Thursday, January 01, 2009

Aquarium of the Pacific

I can't believe that winter break is almost over! We have been trying to squeeze in as much as possible while the kids have free time. Wednesday, we decided to go to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach which just so happens to be my home town. I didn't live there, but I definitely grew up there. I was one of those kids who lived at the church, and for me, that meant a life in downtown Long Beach. I can't complain! It is a beautiful city especially now that the downtown shorline area has been rebuilt.
This was our first trip to a "museum" when Zack could read most of what he saw! He is very inquisitive which I love about him. He wants to know how it all works.
I could watch the jellies forever and a day!

Eels are cool but creepy...

The kids wanted this sea lion as a pet!

Fearless Sophia loved petting the sharks.

Zack joined in to, but he is a little more fearful.

They loved the shark tank.

Did you know that this is how halibut spend their days? Hidden in the sand at the bottom of the ocean? I learned something new! Next time I eat a fish stick, I'll think about this!!!

Our favorite part of the aquarium was visiting and feeding the lorikeets! Talk about an awesome experience. For people who don't own birds, this was incredible. I would go back to the aquarium just to feed the lorikeets again!

Here the kids are in with the lorikeets. It was cool when they would fly by so fast our hair would blow!

The kids got to be in a show... Sophia loved it, and Zack joined in because Sophia was up there.

Sophia played the sting ray in the rock band.

See that shy face...he hid in the back. He played a wave.

The second time we visited the lorikeets, we fed them nectar. The kids were in heaven. They would have stayed in there for hours if I would have let them. You hold the nectar in your thumb and index finger and the birds literally swoop down and land on your arm to eat!

Neither of the kids were the least bit scared. They both added a bird to their list of desired pets which includes two dogs, a rat, and a guinea pig (thanks Stephanie!).

What an awesome experience for these two. I enjoyed watching them from afar.

Zack de-chilling after petting the sharks.

There we so many tanks of different types of sea creatures that it was overwhelming.

This next sign intrigued me, and in this tank were some of the most beautifully colored fish of all. Interesting how people can not believe in God even after learning about His creatures.

And here are the new pets that we brought home. Both kids named their new pets Bugsy!

After visiting the aquarium, we walked down to Shoreline Village to enjoy the sunshine and water. It was a great time for me to reflect on life. I could vividly remember walking those planks when I was 13 years old. My how time brings about so much change...but down deep, I'm still that same 13 year old in so many ways. I made some goals for 2009 on that walk. I got to enjoy the kids and talked to them about some of their hopes and dreams. And then, June called and we chatted as I walked. It was a surreal evening. One of those evenings when it is apparent that God is speaking in subtle ways.

Shoreline quaint right in the middle of the big city.

The climber found a port hole.

We visited the crazy hat store...

Then we headed to Tequila Jack's for dinner. It was nice to have a nice dinner on the water. Several times throughout the day, Sophia would say, "We are a family, huh, mom"? I would say, "Yes, we are." She would then tell me what families do. "Families help each other." "Families share." "Families help each other when they can't reach." "Families protect each other from scary sharks." It was so cute to hear her thoughts and to realize that she does indeed have a family who does all of those things.

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