Sunday, February 07, 2010

Family Night February 2010

In celebration of the kids doing well in school and putting in lots of effort in keeping their chores done without being asked, we decided to go to Amazing Jakes for some family fun.

We started out with a fun game of put put! While it seems like it could be rather drab, it wasn't at all. We had lots of fun hitting the balls around and watching some of them escape off of our course and catapulting into someone's shoe on the next hole. Lots of laughter was had by all.
We had an age range from 39 all the way down to 6, and we all had fun!

The younger kids had a great time on the bumper cars. I had to sit out on that one because I was certain I would have ended up with a headache!

Is anyone ever too old for a carousel?!
Air hockey competitions!

And, we ended the night with rock climbing.

I LOVE my family! I look forward to the fun times we can get out and just enjoy life. Sometimes, I'll admit, it is stressful for the grown ups and being out late gets tougher and tougher for us oldies, but spending time doing things that the kids think is fun is so very important to me. I think it's because I have so many fond memories of spending this kind of time with my dad. It rocks to have adults take time to act like a kid again even if they have to move a little slower than the youngsters!

1 comment:

Drewzer said...

Look how thin I was! Man if I could go back. Lol