Sunday, May 13, 2007

Sarabi Visits for a Photo Shoot

Okay first of all, this is Anthony my sister Victoria's fiance. They are the owners of Sarabi. Anthony does not allow pics of him, but he was in the background so I cropped and zoomed! He looks like he is taller than a house! He loves animals and is starting a dog breeding business, He wanted Zack and Sophia to pose for photos for his website to show how docile Sarabi is since there are some misconceptions about pit bulls. Zack was a chicken liver, but Sophia LOVES animals and had Sarabi around her little finger which was perfect. It was so much fun to watch Sophia enjoy her fun with Sarabi. Here is the fearless one! But, truly, Sarabi is a very nice dog. I know what fears people hold regarding pit bulls so relax, I watched her VERY closely with Sarabi and both got along smashingly. This dog is so protective of Sophia and quite docile - the perfect balance. Here is the Zackster with Sarabi! This is about as close as Zack would get, and I can't blame him for not being a dog person!

I have some much better pics of Sophia with Sarabi, but I am having some computer issues so will have to try to post them tomorrow.

Mother's Day was a good day. We went to an off the beaten path Mexican restaurant where there was no wait followed by a trip to the batting cages where we all hit a few balls. Then we went to Best Buy to look for Steph's new phone and stopped by the shoe store for a pair of new shoes! After this, we went to the park and topped that off with a jump into the pool where the kids played for hours before a yummy home cooked porterhouse dinner. I LOVE playing with the kids so this was an awesome first Mother's Day for me! I think the kids will look forward to Mother's Day next year too!

This is my last week off of work until Hume Lake on June 23rd. So this week, Disneyland, park, Shrek III, and whatever other fun I can come up with will be on the list of to dos. Zack also has his third dental appointment. He was a trooper last week for six fillings!!!


Gina Marie said...

The kids are so cute and I can confirm that Sophia LOVES Sarabi! Anthony is pretty cute, too! :) Happy Mother's Day chica.

Deb said...

My husband had a pitbull when he was younger (although a bit older then your little ones) but the dog was so protective of Dave and his brother. He was perfect with them but you didn't want to mess with the kids while the dog was around.
I think he was the one that loved chasing cars too.
Sounds like you have a fun couple of weeks ahead of you. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

whooo huuu hume lake

Anonymous said...

cant wait for humeee!!
happy mommy's day deana. (its kinda late but.. =) )