Friday, August 21, 2009

Free Fun

The bookstore is always a fun place to go!  Zack always seems to be drawn to the anatomy books.  I'm wondering if this will be a passion of his that will lead him into the medical field.  It is still too early to tell, but I hope I can be the type of mom that can pick up on the kids' natural likes enough that when it comes time for college, they'll know what direction they want to go. Of course, there are no guarantees.  It's okay to hope though, huh?
After the bookstore, we went to Mothers' Beach at Alamitos Bay.  Nothing like a park for free fun!

I'm starting to wonder if Zack's top two front teeth will ever grow in!

In Long Beach, it is always a good idea to have at least 4 quarters on hand!  That'll buy you an hour of parking just about anywhere!


Kevin and Krista said...

Lily's top teeth were missing (well one anyway) for several months. The dentist said they were in the x-rays though. :) She is still missing some teeth she lost before we met her. I have come to the conclusion the baby teeth must have rotted completely out. :( Since her teeth seem to be just like Julian's they should be arriving this year though. Sweet thing has had a jack-o-lantern smile since we met her. :) Enjoy Z's while it lasts! I think it is so cute.

junglemama said...

How fun! Your son is doing great with surfing!