Monday, January 26, 2009

Growing Up Way Too Fast

The kids will hate these bathtub photos, but it won't be long until they realize that it's icky to take a bath with your brother/sister! This is how the day began...
Then a little cartoon network (brain rot)...

Then school in the in between (no pics)...

Then the important stuff...

Zack mastered the half pipe today. He can actually go all the way up and catch his wheels on the metal strip and then back down and up again. I give him kudos because he wiped out many times before getting it. He is so outgoing. He just grabs a "big kid" and will say, "Hey, can you teach me to do what you just did"? They almost always oblige!

He's a dreamer.

And he falls down, but he always gets up again!

Park bathroom as a back drop - why not - it's urban, right?


Zack is on the Red Sox this season! He is beyond excited to get started. And, today I signed Sophia up for softball! It is about time she stop being a spectator and get out there and use up some of her endless energy! I think I'm gonna cry at her first game. My baby is growing up WAY too fast!
This week is a busy week. We are having dinner with Auntie Gina tomorrow evening followed by some baseball glove shopping and then on Wednesday we meet with Auntie Julia (my sister who is 4 years younger than I), and then on Thursday we get to go to JoAnne's house for dinner and fun with her kiddos!
The kids continue to do well in school and even though it seems like all we do is play, we do get our homework done, and the kids even have chores!

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