Saturday, March 31, 2007

Hello from Moscow

We are at McDonalds now which is right across from our hotel and luck me, there are three McDonalds staff members assigned to handling the kids! They have paints tattoos and balloons gallore!!!! YIPPEE! The kids think they have died and gone to heaven. So far, we have spent 2 hours here each day. For any who have traveled extensively, you'll understand what I mean when I say that even though it is McDonalds, it does not taste like McDonalds! But, I have forced down a fillet of fish and an egg mcmuffin. The first "real food" I've had since arriving here! I just can't deal with different foods which is too bad for me! Gina enjoys most of the food so she if fortunate, but she has said that she is starting to smell like a Russian as the odor of the food is coming through her pores!!!!

We are on Arbat Street which is the main tourist street in Moscow. It is pedestrian only so that is nice. There are lots of tables set up like a flee market of sorts. I haven't bought much, but I did get Zack a hat for his gotcha box. I'll post a picture later. He LOVES it!

The kids are adjusting well. Zack has had about 3 time out and he responds well and come full circle very quickly. Sophia has had a few more time out than Zack, but is getting the hang of listening when she is told no to things like chewing a bottle cap and sneakily retrieving it from the trash. I've gotta keep both eyes on her which is okay because Zack and Auntie Gina are busy turning the room upside down doing flips and things of the sort. I can't wait for you to see what this kid can do!

Well, today just relax which is tough cause it is so BORING and our room is YUCKY! The shower water is yellow and the room smells bad. So we'll keep the kids out until they get tired and then back for a nap and then an afternoon of going stir crazy!

Monday - kids go to doctor for medicals and we go to see Red Square
Tuesday - Russian Consulate
Wednesday - US Embassy
Thursday - US Embassy
Friday - HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!

Well, a special hello to ECCU peeps keeping up with the blog. Thanks to all of you who took your curiousity beyond that by helping me to bring Zack and Sophia home. I can't wait for you to meet them!!!!

Gina has been awesome! I can't imagine being here along for the ride and being happy about it cause these last days are pretty YUCK, but she is keeping my spirits high! I thank God for sending me a godly friend who truly has shown such graciousness in joining me in this endeavor!

PAKA - good bye! pics later I hope!

Friday, March 30, 2007

Play by Play #4

Really, I get juice at the big people bar?!!!!

It looks like a front flip, but this is the tail end of one of Zack's back flips! Not for the faint at heart... Do I see him starring with Bam in a movie someday? If you don't know who Bam is, ask someone who is say under 25. This time much to our surprise he decided to use NO hands!!! Thanks for the cool shirt Auntie Stephanie and Uncle Drew!

I wish my bro would put his shoes on so we can go and eat! This room is getting boring!!!

For the written play by play, see Gina's blog! I am too tired to write tonight. I'm not sure if I'll have internet at the next hotel so if you don't hear from me, you'll know why! The kids are happy and adjusting well to hotel life! Zack is constantly calling, Mom mareezeeeka which I gather means look so I spend much time watching him and encouraging him with Bravo (good job)! Sophia calls me momma and gives lots of kisses and hugs! This last picture is her Allie face ( I LOVE my Allie Bob)! So cute and innocent, but i yi yi! :) LOL

I can't wait for them to stay with Auntie Heather and Auntie Allie!!! Oh, and Sophia really wants to meet her friend Jimmy!!!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Play by Play #3

Dinner time Thursday evening! This is "beef broth with greens". Looks like ravioli to me!
The kids LOVED it! They shared and ate it up like it was a bowl full of ice cream or something! They share very well by the way! Zack is always very sure to make sure Sophie gets enough to eat!

After dinner, I gave them a bath and sent them out to Auntie Gina for some night time English lessons! They have these awesome doodles that Tonja bought them (thanks Ton) and we write English words on them and tell them what they say. Zack remembered his name after I had written it once and then wrote it again about 5 minutes later. I think he is going to do well in school. He also knows how to write his letters in cyrillic. Sophia enjoys repeating words and even repeats entire English sentences. I think she'll learn English very quickly.
After the kids slept for about 10 hours, they were very happy to get up, get dressed and go to breakfast! Sophia is getting more and more comfortable with me and with Auntie Gina and her eyes are starting to light up! Can you see it in this picture?

Here Sophia is enjoying her breakfast of frosted flakes and diced fresh fruit which she chased down with some meat and pineapple juice. Her tummy is getting better for sure!

