Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sophia Update

Sophia is enjoying her last few days as a seven year old! It is hard to believe that in just 11 short days she will be an eight year old. How did that happen?!! This Wednesday, September 21st she is going to have surgery on her left eye to correct the alignment and hopefully to improve her vision. If you pray, please keep her in your prayers. She is a wee bit nervous as are we.

Anyhow, it is hard to believe that the little three year old that we met nearly 5 years ago is not a little kid anymore. She has matured into quite a compassion spirited girl. She is a sweetheart to others and always seeks to help the underdog. I love that about her.

This year she is spending time with grandma daily and is learning to be a better reader. We have seen a lot of progress in the past month or so. Hopefully,correcting her eye will help her reading as well, but we shall see.

We are praying that this is the last surgery needed for the kids for a while. Besides the surgeries being tough on them, they are quite pricey. We will be lucky to pay Zack's off by January and then we'll get Sophia's paid off bit by bit. I often wonder what we'll do with our money when the kids are grown! Well, I have a couple things kid related that I'll still be paying, but outside of that I think we'll vacation more! And eventually, (I dream) take the grandkids on lots of fun outings.

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