Thursday, April 30, 2009

Summer's a comin'

We are getting excited for summer time! Each time we start acting like it is summer, it gets chilly in these here hills. We are still loving our new home, and the kids love their new school. Both made new friends so quickly and haven't shown an ounce of stress from the transition.

Our days are back to being incredibly structured which I love and under which the kids flourish. I have been remiss in posting to the blog because I catch myself posting the pics to my Facebook page instead. Although, I realized the other day that the kids won't benefit from that like they will from my blog. Someday, I'll be putting it in book form or at the very least on a disk or two or four!

Zack starts school at 8:00AM and is there by 7:30AM each morning. He loves that it is just blocks away. We'd walk if it weren't mostly uphill, and I'm usually not out of my pjs by then! Sophia doesn't start school until 11:30 which means she gets to sleep in until 9:00AM. She LOVES her sleep! The stinky part is that Zack gets out of school at 2:00PM, and Sophia is out at 2:55PM. It wouldn't be so bad except the school has a policy that all parents must park, get out of their car, and go retrieve their kids. There is no nice little loop to pull through and grab them, and nor is there a parking lot! I guess I shouldn't complain because it is a Blue Ribbon school with several other awards. They must be doing a lot right.

After school, the kiddos do their homework, chores, and play, play, play. We have a strict no video games during the week rule, and I try to limit television to 30 minutes to an hour. That is still too much in my opinion. I'd much rather see them dressing up, playing cars, reading, or coloring. You know using their imaginations!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Weekend Getaway!

Day one - beach from sun up til sun down!

Surfs up dude! Zack actually surfed a couple of waves!

We love the sunset!

Time for a bonfire which we LOVE!

Getting cozy by the fire!

After a long but fun day at the beach, we headed out to Disneyland with two sun warn kiddos! They were no worse for the wear!
We spent this entire weekend with Auntie Gina and Jen. It was a BLAST!!!

Sophia LOVES Josh Marchese! I mean she is crazy about him!

Zack get some love. Mr. Tough guy eats this up!

Bugs Life water fun!

Sheesh - 20 years ago we were both working at Disneyland!

The Toy Story ride is a seriously FUN ride! If you haven't been on it yet, all I can say is, "You're missing out"!!!

Tomorrow, it's back to school and housecleaning! BTW- I highly recommend Priceline to book a hotel. We got an unbelievable good deal!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Another Lost Tooth

Zack lost his sixth tooth tonight. Well, truly, he has had three pulled so do those count as lost? hmmmm His teeth are almost completely healthy now after five years of not using a toothbrush. I can imagine that it would be tough to have so many kids brush their teeth morning and night. Fortunately, Sophia started brushing soon enough to be saved from the type of dental work Zack has had to have in the past two years.

Zack wanted to have a picture of the picture he drew from scratch on the day he lost his first front top tooth! He is such a sentimental kid.

Sophia was beaming with pride. You would have thought that he won a race or something!

"Mom, I look different now"!!!

Great news on the horizon.