Here are the kiddos with their cousins after one month home!
In brief, I don't remember what life was like before Zack and Sophia became part of the Rivera bunch! I can't say being a mother has changed me any. I have always been a mother at heart so I haven't missed a beat! Both kids are very happy and very healthy. They both sleep through the night without any problems - no violent rocking of themselves to sleep which is common for some kids coming from an orphanage. Sophia does not like to sleep, and this has been the single challenge I have had since they came home. I have to monitor her closely when she is put to bed. If I can get her to stay on her tummy with her eyes closed for 20 minutes, she is out like a light. If I don't stay close and monitor, she will literally play into the wee hours.
Both kids are speaking many English words! They have even begun to speak to each other in English. The language barrier is not as bad as I had anticipated. It is amazing how quickly they learn and how quickly we have picked up our own sign language! Although, several phrases are well known such as, "take your shoes off," "time for bed," "time to eat," "walk," "smile," "just a minute," etc...
In this month, Zack has had two much needed hair cuts! Sophia has had one haircut, her nails painted, and her ears pierced (thanks Stephanie)! Both have shoes of their own and now know what shoes go with what clothes. For example, flip flops with shorts when going to the store. Zack has one pair of orange Pumas, and if his shirt is orange, he grabs those! It is cute because they are so thrilled to have things of their own. They also take very good care of their things. If they have a jacket and get hot while we are out, they don't forget about the jacket. They are quick to ask for it before we leave or to get it once we get home so that they know it isn't lost.
They share very well. They even share their food and will give away their last Skittle. They get scared on occasion of things like the cat bolting into another room or a roller coaster, but they are eager to see the cat again or jump on the next ride. They are adventure seekers.
They are lovers. They both love to cuddle and smooch. Zack more so when he is tired or when others aren't paying attention. They enjoy their cousins VERY much and play so very nicely with them each day Ken and Josh are here which is most days!
They are wrestlers! They love to wrestle with their Auntie Gina most, but when Uncle Jerry or Momma get down on the floor with them, they go wild! They know that we don't wrestle much! Gina though has become their favorite goof ball, and every kid needs a good goof ball in their lives! Zack and Sophia literally run to the door when they know Auntie Gina is getting home! They are beside themselves wondering what fun will be had as she swings them in the air!
They love watching Dora, Sponge Bob, and Happy Feet! Zack mimics Mumble very well, "LA LA LA LA LA LA"! If you have seen Happy Feet, you know the part and the tune! Sophia likes any toy that makes noise and does NOT play with dolls at all! Zack LOVES Spider Man!
They are schedule followers! I planned on setting a schedule for them while I was off work, but they have done that themselves! Each morning Zack wakes and climbs into bed with Stephanie where he cuddles and watches her sleep before grabbing the remote and watching cartoons as she slowly wakes. It has become a favorite part of his day and gives me great joy since I won't be home to love on him in the mornings. Sophia is slower to wake up, but when she does, she yells GOOD MORNING! Shortly after Sophia wakes this is what we hear, "YUM YUM, MOM?" "YUM YUM, MOM"? "BANANA"? "YUM YUM"? "YUM YUM"? LOL It is so funny!
Some other PAPs out there may wonder about bonding. Have we bonded? Do they know I am their mom? That is a big resounding, YES! Both kids are very well attached and thriving!
These two angels have fit into our family very well, and I as their mom am so proud of them for making such a huge life changing journey with such strength and bravery.
Zack and Sophia,
Some day you'll read this journal of your coming home. May you feel the love that has been bestowed upon you since the first day that the Lord layed it on my heart to adopt you even before knowing you. When I think back to April 2, 2002 and September 29, 2003, I wonder what I was doing when you two were born. I wonder if God put a ringing in my ear or if he caused me to miss a step as you breathed your first breath. I will never know, but what I do know is that you two have changed my life forever, and I hope that I can bring as much joy into your lives as you have brought into mine already even after only one month at home. My cup runneth over...
I can't believe how much I love them BOTH and that it has only been a month for them being in our life. They have brought so much joy in my life and have made me the proudest Auntie / Nanny in the world. When I am out with them and people think they are my kids I smile and think inside I would love to have kids like my Zack and Sophia.
All I can say!
I am so happy for you and your kids Deana. Everything seems to be going so well and I pray God will continue to bless you all abundantly.
Thanks, Deana, for sharing. I totally started to cry. It is such a joy to see how happy and healthy they've grown in the last month. It seems like they've always been here, even though I remember so clearly anxiously awaiting to hear what the judge would say. I can't tell you how glad I am that you went on this journey; you've blessed me so very much, as have Zach and Sophia!
Liz B
its been a month already? wow
Not a dry eye here! It is such a blessing to read how God has richly blessed your life and how you know it couldn't have been done with out HIM! Only a true mother's heart could think about what she must have been doing when Zack and Sophie were born. Your children are so blessed and lucky to have a mother like you.
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