And, Zack was a goof ball this morning! He kept looking down when I'd take a pic and then suddenly voila, he looks up and this is what I snap! Happy boy and happy girl = happy momma!
When you get up Friday morning, we will be heading to the train station to catch the overnight train to Moscow. Our stay in Nizhny Novgorod is coming to a close, and while I will miss aspects of this town, I have to admit that I am eagerly anticipating our departure because it puts us one step closer to home.
I want the kiddos to see their new dome (home) and to meet their new cousins, Josh and Kenny who are going crazy waiting for Zack and Sophia to get home!
Once in Moscow, the kids will have medical checkups and then we will do paperwork at the US Embassy in order to return home. We should be there 3 or 4 days until we are clear to come home.
Zack is EAGERLY anticipating the plane ride! I think Sophia thinks that this tiny room is her new life, and she is pretty darn happy with that.
While here we have met about 5 couples adopting children, and that blessed my heart. There are so many still waiting for homes. While at Sophia's orphanage, a little boy was getting "tutored" and the caretaker opened the door for some reason, he saw me and gave me the biggest smile I have ever seen. It made my heart sad to know that I could not bring him with me as well. There is just such great need, and now that I know the statistics so well, my heart seriously cries for these kids left behind. Pray with me that more families feel led to give these kids homes.
Much love to all!!! The kids are calling and I must run!!!!

Play by Play #2 second post of the day

Here was our outdoor play! It was inside today! I have the camera during this time so no picks of my fun but plenty to show what we did to fill the time!

Okay, so it all started so innocently with one of Zack's favorite faces!Then off came his shirt as he said, "Futbol"!
We didn't know what was coming as he so innocently watched the television screen!

Then the SPINNING began, and I really mean SPINNING!Then Zack excuses himself to use the toilette (nothing is sacred with these two!) AND then look what arrived as he walked out of the bathroom! (back pack and all!)

After this, he played in his underwear for the FIRST time! At the orphanage, he was always in three or four layers of clothes! This kid is an acrobat!!!!

And, somehow he ended up on Auntie Gina's shoulders! He was touching the ceiling and holding on with only one hand! No fear at all...
And, Sophia tries to be like big brother but is not so sure of herself and not quite as coordinated yet. We had a few close calls with the girlie girl who kept stepping off the bed! I can't get her to play dolls yet though! Zack is just her idol right now!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Play by Play

Okay, so it's about 11pm CA time but it's about 9AM here. So far we have gone to breakfast as I described yesterday. The kids had frosted flakes and were in heaven. So far no tummy episodes so their tummies are slowly toughening up.
After breakfast we came back to the room for another very boring day when Zack started talking a lot and saying some phrase over and over. I kept asking him to show me and using sign language to tell him I didn't understand. Finally he just got naked!!!! He then pointed to the bath. Before I knew it Sophia was behind me completely nude too! So today was Zack and Sophia's first bubble bath together!!! Sophia is still way to young to notice that she has a missing part but just in case momma made the bubbles thick!
During the bath, I surprised them with apple juice, and you would have thought I had given them a piece of chocolate cake! Speaking of apples - the kids LOVE them. Strange though that in Russia they eat the entire core and just toss the stem. Josh is going to be shocked. He always asks me, "Do I have to eat both sides of can I just make it look like a 'ballcano'"?

Here are some pics:

Sophia the bubble queen having a blast in the tub! After 3 baths, I think she's finally clean! :)

Zack preparing to soak Sophia! He kept pouring the water over her head which she didn't like, but she'd giggle after catching her breath. I kept saying nyet, but they went back and forth like this for some time and Sophia never squacked despite my attempts to stop the water fall!

Here is Zack in action and Sophia taking it like a girl! Yep, girls rule!

What can bring calm to two little Russian angels? Apple Juice from Momma!!!

Bath Time and Other Things

Okay so both kids are snoring very lightly right now so I have a reprieve to write again. Each day here we go to breakfast at 7:30ish with the kids and eat from the buffet which includes things like beets, cabbbage salad, fruit salad, cold herring, frosted flakes (thank my lucky stars), hot dog looking things that taste bad, porridge with mushrooms, and other things of the sort. I eat toast which is the little tiny toast but it is yummy with buttter and peach preserves! The kids have been having yogurt and fruit salad and a piece of toast. They are having tummy problems. I think they both have a tummy bug which is hard because they can't hold anything down. I have been feeding them bland foods and then staying close to the restroom. Poor babies! It is not easy here to get to a farmacy and if I did, I'm positive they wouldn't understand a word I was saying and I would feel uncomfortable using the meds. I will ask my translator to help me tomorrow. I haven't had a moments time with the translator when an errand to the pharmacy could be run.
Each evening we go to dinner in the restaurant downstairs in the hotel. It is fancy by Russian standards. Tonight the kids were let's just say very naughty. It was like they were overtaken by the spirit of anything that could possibly be trouble! When I would tell Zack nyet, he would say da with this little smirk of defiance. I ended up taking him out for a walk during dinner because he was really disturbing those around him. This ended up being a reward!!! He did acrobats on the stairs and since all eyes are on me in this hotel when the kids are out of the room with me, I just compliantly follow him and keep him safe as I follow. He is definitely a kid who will jump out of planes some day. I love him to pieces.

