Wednesday, November 26, 2008

You're Only a Kid Once

Today was a rainy day in Southern California, and it was beautiful. Typically I don't like the rain, but today for some reason I loved it. And, last night it was pouring and the sound of the great shower enveloped us. The kids were intrigued. It still amazes me that the smallest things in life bring up such questions and wonders.

After we had the long talk about clouds and how they work, I dropped the kids off at school. As usual, Sophia asked what we were going to do after school, and I said my typical, "We're going to go crazy". She said, "MOMMMMM, seriously"!!! I said, "I'm serious".

I had already figured we'd have a hay day playing in the rain after school if it was raining at that time. However, I did not anticipate having as much fun as we did!!! You see I'm typically a mom that wants my kids sparkly clean 99% of the time so this was out of character for me. I threw all caution to the wind and had a plan.

When school ended, it wasn't raining. I was a little bummed but decided I'd take them to the baseball field to work with them on batting and using a glove. Zack was knocking the balls out as far as the pitchers mound, and the smile on his face was sign enough for me that playing ball with them was a good decision. Sophia was our catcher, and she has a great arm (for a girl)! LOL! I say that tongue in cheek because I think girls can be great athletes.

After working on Zack's batting, we decided to play catch to work on his comfortability with a glove. He was doing well, and learning how to hold the glove correctly for the different kinds of balls he might have to catch - grounder, pop fly, line drive, etc... NO, I didn't hit a line drive at my son, but I did hit him about 10 pop flies. He caught 3 of them which was cool for him. I think that the best esteem builder for kids other than teaching them of God's unconditional love is for them to succeed at tasks that they are just learning and that they once thought were impossible.

In my humble opinion, I think it's important to focus on their strengths while slowly and methodically and inconspicuously building their weaknesses. One of Zack's weaknesses is always wanting to win. At his core level, he wants to quit or not try things at which he doesn't think he can win or succeed. I figure he'd miss out on so many things in life if I just let him live his life like that. And at his age, I still have some sort of "control" over that so I push him gently and sometimes nudge him in directions he wouldn't normally go.

He didn't want to play baseball or even try it because "batting is too hard and the ball will hit me". We've played baseball together a handful of times and now he gets so excited to get the bat in hand and swing away. He said today, "Mom, this is fun and not hard at all."

Which brings me back to our baseball fun today. When I was hitting the kids some balls, it began to rain lightly. Then it began to pour! There was a huge puddle forming and soon it looked like a tiny pond where the short stop would usually stand. I put all of the baseball stuff away and noticed them eyeing the puddle from close up! Out of the blue I said, "Go for it"!!! They stopped dead in their tracks and looked at me.

"What do you mean, mom"? I said, "Do whatever you want to do in the puddle"? "I'm going to put the baseball stuff in the car." I was going to grab my camera (truth be told). When I got back from the car, this is what I found. And, I have to tell you, it made my heart smile. This is what being a kid is all about!

When they were finished, I realized that I had no clothes in the car for them. I usually do so I hadn't given it a second thought. When I searched the car, I realized that I did have some clothes - the snow bibs that a friend gave me for the kiddos!

The sky was so beautiful this afternoon. I tried to capture the beauty, but these pictures don't do it justice! And, remember I can't put my windows down!!! Zack is actually the one who noticed the beautiful clouds. When I started telling him that God made the clouds, he quickly told me that he already knew that! Only God can make things hang in the sky like that.

If you read yesterdays blog, you'll understand what I mean when I say that God romanced me today.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

No Pics

I have no pictures today but wanted to post an update on life. First off, I'd like to comment on how quickly this year is passing!!! Zack and Sophia's pajamas that fit last December are high waters now. That part makes me sad, but I sure am glad they're growing at a normal pace.

Zack continues to do well in school. He is reading very well. Our trips in the car are filled not with silence but with Zack reading every sign he sees on a building or a semi! I get a little testy at times over it cause sometimes silence would be good, but then I remind myself that his eagerness to learn is a good thing.

