Sunday, August 12, 2012

It's Just Another Summer Sunday

 Sophia and our dear friend, Maddy Isaachson.  Maddy loves the kids and since all of hers are grown, she spoils ours!  Each month Maddy's cat, Esther sends the kids her (the cat's) allowance.  They each get a $2 bill that comes with a funny letter from the cat.  We don't get to see Maddy as often as we like so imagine our surprise when she showed up at our church this morning and requested to go to lunch with us.  The kids were so excited and the conversation over lunch was so precious.  She's a friend who like to engage the kids which is a breath of fresh air.
 We go to church in Uptown Dallas.  There is so much beauty surrounding us.  Some Sunday mornings like today the kids and I sneak away and play while Gina has drum practice.  Today we started out at Starbucks where the kids used their straw wrappers to choreograph the new "unibrow dance"!  I love hanging with kids - not a care in the world just good times and laughs.

After Starbucks, we headed out to Lakeside Park and took a long walk.  Of course, I always have my camera so these are a few of the pics from today.

I haven't written much on this blog lately mostly because I post lots of pics on Facebook, but as school starts in August, I'll be posting more.  Zack is about to go to intermediate school and for the first year, Zack and Sophia will not go to the same school.  I'll update y'all on how that plays out.

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