Thursday, February 08, 2007

Going Stir Crazy!!!

Well, I am officially going stir crazy!!! This is a pic of a chunk (no pun intended) of my family. Top left: Drew (19), Michael (17) Bottom left: ME (old), Babushka (older), Victoria's head (24), and Stephanie (22) These are 4 of my 8 brothers and sisters who are eagerly anticipating the arrival of Zack and Sophia!

I get a call each day from each of them and then add that to the peeps at work - I get asked the infamous question often - "Do you have a court date"? I don't mind the question, but I respond often that I will SHOUT it from the mountain top when I get the call!

So, life lately has been a little hectic. Gina has been taking five classes towards her degree completion program. Mom is also finishing up her business degree at Biola at a bit of a slower pace. Stephanie is transitioning to living at my house to be the nanny. My mom is getting ready to put her house on the market. I am caring for Gina's boys three nights a week (good practice). My dad is in the hospital with congestive heart failure refusing to take his meds. My oldest bro is in the hospital having tests run for a long time illness. My sister, Victoria is expecting. I'm training a very large puppy, AND, then there is this waiting thing.

You know when I type it all out on paper, it sounds like such a huge burden, but I don't feel overwhelmed by it all. Maybe I just tune out some of it, but nevertheless, I know God is in control of each situation, and it will do me no good to worry.

What I do know is that Zack and Sophia are going to be loved beyond belief and that God is going to teach us so many things through their little lives. What a blessing to get to be a part of their lives!

Tonight, I think I just may crash before Grey's Anatomy!! No, say it isn't so! I can't let it happen. Thanks be for TIVO!

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