Friday, July 27, 2007

Snug as Bugs

Here are the little buggers soundly sleeping in their beds! Very soon Sophia will get her girly room in Texas, but for now, she has her little pink bed and a pink corner in the room! Honestly though she begs for Zack's Car pillow and his Spiderman PJs, but as I said in earlier blogs the wearing of the boy pjs was a one time thing! I have been known to cave and let her wear his Spiderman socks now and again!
Anyhow, lots of people have asked how the kids are doing with the plans to move. In short, they are both eager to go to their new house for a couple of reasons. Zack can't wait to start school, and he knows that will happen in Texas. Sophia can't wait to meet her cousin Kaylie who is waiting eagerly in Texas for us to get there. Both know that there are lots of lakes there and one huge one near our house. So they are looking forward to doing lake activities which they learned all about at Hume. I think they're going to do fine. I even asked the social worker when she was here if she thought they'd handle the move okay, and she said that Zack and Sophia are some of the most well adjusted kids she met. She said that she thought they'd thrive no matter where they land as long as they're with their mama and extended fam that they've grown to love.
Today we go for retakes at Picture People. Last pics cost a bundle and none of them show their blue eyes or their nice smiles. I hope take two is better.
Have an awesome day! Read on as I posted last night as well. These two posts are dedicated to Liz and Lori, the most faithful ECCU readers!


Gina Marie said...

Win #3!

Love the pics and the kids, who ARE well adjusted!

Elizabeth B said...

Well, at least I beat Heather! And, I got a shoutout. Double Boo-ya!

I love Sophia's pink bedding and the Cars pillow. The perfect mix of tomboy and girly girl.

I think the social worker is right. Zack and Sophia are as American as any kids I know; they even know all about Spiderman computers! I love it. They'll do great in Texas.

And, as I was thinking in the shower the other day (you can ask Gina how helpful that can be) I realized that Texas is a lot like California - you've got your ocean (Gulf of Mexico), you've got your LA and San Francisco (Houston & Dallas), you've got your Visalia (Podunk or the now famous Bohunk), and you share a border with Mexico! What's not to love?

anita said...

excuse me??? why do name your eccu readers?? but not me??? hello i have been the first to comment you from time to time

kids look cute in the pics.

as i've said before gina you live with the woman and wake before the sun comes up so that does count!!!!!!


i beat you on the other one :P

Unknown said...

I catch up on the blogs every Friday. I don't always comment but I do love catching up and seeing pics. D, you definitely gotta keep that up in Texas since we won't be seeing ya'll and watching the kids grow up.

Elizabeth B said...

I have to agree with Heather - Gina has a distinct advantage!

Gina Marie said...

Heather, Liz, just because I choose to wake up at a reasonable time does NOT mean I have an advantage! How many times have you beaten me Heather because you post at 11pm?!!?!!?!!?

And I may live with D, but we don't speak often so there!

Roxy said...

I love those angelical faces as they sleep peacefully. Last night as Kristina slept I also thought about posting pictures of her sleeping. :-)
Spiderman also leaves with us! I even allowed Kristina to buy spiderman shoes. You are right. They are kids only once. I had to bite my tounge to say those are boy shoes, in fact they were really cool. Just blue blalk and grey, very suttle spiderman on the side.

lori :) said...

Alright ladies!! Quit the fighting, what really counts is how many times you bug Deana to post the pics and stories and that gives me first place hands down!! :)

I love the beds and how wonderfully the kids are sleeping in them. There is a very good reason for the saying "lets sleeping kids lie!" or is that dogs?? It is definitely good when the kiddos sleep, then the mom blogs!!

Deana, I will miss you so much, but I am so happy for you. It is so important that the kids have as much of you as possible and you are doing the right, very right, thing!! God will bless you big time for your dedication to these little ones. Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us!!

Calico Sky said...

I will be moving soon after my adoption too so it's neat to see that you are too!


anita said...



Wendy said...

Where in Texas? I am north of Houston. It would be awesome to have you nearby!!!