Sophia is still loving kindergarten and is doing well. It is still very hard to tell if she will find academics to be easy or if she'll struggle a bit. I just don't think she's interested yet, but she is not below average so I'm not worried at all. Her personality precedes her wherever she goes. Tonight at the dinner table she put her head down and then asked to go to bed. I called her bluff only to find her sound asleep in bed 2 minutes later! She must be growing.

We're spending Thanksgiving with friends this year. It will be a lot different than years past, but I have to admit that I am glad I don't have to cook! Michelle LOVES to cook and bake so she is in her zone. I'll be playing the Wii with hers and mine - yippee! As if I'll get a turn with those four! NOT!

Which brings me to my next point. My battery died yesterday. Allstate came out to jump the car. After the jump, my air, windows, door locks, radio, dvd player, and inside lights don't work. Add to that the fact that the heater won't go off and you have the Rivera family driving around in an oven! This is the LAST American car I buy! Michelle has a friend who plans to fix it. My fingers are crossed!

Both kids have told their teachers that we are taking a big boat to the North Pole. And, believe it or not, they are telling the truth. We are heading back to Idaho for a snow extravaganza that includes a boat ride to the north pole amongst other small town Christmas activities. We can't wait! We always love seeing Super Granny, Uncle Dreamy and the Sablans. This time we'll be freezing!

Friends - I would be remiss not to thank my friends now and again. I have some of the best friends in the world. I am convinced of it. The type of friend that the Bible defines as"someone who loves at all times" is hard to come by, and yet, I have been blessed to have a bunch of just those types of friends. Friends just don't have stipulations, and it is in that freedom of friendship that one is challenged to grow.

I am reading a book I read long ago called "A Sacred Romance". It is about how our innermost being (our heart) is touched by God from our very birth. How God romances us through different things in our childhood. It is somewhat hard to explain, but for me, those "romantic moments" would include lying on my bed listening to the birds chirp, mowing the lawn, sitting by a tree reading...

Then there are arrows that penetrate our heart. For me there are many, but having a dad who had many addictive issues was the biggest arrow closely followed by an addiction to service to the church. These arrows are what determine our personality if we let them, and most of us do!

The book is about how to get the romance back. How to heal and return to that youthful state in which we found peace in the simple yet profound ways God romanced us. I was reminded of a quote by a British poet:

"Childhood is measured out by sounds and smells and sights, before the dark hour of reason grows."

I think as adults often times our brains get in the way of the simplicity of God's love for us. And, on that note, I will sign off.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hodge Podge

Fall days are so wonderful in my book. Even though we have had very few cool days here in Southern California, we still see some leaves falling and colors changing. This picture was captured on one of the two days cool enough to need a sweatshirt or jacket.
We've been getting ready for a trip to the snow. I won't be getting Sophia a snowboard, but I am thinking about getting Zack one. I have heard that being good at skateboarding is a good sign that one will be good at snowboarding. We shall see. As for Sophia, we'll stick to tubing and perhaps I'll put her in a ski lesson or two.

We went on a trip to the 99cent store, and Zack picked these sunglasses! He cracks me up sometimes. Perhaps he'll start his own trends. Of course, there is a fine line between trend starter and all around nerd. LOL!
Can you what this is? Dog poo? Ummmm, no, this is the aftermath of a crazy mom letting her daughter eat as many chocolate marshmallows as she wanted! It is straight chocolate marshmallow! Yuck, but it is kind of funny as there is no puke whatsoever just chocolate good! One cough and boom, she became a chocolate oozing fountain.

And after the chocolate incident, she wanted her toes painted!

She even kept them nice all the way through the drying process. This rarely happens!

Her new "shoes"! And voila, her snowflake toes!

Today was Zack's last soccer game - boo hoo! And, his team went undefeated. I remember posting about wanting to put Zack into sports so he could learn to lose. Ummm, that didn't technically happen, but he did lose the ball several times. I have noticed HUGE growth in him this season which was the goal. Mission accomplished!