At dinner, Sophia was mimmicking everything he did only louder so it was becoming quite a mayhem! The language barrier really is a slight issue while in Russia because I can't speak sternly to them as far as using a mother tone because those around me don't know what I am saying, and my best efforts could be misconstrued. Let's just say, I must have said, "Wait til we get to America" about 50 times to Gina. Good thing I have five weeks at home with them. We will be practicing many things! :) I'll bet McDonalds play land will be right up their alley. We'll visit Dennys to learn how to behave in restaurants and work our way up to say Red Robin. LOL
They are just testing the waters right now which is to be expected so I am not too worried about it although I did laugh at dinner because I suddenly was one of those parents who had no control of their children!!!! I think I did say once of Sophia, "I have my little Allie Bob"!!! Me thinks time outs will work for her, right Wanda? :) This after all of the bonding and loving though! I know that the Allies of the world grow up to have huge hearts! I hope I am still alive to enjoy it! LOL
Once back in the room after dinner, each kiddo gets a bath which they LOVE! They have never gotten to take baths before. They are used to being hosed down once a week. So, I let them play much in the tub. I have a few pics of Zack in the tub, but the pics of Sophia were taken wihtout my memory stick in my camera. Chalk that one up to jet lag.

Look at my bubbles! I am having the time of my life in here!!

I don't like getting my hair washed, and I love to drink the bath water like a fish. Momma keeps saying something with the word nyet attached, but until I understand her, it is a fish's life for me!

I'll post more pics of Sophia tomorrow when she takes her bath! She is a little bubble queen too! And, yep, she drinks from the tub as well!!!

Day Three as Mom to Zack and Sophia

That's me somewhere under the game of balloon bop!

Well, let’s see where to begin. We are staying in a hotel room about the size of 4 cubicles and in that room are two twin beds and two make shift beds on the floor. We are wall to wall beds and suitcases! And, we are here for 2 more days with a 3 and 4 year old and no cartoons for most of the day! However, it has been great so far. The kids are very good and very compliant. They respond to nyet (no) and they love to hear Bravo (good job) so things are going well.

Today we went outside for some energy releasing! We took 4 balloons, two for each kid and we just decided to have as much fun as we could until they popped. Well, they didn’t pop for over an hour! The wind was slightly blowing so it was fun to chase the balloons with the kiddos. They were having the time of their lives!

Stephanie, my sis, prepared two little back packs for the kids and they will not part with them as they LOVE having things of their very own. It is adorable. As you’ll see in the pics they even chose to run around with the back packs on their backs.

I would say that it is about 65 degrees outside, but the Russia people still bundle up as though it is winter. I put the kids jackets and hats on them but did not put on the four layers underneath that the orphanage put on them even inside where it is 85 degrees. Poor little Zack was so sweaty when I changed his clothes into his new duds. Lucky Zack will never have to wear tights again! Well, unless he follows in Preston’s footsteps and stars in The Nutcracker someday!

I just can’t help but be reminded of salvation when I look at the kiddos. They are ecstatic just like most Christians are right after they accept Christ into their lives! Everything is brand new, and they have a parent who will love them forever unconditionally. (I am not comparing myself to Christ!) The similarities in the earthly adoption and our salvation are endless. I keep reminding myself that their will also be the training and how does the Bible put it, chastening as well as the fun and excitement. This is like an 18+ year mission's trip! :)

Looking at Zack and Sophia and their response to being rescued from the likelihood of becoming another statistic, I realize how very grateful I ought to be to Christ who rescued me and gave me a new lot on life here on earth and for eternity. He came to earth (not half as comfy as heaven) to save us. I remember this also as I sit in Russia waiting for another 8+ days until I can come back home with the new little Riveras. I can’t wait to share them with my family.

Here are some more pics from today’s fun:

Zack is 100% boy and so very athletic and quite coordinated. I see soccer in his future.

