Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A New Day

Just finished reading Healing Stones. Other than the all too tightly tied up ending, the book was very helpful. I guess I should have expected it to be tied up with a nice bow since it is a Christian novel, you know? I guess I'm stereotyping, but for this book, it's true.

I would recommend the book for any Christian person blaming him/herself for making a mistake and not being able to readily forgive him/herself. Or, for a person, who is seeking to help someone else to recognize their worth in Christ and to know that humans cannot be defined by a mistake. It also shows the harm caused by overly conservative legalists who allow for "no flaws" in fellow Christians. If I were to tell you about the stones, I'd give the plot away so I won't!

Zack actually is liking school now and asking tons of questions about God which is cool. He is also reading much better with the help of his teacher of some friends assisting me in tutoring him after school. He did decide today, however, that instead of tagging people he could spit on them so they'd be "out". I have no idea where this kid gets this stuff... Well, maybe it was the Pelican where he spent a few years learning from teenagers.

Sophia was hungry yesterday. For dinner she ate six pepperoni, a hot dog with the bun, chips, carrots, broccoli, a huge bran muffin, and she was still asking for more! I wonder where it all goes! And, I am jealous of her metabolism!

Last evening I was finally able to meet with a therapist... Oh my, should I expose that? Well, yes, because it will be another step in the right direction. It was a surface level meeting really as all first sessions go. I did notice that she graduated from Biola and from Rosemead (Biola's School of Psychology). So, we had a little something in common. I wasn't sure if that made me more or less comfortable. By the end of the session, however, I had figured out that she was not a typical conservatively trained therapist. She seems to be a lot more open minded and even complimented an action not taken by a certain entity - not me. I was pleasantly surprised.

So today's a new day. One I can take by the horns and make work for me! I have some homework to do which feels very very manageable!

And, now the prayers have changed from the discontented child to the child who asks to be held in her Father's arms as He rocks her to sleep each night reminding her that everything is going to "work out for the good". Sounds strange, but it is where I am! And, this doesn't mean that the sadness is gone. It just means it is being managed differently.

Again, surface level, but may be helpful to some.

Archuletta was good last night. His song was sung beautifully. Not quite as nice hearing it from him as those in the past, however.


allie said...

dang. were does sophia put all that food! and david whats his face was good last night! =]

Roxy said...

we will never know what their past really looked 6 yr old baby has "survival" skills of a 10.11 year old kid and expressive communication of a 4 yr old... Tough for others to figure her out except those who love her. BTW we are also stuck in upper case, slow trans to lower but all cool with new school.