Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Visit from the Social Worker

We had our first post placement visit on Monday night. All went very well. Annette, our SW enjoyed meeting the kids and seeing how well they have transitioned from life in a Russian orphanage to life in a regulary ole American household.

Annette asked questions like, "How many English words does each child know"? And, I answered like this, "Ummmm, too many to count"!

What has been the toughest part of the transition? Training Sophia to go to bed and go to sleep.

Any attachment issues? There were tiny signs of attachement issues, but I tackled them head on right out of the gate.

How is their coordination? Ummm, Zack is gifted. Sophia is only 3 so watching where she is walking is a challenge.

Do you plan to readopt? Yes. (This is just a process that leads to an American Birth Certificate.)

Annette concluded the meeting by looking at the kids room and making sure they had beds and ample space to play. When Annette left she said that I was the mom she thought I'd be.

It was a surreal experience. Annette had met with me last July to do my homestudy when Zack and Sophia were two unknown baby boys under two! So, for her to come back one year later and see the two children God handpicked for me and my family, was amazing. God has been so good and continues to bless and teach every moment I allow Him to speak to my heart.

Sorry there are no pics, but I will have some a little later. :)


Gina Marie said...

Congratulations for having the faith to adopt, the perseverence to continue in the process when so many walls appeared (usually by ignorant people), and the unending love that you hold in your heart that has changed the lives of these two beautiful children. I am blessed to have been part of the ride and to have witnessed this miracle first hand.

Anonymous said...

what gina said =]