Sunday, January 11, 2009

Catch Up Blog!

We went on an 8-mile bike ride in Long Beach. It was so much fun, and neither of the kids complained at all. Sophia was a little trooper peddling away!
We enjoy hanging out with the Marchese family! The kids get along so well, and we all have similar interests which is awesome. I'm not much for sitting home so it's nice to have friends to join in on outdoor fun!

Can you think of a better place to ride a bike?!

After our bike ride, we walked to the ice cream shop! YUMMY!

Sophia loves to climb trees. She and I have been going to a very pretty park each morning where we walk about 2 miles after which she climbs trees and plays here and there.

She just loves to pitter...
Sophia is BEGGING for a real fishing pole!

Zack is eagerly anticipating baseball season! I think he's pretty good. We've been practicing here and there. I love spending this kind of quality time with the kids. I pitch and they take turns hitting and catching. I'm thinking that Zack might like baseball better than soccer! Honestly, I'm hoping so!!!

A couple of pics taken at "our" park...

Zack learned how to tie his own shoes!!!! He was SOOOOO excited!
The kids enjoyed having dinner with their Auntie Gina. Some of my readers might wonder if the kids ever get to see her. The answer to that is yes, they love spending time with her as you can tell from the picture below. Gina's being such a HUGE part of bringing the kids home created a special bond between her and the kids, and I am very careful to nurture that in a healthy way. Just look at their smiles and bright eyes. It couldn't have been simply the chips and salsa!

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