Zack was one of the shorter players, but he always managed to be in the center of the action. save it or to toss it? I have to admit that I have always been a tosser. I save a few things here and there but then toss it when they don't notice. Now, I've decided that there is a better way to preserve their artwork - take pictures of it and post it here! Enjoy...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Getting Ready for the Holidays

I cannot believe that the holidays are upon us once again! I have been trying to get a good photo for the Christmas card and am having a tiny bit of a tough time. It is a rare thing to get both kids in a great mood at the same time!!! Anyhow, here's one of the hundreds of pictures I've taken so far!

Which reminds me - my address book is packed away so that means I need addresses again! If you would like a card from our family, please email me your address -

The kids school was closed today and again tomorrow due to the fires. It is amazing how smokey it is outside. It is tough to breathe. The smoke smell is even worse inside the buildings that don't have great filter systems.

Here are a few pics of the fires. The first one was taken from the kids' school in Brea. The last one was taken as we headed back from the beach - the sky was ominous. The kids had a million questions about fires and how they are stopped. As we drove down the 57 freeway today we could still see hot spots smoldering in the kills. The kids were not scared at all just inquisitive.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Carnival Day

It was carnival day today! I woke up with a very sore throat - so sore that I couldn't talk much. Sophia said, "Oh, mom we need to stay home so your throat can get better." I said, "But, it is carnival day." She said, "It's okay, mom, I can stay and take care of you." I tell you she is one sweet girl. As she gets older, she is becoming such a wonderfully thoughtful little person.

This morning I took her to the park where we played together. I am never as aware of my age as I am when I climb to the top of one of these playgrounds! I am ALWAYS afraid to climb down! Sophia usually comes up and grabs my hand and talks me through it! I am sure she thinks I am "pulling her leg"!

Today she slid down...

Right into a puddle! She was not a happy camper. She hates to be dirty, and this time she was wet and dirty. Good thing I carry extra clothes in the car!

This evening we went to the school carnival where the kids had a royal BLAST! I could not be more pleased with their school. It has been an awesome year with two awesome teachers and a great principal. I need to come up with a new word besides awesome!

At every game booth, the kids walked away with a prize. Zack was the lucky winner of a 2 liter bottle of Diet Pepsi!

Sophia, of course, got her hair colored and a new tattoo! She is going to be my little punk diva. I think she looks cute. As long as she loves Jesus, she can have purple hair. I can't say I'd care much.

We got there at 5:00 and by 6:30, we were all ready to hit the road. Sophia fell asleep in the car right away and went straight to bed shortly thereafter!

Zack has a soccer game tomorrow. He didn't play last week so we'll see if he's rusty! I'll be sure to get him PUMPED up!
So to keep it real for those of you looking for the dramatic posts - on Wednesday after school Zack hopped in the car chatting away and before I knew it he told a HUGE WHOPPER of a lie. It was a silly lie but very premeditated. Honestly, I have no idea why he went to so much trouble. What he was lying about was silly and nothing he would have gotten into trouble for. About two hours after that discussion, he wet his pants in the dressing room at Macys. He literally just stood there and peed. It was not connected in any way to the lie. We were already so past that with no punishment looming ahead. He just was too busy playing with a little soccer ball he had brought into the store.
That day, I wanted to crawl under a rock. Instead I called Super Granny to give me some advice and truly so that I could "count to 5,000 before dealing with him. Since that day Zack has had two wonderful days which is more the norm for him. I feel badly even mentioning his bad day, but my goal is to let you know life certainly is not perfect for us.
The one thing that I have a zero tolerance rule for is lying. There is always a punishment for lying because lying causes such pain and destruction in people's lives. I pray my kids don't learn to think of lying as a way of life or a necessity for survival. In Zack's case, we were headed to the 99 cents store so the kids could spend a few dollars that were given to them. Zack didn't get to spend his money. I told him that I said he could, but I was lying. He cried. I asked him how lies make him feel. He said YUCKY inside. I said exactly.
The next day he asked if we could go to the 99 Cents store since he was good, and I said nope. There are no make up trips. You will have to wait until the next time you both have money.
I guess I'm a mean mom, but I just try to picture him as a young adult, and it is easy to stick to my guns. I want what's best for him long term even more than a smile on his face today. I don't want a lie to ruin his life because not all people are as forgiving as "your" mom.
If you read this blog, you have to know that he is not going without fun and excitement! He has a very well balanced life hopefully balanced in such a way that he feels secure even when he makes mistakes.
Have a great weekend! No Boy Scout moms out there?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Another Day at the Beach

