Sunday, July 22, 2007

Crazy Weekend

The kiddos had an awesome weekend playing with their Uncle Jerry and Uncle Mike who took them to the park, McDonalds and swimming. Saturday, Stephanie, Gina and I went to see Wicked at the Pantages so the kiddos got to hand with the Uncles who LOVE having fun with them.

Wicked was aweseome! It was humorous and the whole story was super creative! Basically, evil is only evil because good makes it that way. Of course, that is just my interpretation. There are many more lessons that can be gleaned from the show. I'll never watch the Wizard of Oz the same way!

Today, I went to Wanda's sister's surprise birthday party at Geezer's in Santa Fe Springs. The food was AWESOME! And, Ana seemed to have a wonderful time. It was a good party for someone who is a little on the shy side. :)

Tonight to make up for some lost time, we all went bowling. The kids LOVE to bowl. And, because it is a sport that is team but individual, it gives each of us a lot of quality time together. It is cool to see their personalities come out as they bowl. Zack is very driven. He bowls and watches intently until the pins fall. If he hits anything less than five pens he is bothered and tries harder at his next turn. Josh is getting quite good at bowling. He is using less and less of the bumpers. I think our bowling often has helped the kids to enjoy their progress. Michael taught Kenny how to bowl w/o using the finger holes. He does very well now. He stuck to it for about 3 months before finding his groove. Sophia has fun, and we all take turns helping her.

Then there are the grown ups. Mike gets super intense and rolls the ball faster and harder than any dude I've seen. Gina is super competitive and has fun at the same time. I have my good and bad days on the alley. Bowling a 135 is good for me. Stepha, God love her, gives it her all. She has great fun and make us all laugh so hard. Zack sometimes beats her! :) LOL

So, we usually have a blast bowling and the kiddos have super fun. I won't bore you with all of the reasons I think bowling teaches lots of life lessons.

I didn't take any pictures this weekend, but will do better this week. When I move to Texas, I'll be sure to post lots of pictures so ya'll can see where me and the kiddos will be living. Believe it or not, it is not podunk.

Oh, and, I do realize it is hot and humid there at least two months out of the year. When people hear I am moving to Texas, the first thing they say is, "Does she know it is hot there"? Answer: Yes. The next question is about a job. I am going back to teaching so I can be home when my kids are home each day and on holiday and summer breaks. Yes, I'll take a pay cut, but the difference in cost of living will more than make up for that. Truth is, if I had a choice, I'd stay in CA, but I know that it is God's will that I move my little family to a place where I can spend more time with them, and where they can go to blue ribbon schools. Also, I've been at my current job for over eight years, and the Lord has made it abundantly clear to me that it is time to move on from my cubicle in Brea, CA.

Please keep me and the fam in your prayers. There are still many uncomfortable hurdles to cross. Hurdles that the Lord calls me to tackle before I move on to the new place I'll learn to call home.


Gina Marie said...

Deana, you so beat me in bowling the first game! I need to put aside my homework more often!

The kids are so so so fun! They really crack me up!

Texas is hot?!?!? Who knew?????

Oh, and Heather and Liz, BOOYA!

Elizabeth B said...

Okay, I checked all weekend trying to find a new blog. Whatever, Gina!

Wicked is awesome! Loved it, loved it. Don't read the book, though. It will ruin it for you - lots of cussing and other, um, inappropriate stuff. Just stick with the musical.

By the way, how do you bowl without the finger holes? I'd drop the ball on my toe!

Gina Marie said...

Liz - blah blah blah.

Deana - um, hello! it's TUESDAY! The weekend is OVER!!! Post a new BLOG!

Letie B said...

Wow no Heather or Allie!! What's up with that!

How do you bowl without the finger holes??

anita said...

i have a job now =( so i cant check the blog 24/7 like before so gina and liz whateverrrrrrrrrrr

seeing the kids bowl is funn we went went with them a while ago zack kept laughing at me cuz i could care less about the game haha

and i would have commented earlier but i couldnt remember my log in stuff so i created another one lol...

Gina Marie said...

To all the peeps who don't know how to bowl without using the holes:

You cup the ball in your hand and throw it really fast and hard and then it spins really fast.

Allie said...

ok first of all deana.
no far. your blog is long and no pictures. its not during the school year so everyone noes i dont read things without pictures!! =]

..and i'd never be able to bowl without using hte finger holes. i can barly bowl using the finger holes!

anita said...

Oh my word Allie. Summer or not you should spell check your comments before posting them. Or are the drugs messing with your brain?

anita said...

that was my mom not me

this is from me
and thats all that matters

Allie said...

its the summer. so i dont care about my spelling =]
and its hte drugs that are getting to me!.

kim said...

You will absolutely love Frisco and I think you will be pleasantly surprised. It is such a family friendly place. And yes, we have a lot of humidity here, but it is worth it. There are "podunk" parts of the state, but Frico is not one of them.

There are a few words you will need to add to your vocabulary... especially if you are teaching school... ya'll, fix'in to, whenever I was, fleem... and many more.

Can't wait to get an update... and welcome to Texas ya'll! We are a friendly bunch here. (and despite "popular opinion"... educated too.)

Elizabeth B said...

Poor Heather!! Shall we cry a little tear? Seriously, have fun working. It's cool to have a job.

Okay, Deana, we need new blog fodder. Pictures next time, please, for Allie's sake.

And, when you go to Texas, we expect extra pictures to make up for the fact that you aren't here!!

anita said...

yes lets all have a moment of silence since my "all day free time" has died

thank you