Sophia is a girlie girl but also very full of energy and can nearly keep up with Zack!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The kids are here!

Gina here, posting for Deana who has had a wonderful, but tiring day. She is wiped out!
Zack and Sophia have enjoyed their first day with their Mama!
Will write more later!

Monday, March 26, 2007

I am a Mother!

Sorry that I haven’t posted lately – hopefully you’ve seen the updates Gina has done at . We have been on a rollercoaster – for me, both physically and emotionally. But it seems the hardest part regarding the adoption is over! Court was long (1 hour and 20 minutes) but went well. I have been given the legal right to Zack and Sophia, their birth certificates will now show that I am their Mother!

I am still very tired, but Gina encouraged me to write to all my friends and family. Some of the things I noticed about my children:

1. Sophia has grown much taller, although she is still very thin.
2. Zack’s face seems fuller, although he too seems to have grown – though not as much as Sophia.
3. Sophie’s clothes were tagged with markers, which broke me heart. It seemed as though she is just a number. Soon, that will change for her! I can tell you right now there will NOT be markings on her Juicy Couture jacket (that’s for YOU Heather!)

I can’t wait to have them both in my arms outside of the orphanages! I can’t wait to show them that I AM taking them home and will love them forever! I can’t wait to love on them and nurture them and bring them to their big family, who are all waiting to love them as well. I am ready to get into the car at 7:30 tomorrow, thanking God that it is the last time I will need to drive that long trip but knowing at the end I will have the two little lives that I’ve prayed for for so long!

I am very happy to be a Mother!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Court Date!!!!!

I have a court date of (drum roll please), Monday, March 26th!!!!! Praise God for miracles! Thanks to all who have prayed fervently for Zack and Sophia and also for the timing in which I will get to bring them home.

Please continue to pray not only for my little family, but also, for all of the other kids waiting for their court dates, and also those waiting for someone to claim them as their own. No matter how much work this has been, it is so worth it. I can think of no better way to leave a mark on the world than to extend God's love to those in need.

A special thanks to all of you who have donated to the cause! I have been blessed beyond measure all the way down to the homeless woman who handed my mom $2 for Zack and Sophia! Anyone who knows me knows that those dollar bills are being framed as a sign of God's hand in this entire process of bringing Zack and Sophia into his flock. God has impressed upon me that He has placed people with huge hearts in my midst. I am truly blessed.

And, for the official record, Jim is a softy (unless Gina is misbehaving)!!! :) A special thanks must go out to the MLO team who has prayed over me and down right bathed me in love. What an incredible joy it has been to be a surrogate part of your team!!!!!

The Russian system is so unpredictable that one cannot count on anything as sure, but I have been blessed by God's orchestration of this very special event!!! I give Him all of the glory!

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Well, the new flights are booked and now we just pray that the visas are handled properly so we can get on the road Jack!

Flights only cost a total of about $450 more and the agency will cover that. There will be no layovers and we may not have to stay in Russia as long since the agency is trying to make up for this mix up!

So, we leave next Saturday, March 24th and will return on Friday, April 6th. I am hoping that Zack and Sophia can spend their first Easter with the family this year at babushka's church (where they will be kept very closely with me) followed by lunch at the Queen Mary. We shall see how things work out.

Thanks for your prayers! I appreciate them. The agency point person was very surprised that I did not blow a gasket, but I just looked at it as an opportunity to act Christlike. She kept saying how amazed she was that I was not screaming at her. I just kept asking her what that would change. She says she's going to make it up to me, but we shall see.

Much love to all of you out there praying for me! I so appreciate it! I hate to say it but the main thing I am dreading is going back to work because there it will be evident to me that I should be with Zack and Sophia as I change my leave paperwork and all! God must want me there one more week before my leave, and somehow, me thinks he may be blessing Wanda! :)

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Horrible News

Well, here is the short of it. I am all packed and ready to go when I get just by chance go online and notice an email from my agency. Basically, the email says sorry but we forgot to take care of your visas which expire on March 20th. OOPS! Please call us as soon as possible.

I call and basically and apologized to profusely and told that the agency will cover all change fees and the Visa feess! I have plane tickets that I only paid $612 for so the change fees will be substantial as all of the other tickets I found were $2,400+.

This is a HUGE disappointment! I am just praying that I can get over to Russia next week. The agency must handle my visa and the Russian attorney must reschedule my court date.

I can't even describe how I feel right now. I am so very sad but not crying. I am angry but did not yell at the agency. I guess I am just numb right now. Yep, that's it numb.