For some reason, the warm weather is hangin' on this fall! So we took advantage of it and hit the beach again. I didn't take swim suits though thinking the water would be freezing. It wasn't too bad, and the kids were bummed, but I let them get wet anyhow!

Once the sun went down, it was cold - burzzzzzzy!

Quote of the day:
Zack: Mom, a girl threw up in class today. It went all over the desk and the floor. Peter and I had to take her to the office.
Me: Oh, I am so sorry she is sick.
Zack: She's not sick. She has the fleas!
Me: What?
Zack: Mom, Mrs. Ulrich said she has the fleas.
Me: Laughing...are you sure she didn't say the flu?

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Skateboard Lessons

As it turned out yesterday was the 10th anniversary of the Vans Skatepark. I was amazed because I went there the day it opened with a couple of kids I was teaching at the time! I am getting old! I never thought I'd be there with my son one day.

Anyhow, they had a ton of free stuff and about 7 pros came and skated with the kids. Tony Alva was nice enough to come over where Sophia was on the outside to chat with her and then he told me to take a pic of them. He was a nice guy although I have looked at his website which is not so young kid friendly. Yesterday, however, he was a complete gentleman.

Zack learned how to drop in which is very scary when you start off. For those who don't know what that is - it is when a person literally drops into a half or quarter pipe. It is not so tough for a taller kid who is not afraid of heights, but Zack had a bit of trouble getting over how high it is.

It was a little nerve racking watching Zack from afar as he skated next to the very deep empty pool.

This is a group shot of the younger kids in the clinic. There were older kids as well, but for obvious reasons, they separate them. Zack made the middle group of the younger kids. The first step to learning is to learn to push off with your back foot instead of your front. I cannot do that!!! It feels so awkward. Fortunately for Zack, Jeff taught him how to do it. There were many kids who couldn't get it right, and I would have been in that group!!! I never knew it mattered what foot you used, but it makes sense to me after hearing the coach explain it.

Zack learns to drop in... He did learn how to do it on his own, but it was impossible to get a picture of him since even these photos were taken through a gate. He smiled a huge smile and told his coach that he conquered a fear. The coach smiled and got Zack to do it five more times.

Learning to jump up on a platform. For some reason, he likes this move.

This trick he learned on his own at home, but he has it down so that he was able to jump from higher and land it over and over.

He got a free t-shirt and got it signed by a pro which made him super jazzed as you can imagine. He insisted on wearing it. This was the smallest size they had so he happily skated in what looked like a dress! LOL
There were some seriously good skaters out there. I saw a couple little guys who were doing some difficult jumps and tricks. I watched Zack watch them wondering why he couldn't replicate!

Zack earned his day at the skatepark and the lessons. He has been doing great in school, and recently he has been sharing purposely and even at times when it is something he really doesn't want to share. I'm seeing a lot of growth, and I wanted to reward him in a meaningful way. Little did I know that he'd skateboard from 8AM - 7PM not even stopping to eat!!!! He had tons of water, but no food until I brought something back for him to snack on at around 5ish.
I'll take him there on the weekends when he has reached his goals during the week. I'm hoping that he'll grow into a kid who likes to be involved in many things so that someday in high school he'll want to take part in various "clubs" - chess maybe, band, ummmmmm, he said yes to band, but only if he can play the drums!
Anyone out there have your son in the Boyscouts? Can you tell me about it? I am wondering if this is something to put Zack in.