Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Spring Break 2009

We started the day a little late because I let the kids burn the midnight oil last night! We decided to meet Auntie Gina at Du-Par's for lunch. The kids beg to eat there, but I think it is because the people who work there spoil them with things like extra crayons and fresh fruit!

Afterwards, we were going to go see Monsters vs. Aliens, but the timing didn't work out. So, we "went" to the lake for some outdoor fun. The kids had so much fun just picking up sticks and pretending to fish. They were running all over and jumping up and down in the middle of the ducks. Zack kept saying that it was so beautiful, and that it looked like spring. He is such a romantic. Sophia just kept telling me that the fish were hiding because it was cold outside. She thinks she has life figured out!

I couln't resist posting this picture! This is a face we see oh so often! Usually she is reprimanding someone for being "in EEEE pope ree et"!

Taken from afar...

Today I saw a crane. Now, I am not superstitous but in the past, when I've seen a crane, good things have happened. I have a feeling that in the next couple of days, I'll have some super good news. Think me crazy if you must, I just may have to agree!

Contemplating life...


This is the "punk rock" duck that was chasing Sophia! It was hilarious!

Two kids and a duck in flight!

No stopping! Well, we paused...

Bridgeport Clubhouse

Home sweet home - Zack, Sophie, and Chloe

Did you know that Moon Sand is all the rage??? The kids LOVE it! I highly recommend it! Zack bought it for Sophia with one of his birthday gift cards. He is a cool little giving dude!

Those who know me will be very proud to see the mess below! With the exception of the glasses left on the table, the rest was approved by me! OMW - crazy mess will go away when spring break ends! I am just so thankful the kids have a place to make a big mess and enjoy it!

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