Saturday, September 27, 2008

Open House

Thursday night was open house at the kids' school. I was surprised that it didn't begin until 7:00PM and ended at 9:00PM. I didn't have a sitter so the kids were exhausted by the time it was over, but they did enjoy having me see their classrooms. I had already met both teachers, but this gave me the chance to find out generally how the kids are doing.

Before open house began, I asked both kids if they wanted their teacher to know that they are from Russia and that they spoke Russian before speaking English. Both said, yes. They are both very secure and feel no hesitations about talking about Russia or how they got home. For me, I go back and forth with "needing" to tell the teachers or the coaches or anyone for that matter.

I just want to make sure they are not singled out or treated special because of it. I want them to be treated just as any other American kid. On the other hand, I want the teachers to know why they might say sentences backwards now and again or why they are not familar at all with some words.

For Zack, this week he learned the words hint, thread and thimble. These are words he had never heard before and needed to know for school. I also figured out that he thought drums were called jrums! So, for this reason, I decided to tell his teacher. She was very receptive. I get the sense that she really enjoys Zack's personality, but I fear she might be too easy on him! She did say that he talks a lot in class and had to be moved to do his work. She followed this with telling him that she used to talk a lot in class too so he didn't need to worry. After open house, Zack and I had a long talk about this! He knows better than to talk in class so much that he has to be moved! Mrs. Wayland would be shocked! LOL

And, sure enough, I asked him yesterday if he was talking in class, and he told me he had to be moved to Mrs. Ulrich's desk area to do his work because he was talking to Ruben. Having been a teacher, I have had those students whose personalities click with mine and therefore, most of what they do I find cute or make excuses for... Now I am seeing the other side of that!

Don't get me wrong. I am so glad that his teacher loves him, but I want him to do his VERY BEST in school. I have heard some adults say if my parents had just guided me, I would have ended up attending USC, or I would have been a doctor, or had my PHD. And, truth is maybe for Zack it may be the difference between going to college and not going at all. Or perhaps, it will be the difference between having a good work ethic and just lazing through life on his good looks and sense of humor.

Don't get me wrong. This is just first grade, and I am not so OCD that I think all of his life depends on this year. However, I do know that habits are built over time. I just want this year to be another block in a solid foundation for a successful future in which he reaches his full potential. I feel that a big part of that will be having a mom who encourages him every time he reaches a bar that I hold just a little bit out of his reach. I think his small successes will make him crave the high that he gets from reaching goals.

Okay, well, I know I am blithering a bit. And, perhaps for some of you moms out there, I take this parenting thing way too seriously. LOL But, Zack is a happy boy who knows his zero, one, two, and three math families. And, last night OF HIS OWN VOLITION he worked for two hours on a suplemental math book I bought him. I never told him to work on it nor did I sit by his side. He got a high five at the end and tons of encouragement for learning so much in just one week.

Kristen, the cd I got him for math is Addition and Subtraction Rock. I found it at the school supply store where I also found teacher created workbooks that have suited him well. The cd has helped especially during times that I am too wiped out to quiz him on his math families. THe cd allows time for the kids to answer before the singer gives the answer so it is very helpful.

When Zack knows ALL of the answers to the addition song, he gets the new Lego Batman game for his DS. He is working very hard and has found that he enjoys learning! He is as happy as a clam even without video games for an entire week!

Sophia had a tiny "melt down" at school yesterday. She was frustrated because her M was messy, and she couldn't make it better! She is very driven! So, I am working more on her Ms this weekend! I just told her that everyone has tough days. Inside, I was thinking that she went to bed way too late because of open house!

Sophia's birthday is Monday! My baby girl is turning 5 already!!!! sigh

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are such a good mom and your children are very lucky to have you. They seem to be adjusting extremely well even with the occasional language barrier.
