow His lead.

Am I crazy???


Anonymous said...

less words more pics!! lol noooo don't gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Kevin and Krista said...

We moved from Orange County to Charlotte, NC for the same reasons. Great schools, cheaper cost of living (but not too "out there"), and more to to spend with the kids when we adopt.

:) Krista

Anonymous said...

Where are you thinking? texas? We live there and moved from SD several years ago. HOpe all is well with the move. I suggust before first grade!
Kristin and Klaire

Anonymous said...

You will certainly be missed - all of you!! You must promise to keep updating the blog; that way, it won't feel like you're so far away.

Good luck with all the logistics; I know the Lord will hold you in His hand as you go.

Liz B

Jane said...

we are in between Greenville and Anderson SC....let me know if you end up in our neck of the woods!

Anonymous said...

You guys will be missed when you leave. You must promise to keep the blog going so we can feel a part of the kid's lives as well. So much transition but God is in it all.