God is in control. Please pray for a quick reschedule of this trip and pray for Zack and Sophia as I try my darndest to get to them.

I'll update when I have noteworthy news.

Urgent Notice

Please see the post at


Tuesday, March 13, 2007


It is certain! Gina and I are leaving for Moscow on Sunday!!!! Pray for me as I try to pull things together!!!

Moscow hotels are EXPENSIVE!

Zack and Sophia here I come!!!!!!

Saturday, March 10, 2007


That is a common question lately... Is there any news? Well, I can tell you what I know because what the heck ya'll are wondering which is cool. I did get the call. Now don't get too excited just yet. I do have flight arrangements. Oh, are you getting as jazzed as I did? I have been packing. Are you just going crazy? Well, let me fill you in on the latest news:

I got "the call" last week. I have a "conditional" court date of March 22nd. Why is it conditional? It is conditional because we do not have the letter of release for Sophia just yet. The Russian attorney and judge expect that the letter will arrive to them prior to next Friday which will put me and Gina on a flight on March 18th. Yep, one week from tomorrow.

Now, I have kept this news quiet because it is "conditional". I don't want to get tons of questions or even have people ask me why I am not jumping up and down. I just want to manage my emotions the best I can and expect the worst while hoping for the best.

Please pray with me as I am getting so close to going to get my babies! Thanks for all of the comments! I LOVE hearing from you all!

My family is going to be shocked when they read this blog. Try your best not to ask me what is going on if you work with me, but do keep up with my blog! I want to respect my work hours and not have the boss thinking I'm a wasting precious time!

When I know FOR SURE that I am leaving, I will post it immediately after telling Gina, Wanda, Rona, my precious mom, and my family. In order of those who sit close to me at work and those I'll call.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


......put a new post! I check everyday and need to see a new one. ;)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Time Passages

Last night I had a dream that I was at the park with Zack and Sophia! It was such a real dream that when I woke up, I tried very hard to go back to sleep to recapture the joy of the moment. I know that some day this wait will just be a memory - something which I share with the kids when I share the blessed story of God bringing us together as a family, but right now, it is driving me crazy.

Well, not as crazy as Brittany Spears has been driven! Boy, what a tragic story. It is hard to remember her days on the M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E Club. I guess time does fly, and we can only hope that we make choices that cause time to work in our favor.

So, I'm wondering what choices I can make to make this time of waiting work in my favor. Hmmm...I guess I can work on that cruddy project my boss gave me OR I can clean out my garage OR I could start exercising more often. Perhaps, I could even go on a diet and see how many pounds I can drop before I get back to Russia. Me thinks that any of those things would be better than sitting here worrying about when I will get the call.

Okay so, exercise (I'll start next week)...Diet...right after for sure as I want that thing off my desk...garage...Saturday. I think I may still worry a bit too in the in between time!

Thanks for the Scripture, Kate! I needed it! Today, Diet Coke will be my drug of choice!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Fearless Ice Scraper

Well, just as I suspected another day has begun! Today the sun is shining, but there is a crispness in the air. I had the unusual experience of scraping ice off of the windshield this morning. It was covered solid with a sheet of ice. The windshield wipers weren't touching it! Thank the good Lord for plastic spatulas!

Today will be a somewhat mellow day. I closed a big loan yesterday and made a bunch of people happy. That felt good. Today, I'll be trying to get another client to provide what I need to close yet another loan. Doesn't that sound exciting? No, well, not to me either! I'd rather be meeting the girls for an early game of tennis. Who am I kidding? I'd meet them for an early morning breakfast where I'd enjoy a short stack and an entire bottle of syrup! Yep, the syrup is my downfall and will no doubt be my demise when I die after being told I have diabetes and must give it up. Oh, that day will come. I pray for 20 more years of syrup pleasure!!!

Right now Zack and Sophia are winding down after a busy day and preparing to go to bed in about an hour which will be 8:00PM Russia time. I wonder if they are thinking about me and wondering if I'll really come back for them. I wonder if Sophia holds her precious doll tightly and hopes. I wonder if Zack is hoping to play balloon bopping with me again. Is his little mind hoping that they are telling the truth and his momma will return?

I can't wait to see the smile on their faces when I do indeed show up to bring them home. I am excited at the thought of them getting to ride in a car, have shoes all their own (that ones for you Janet!), take a bubble bath instead of being hosed down once a week, enjoy toys of their own, learn who Mickey Mouse is and even more importantly learn about their heavenly father who will never leave them nor forsake them.

Today, I am filled with wonders... These wonders make everything else in my life that causes stress pale.